Ch 7 - Planning + Goals Flashcards
Definitions: Goal? Plan? Planning?
How do they all combine?
Goal: desired future circumstance or condition that the organization attempts to realize
Plan: blueprint for goal achievement specifying the necessary resource allocations, schedules, tasks, and other actions (individual components that go into goal)
Planning: determining the organization’s goals and defining the means for achieving them
Goal + plan = planning
What is the difference between mission statements and vision statements?
mission = reason the org exists, broad direction we want to go in, why different from others, basis for rest of org strategy and plans (~next 5 years, can change)
vision = what do we want to be when we grow up? (long term, doesnt change)
difference is length and changeability
What are the levels of goals and plans?
1: mission statement!
2: strategic goals/plans
- whiole org
- executed by senior management
- long term
- org activiies and resource allocations
3: tactical goals/plans
- major divisions/functions
- middle management
- short term
- what depts do to accomplish specific parts of org strategy
4: operational goals/plans
- actual actions
- departments and individuals
- lower management
- precise, measurable, quantitative terms for goals
- schedules!
Which of the following would be part of a goal, rather than part of a plan?
a) Launch a social media campaign on Facebook to increase product awareness
b) Obtain data regarding customer satisfaction with new product features
c) Improve production so that defects occur less than 1% of the time
d) Find contract information for at least three alternate suppliers for each of the company’s products’ inputs
c) Improve production so that defects occur less than 1% of the time
Give an example of each type of goal for a health care org
Mission: Contribute to community health and well-being by providing the best care to every patient.
Strategic goal: Put patients’ needs above all else.
Tactical goals: Improve quality of care; reduce costs; promote wellness.
Operational goals: Provide empathy training; invest in innovations; create care paths; implement electronic health records; cut supply costs; provide healthy lifestyle programs.
What is the organizational plannin process?
- Develop the plan (define mission, vision, set goals, manage goal conflict)
- translate the plan (define tactical plans/goals, straety map, contingency plans)
- plan operations (define operational plans/goals, measuralbe targets, stretch goals, crisis planning)
- perf management (MBO, single use plans, standing plans)
- monitor and learn (planning reviews, operational reviews aka ‘we wanted to be here, are we?’)
How does mission statement affect success of an organization?
- without one, gials and plans will be formed haphazardly without a main guiding principle - may even contradict each other
- one of the defining attributes of successful companies is that they have a clear mission that guides decisions and actions
What are the main ways to manage goal conflict?
a) build a coalition = alliance of people who support managers and influence efforts toward achieving goals (mger must talk to people all over org to understand their persp
b) modify goals by time or location = when org has many simultaneous goals, change time (by doing one first, etc.) or location (by putting people for one goal in same place, etc)
c) address conflicts with debate and dialogue = dont let issues simmer
d) break down barriers and promote cross-silo cooperation = arrange face-to-face meetings or task forces across departments, develop conflict resolution procedures, and espouse values of collabiration
e) manager departures = conflicts sometimes lessened or resolved when managers who support a particular goal leave the organization
What is a strategy map? What is the benefit?
map = visual representations of the key drivers of an organization’s success
benefit = best org goals are those that are aligned, mutually supportive nad consistent because makes it that achievement of lower goals helps higher goals
What are the criteria for effective goals?
relevant/have a reward
time bound
and according to tb: cover key result areas but thats kinda obvs
What are 3 different approaches to planning that are typically used for performance management? What is one important thing to also include as a manager when planning for performance management?
management by objectives
single-use plans
standing plans
important to include KPIs! (measure the things that are actually important to the org, so can see success/progress)
What is management by ojectives? management by means?
MBO = managers and employees define goals for every department, project, and person, use them to check performance
MBM = new systemic approach that focuses attention on the methods and processes used to achieve goals
What are the steps of MBO? how go through these steps?
- set goals
- develop action plans
- review progress (also incl taking corrective action if needed)
- appraise overall performance
circular process! go from 3 to step 2 if needed, and 4 back to 1 once goal acheived!
What are the benefits of MBO?
- focuses mger and empl efforts on activities that relat to actual goal
- can improve perf at all org levels
- improves empl motivation (they actually care!)
- aligns ind and dept goals w/ org goals
What are single use plans? What about standing plans?
single use = developed to achieve objectives that are not likely to be repeated in the future (programs, projects)
standing = provide guidance for tasks or situations that occur repeatedly within the organization (org policies, rules, prcedures) – these get tweaked but stick around alwasy
What are the benefits of planning? Limitations?
Benefits: goals and plans…
- Provide a source of motivation and commitment, erduce uncertainty
- Guide resource allocation
- Are a guide to action
- Set a standard of performance
Limitations: goals and plans…
- Can create too much pressure 9can result in unethical behaviour)
- Can create a false sense of certainty (plan /= knowing the future)
- May cause rigidity in a turbulent environment
- Can get in the way of intuition and creativity
What methods can you use for planning in a turbulent environment?
a) Contingency planning: define company responses for emergencies, setbacks, or unexpected conditions
b) Scenario building: look at current trends and discontinuities and visualize future possibilities
c) Crisis planning: prepare org, mgmt, and empl.s to cope with catastrophic events that could destroy the firm (practice different crazy events - what if plane crashes into the office?)
d) Stretch goals: reasonable yet highly ambitious and compelling goals - extreme difficult and extreme novelty = energize people and inspire excellence
What are the essential stages of crisis planning? What is the process of the second stage?
- prevention = try to prevent crises, detect warning signs of potential crises (build relationships w/ stakeholders, look at env signals)
- preparation = detailed planning to handle crisis when it occurs
1) designate crossfunctional crisis mgmt team + spokesperson (ex: anthony fauci)
2) create detailed crisis mgmt plan (CMP) **should be reviewed and changed regularly
3) set up effective communication system