Ch. 8: Political Geography Flashcards
A permanent population and independent from control of its internal affairs by other states
State (or country)
Independence from the central of its internal affairs by other states
Was created to maintain peace after World War II
UN (United Nations)
The right to govern themselves
A state that contains more than one ethnicity (e.g. U.S.A.)
Multi-ethnic state
A state whose population is made up of two or more nation
Multinational state
Territory that is legally joined to a sovereign state and is not completely self-governing
An invisible line that marks the extent of a state’s territory
Cultural remnants of previous frontiers and boundaries (e.g. Berlin Wall)
Relic/Old boundary
Using lines of latitude and longitude and their associated arcs
Geometrical boundary
A boundary based on geographical features of the Earth’s surface
Physical boundary
Drawn after existing settlement patterns already existed
Subsequent boundary
Drawn around a cultural group (e.g. Nunavut)
Consequent boundary
Boundaries that existed before the settlement of the land
Antecedent boundary
Important narrow areas that connect two larger areas ( the Suez Canal)
Choke Point
Lacks a direct outlet to the sea because it is completely surrounded by other states
Landlocked states
Country in which citizens elect leaders and can run for office
Country that is run according to the interests of the ruler
When a country takes back land that may have previously been owned by it (e.g. Russia and Ukraine)
Division of the water surface of the planet info. areas determined by physical and human geography
Maritime boundary
Mixture of democracy and autonomy
Places most power in the hands of control government officials
Unitary state
Autocates strong power to units of local government within the country
Federal state
Redrawing voting districts to solidify power through the use of boundaries to ensure one party will not have the majority vote
A condition of roughly equal strength between opposing alliances
Balance of power
To maintain bipolar balance of power in Europe
NATO (North Alliance Treaty Organization)
Calls upon member states to supply troops
OSCE (Organization on Security and Cooperation in Europe)
Promotes social, cultural, political, and economic links among member states
OAS (Organization of American States )
Founded it to end colonialism in Africa
AU (African Union)
Seek economic and cultural cooperation
The Commonwealth
Purpose of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea
Access to resources
Countries that are internally divided and have an unstable government of a result of unrest of cross-border conflicts (e.g. North and South Korea)
Shatter belt
Communities and groups of people
A state whose population is only a portion of a nation (e.g. Arabia)
A nation that has no state or is divided into several states (e.g. Palestine)
stateles nation
Popular in Mesopotamia and Greece
Use of economic, political, cultural, or other pressures to control other countries
Ended the colonial era in the 20th century (can be violent)
European countries paid no attention to where national, language, cultural groups, or empire boundaries existed
Scramble for Africa (Berlin Conference)
Portion of the state of separated from the main part of the state by another country
State surrounded by another state
Ideology that claims to express o fthe will of the people which some enemy is supposedly oppressing