Ch 7: Technology Flashcards
Define technology.
Input → technology (Production process) → outputs
Definition: the information, equipment, techniques and processes required to transform inputs into outputs.
What´s Process production (Woodward)?
Process production (high level of complexity, highly standardized and continuously processing technology), highly automated continuous process procedures e.g. oil and chemical refiners.
What´s mass production (Woodward)?
Mass production (moderate level of complexity, mass produced technology), motor-cars, refrigerators etc.
What´s unit production (Woodward)?
Unit production (low level of complexity, technology where units are custom made and work is non-routine), e.g. locomotives, turbines etc.
What´s typical for a small-batch and unit production?
- manufacture small order to meet highly specific customer needs
- custom work is the norm
- relies heavily on human operator
- highly skilled human operator
- sophisticated computerized machinery is used for the production process
What´s typical for a large-batch and mass customization production?
- long production runs
- standard parts
- outputs goes to inventory
- customers do not have special needs
What´s typical for a continuous process production?
- entire process is mechanized and automated
- there is no start or stopping
- mechanization & standardization
- machines and software control process
- outcome is highly predictable
What´s task variability and problem analyzability according to Perrow?
Task variability: number of exceptions encountered in performing a task
few exceptions → low task variability (e.g. assembly line production)
many exceptions → high task variability (e.g. doctors?)
Problem analyzability: type of search procedures followed to find successful methods for adequately responding to task exceptions
well defined, analyzable (music studio)
ill-defined, unanalyzable (Trump)
Mention Perrows 4 different technologies.
- Craft: limited exceptions & relatively difficult problems
- Non-routine: many exceptions & difficult-to-analyze problems
- Routine: few exceptions & easy to analyze problems
- Engineering: many exceptions, but they are easy to solve (rules & regulations)
What did Thompson mean by Technological uncertainty?
- Technology determines the selection of a strategy to reduce uncertainty (more of a environmental theory)
- Specific structural arrangements can facilitate uncertainty reductions
What´s the Long-linked technology (Thompson)?
Long-linked technology (e.g. LEGO)
- a fixed sequence of connecting steps
- sequential interdependence
- uncertainty: inputs and outputs of organization
- moderate complexity, moderate formalization
What´s the Mediating technology (Thompson)?
Mediating technology (e.g. recruitment agencies, banks etc.)
- the process of linking together different clients in need of each other’s services
- pooled interdependence, two or more units each contribute separately to a larger unit.
- uncertainty: potential dependence on few clients
- increase number of clients
- diversification of portfolio
- low complexity, high formalization
What´s the Intense technology (Thompson)?
Intense technology (e.g. universities, hospitals etc.)
- specialized response by the utilization of a wide range of customized responses, depending on the nature and variety of the problems
- reciprocal interdependence, the outputs of units affects each other in a reciprocal (ömsesidig) way.
- uncertainty: the problem itself
- high complexity, low formalization
Galbraith talked about the degree of uncertainty, what did he mean by that?
Uncertainty is “the difference between the amount of information required to perform a task and the amount of information already possessed by the organization”
Mention the general strategies to handle uncertainty (Galbraith).
- rules and programs (formalization)
- hierarchical referral to a manager higher up the hierarchy
- goal or target setting
What´s inculded in Galbraiths Option 1 solution to handle ineffectiveness?
Option 1: reduce need for information processing
- creation of slack resources (additional resources such as more time or reduction of performance levels)
- creation of self-contained tasks (reducing complexity of creating groups that all necessary resources to complete their task - self-managing teams)
What´s inculded in Galbraiths Option 2 solution to handle ineffectiveness?
Option 2: increase capacity to process information
- investment in vertical informations systems (ICT)
- creation of lateral relations (improve communication systems between groups/teams - project managers, ICT)
What´s a CIM (computer-integrated manufacturing)?
A manufacturing process controlled by computers, which brings together all aspects of the production process.
Describe the relationship between technology and complexity.
- routine technology → low complexity
- non-routine technology → high complexity
Describe the relationship between technology and formalization.
- routine technology makes it easier for management to implement rules and other formalized regulations
- non-routine technologies demands control systems that are more discrete and flexible
- technology and formalization is strongly correlated with size and that the relationship should be used for small organizations or activities near the operating core.