Ch 18 - Teams Flashcards
What is a team? What are the 3 components of teams?
= a unit of two or more people who interact and coordinate their work to accomplish a common goal to which they are committed and hold themselves mutually accountable
1) made up of two or more people
2) interact regularly
3) share a performance goal
How are putting together a team and teamwork different?
puttnig together team can just be throwing people together
teamwork involves bringing together right sets of people, defining roles, focusing everyone on the mission
What is a crucial aspect of teams
What are teh 5 requirements of teamwork?
1) focus on a shared mission
2) pull together inthe same direction
3) trust one another
4) communicate their objectives and needs
5) are willing to sacrifice fr te team
What are the contributions of teams? What do these all combine to give an organization?
1) creativity and innovation = diverse skills leads to more innovatino
2) improved quality = closely cooordinated allows each to give best in their area rather than one persn trying to be best at everything (wuality across broad spectrum!)
3) speed of response = small so can mov eefast
4) high productivity, low costs = SOCIAL FACILITATION means presencce of others enhance ones own performance
5) enhanced motivatino and satisfactino = belongingness and affiliation needs are filfilled!
= give: stronger comp adv and higher overall org perf
What are the different types of teams?
a) functinoa
b) cross functinol
c) self managed/agile teams
d) virtual gteams
What are functinoal teams?
composed of a manager and subordinates in the formal chain of command
- can include 3-4 levels of hierarchy
- oft just a single dept
aka command team
What is a cross functional team? What is a task force? A special-pirpise team?
composed of employees from about the same hierarchical level, but from different areas of expertise
task force = type of cross functional team, employees from diff departments formed to deal with a specific activity and existing only until that task is completed
special purpose = also type of cross func, created OUTSIDE THE FORMAL STRUCTURE to undertake a project of special importance, such as developing a new product (vibe of ambidextrous org kinda, or like skunkworks teams)
–> short term, project based teams like hollywood makup artists etc working on new productions
What is a self amnaged team? Who is the boss? What is the benefit of this type of team?
typically consisting of 5 to 20 multiskilled workers who rotate jobs to produce at least one complete aspect or portion of a product or service
entire team becomes the boss –> deal with problems collectively, hire someone collectively, etc
benefit = employees feel challenged, find their work meaningful, develop stronger sense of identity with org
What is an agile team?
a team that is small, focused on one aspect of a larger project, and has complete responsibility and all needed member expertise to produce its product or service. team governs itself WITHIN AN ORG COMPOSED OF AGILE TEAMS
What are characteristics of agile team?
1) small = 3 to 6 people
2) employees from different functional areas
3) fpcus on solutions for small manageable components of
larger, complex problems = integrated into a comprehensive whole
4) extremely close relationships with their customers
5) empowered to innovate and problem solve on their own
6) a daily 15-minute meeting for problems, progress, make commitments
7) embrace a mindset and culture of agile thinking
You and four other department managers have been asked to form a team to examine ways in which the organization can highlight safety and encourage workers to help make their environment safer. This kind of team is a
a) self-managed team
b) vertical team
c) virtual team
d) cross-functional team
d) cross-functional team
What is a virtual team? Benefits? Chalenges?
group made up of geographically or organizationally dispersed members who are linked primarily through advanced information and telecommunications technologies
–> can be local, national, or global, with members coming
from one firm or many
- ability to assemble the most talented group of people
- diverse mix of people can fuel creativity and innovation
- save employees time and cut travel expenses
- building rapport and trust!!
What is global team? biggerst challenge?
cross-border team made up of members of different nationalities whose activities span multiple countries
must bridge gaps of time, distance, and culture
–> Different cultural attitudes can affect work
pacing, team communications, decision making, the perception of deadlines, and provide a rich breeding ground for misunderstandings and conflict
What are critical areas that managers should address when leading virtual teams or remote workers?
1) Find ways to build trust and relationships = face to face at least once so they can build trust, unstructured video chats and encouraging social networking also good for keeping relatinoships, respect diversity
2) Shape team culture = create psychologically safe virtual environment (leaders set the example), enable team members to share their unique experiences + skills, rotate meetings so one time zone isnt preferential treatment/
3) Monitor progress = Reward people via online ceremonies and recognition, motivate dispersed people with novel treats and experiences
What is the personal dilemma of teamwork?
- We have to give up our independence (must depend on how well other people perform, dont get everything you want)
- We have to put up with free riders
–> Free rider: a team member who attains benefits from team membership but does not actively participate in and contribute to the team’s work - Teams are sometimes dysfunctional = didnt make it through formation process successfully (“The best groups will be better than their individual members, and the worst groups will be worse than the worst individual”)
What are 5 common dysfunctions of teams?
- Lack of trust: People don’t feel safe to reveal mistakes,
share concerns, or express ideas. (vs trust = comfortable being vunerable) - Fear of conflict: People go along with others for
the sake of harmony; they don’t express conflicting
opinions. (vs Healthy conflict: feel comfortable
disagreeing) - Lack of commitment: If people are afraid to express
their true opinions, it’s difficult to gain their true
commitment to decisions. (vs Commitment: all ideas put on the tables so can achieve genuine buy-in) - Avoidance of accountability: People don’t accept
responsibility for outcomes; they engage in fingerpointing when things go wrong (vs Accountability: Members hold one another accountable) - Inattention to results: Members put their personal
ambition or the needs of their individual departments
ahead of the collective results (vs results orientation: Collective results define success)
What 3 outcomes is team effectiveness based on?
1) Satisfaction: the team’s ability to meet the personal needs of its members and hence maintain their membership and commitment
2) Productive output: performance and the quality and quantity of task outputs as defined by team goals
3) Capacity to adapt and learn: ability of teams to bring greater knowledge and skills to job tasks and enhance the organization’s ability to respond to new threats or opportunities in the environment
What are the organizational context factors that influence team effectiveness? Once moved within the organizatinola context, what other factors are to be considered?
- overall leadership
- vision
- strategy
- environment
- culture
- systems for controlling and rewarding employees
within org context, teams are defined
- by type (formal, agile, functional, etc)
- by team composition
What team composition characteristics must be consdiered? What ideal for each?
1) Size = Best performing teams are three to six members (ex: two pizza rule)
2) Diversity = A variety of functional areas and skills, thinking styles, and personal characteristics produces innovative solutions
3) Member roles = Focus on both task performance and social satisfaction
What are teh two types of member roles? Behaviours of each?
A) Task specialist role: member who helps the team reach its goal
–> behaviours: Initiate ideas, Give opinions, ask for relevant facts, Summarize, Energize team into action
B) Socioemotional role: member who supports team members’ emotional needs and strengthens the social entity
–> behaviours: Encourage, reconcile conflicts, Reduce tension, agree with team ideas, Compromise
What are the stages of team development? WHo cam eup with this?
who= bruce tuckman
1) forming = orientation and getting acquainted (“What is expected of me?”, “What behavior is acceptable?”, “Will I fit in?”)
2) storming = (healthy) conflict, disagreement (if cant get past this stage, may get bogged down and never achieve high performance) **everyone needs to speak though!
3) norming = establishment of order and cohesion (Consensus on who has power, who leaders are, what members’ roles are)
4) performing = problem solving and accomplishing the assigned task
5) adjoiurning = task completion, wrapping up and gearing down, feedback, disbanding with a ritual or ceremony
What is team cohesiveness? What are the structure and context determinants of cohesiveness?
the extent to which members are attracted to the team and motivated to remain in the team = want people to understand the dependency + need to do good for team not just self
structure determinants:
1) Team interaction (time spent developing team dynamic)
2) Shared goals
3) Personal attraction to the team = members have similar attitudes + values
context determinants:
1) competition with other teams
2) team success and the favorable evaluation of the team by outsiders (recognitino = higher team commitment)
What are the main outcomes of team cohesiveness?
1) Morale = bc increased communicaiton, loyalty, participation
2) Productivity = research says strong feelings of connectedness and generally positive interactions mean better perf
What is a team norm? What are improtant ones to have>
= informal guidelines that establish agreed-upon behaviors about how the team’s work will get done and what members can expect from each other = provide a frame of reference for what is expected and acceptable
Important team norms
1) Psychological safety = mutual trust and respect, team members are comfortable being themselves
– a) emotional expression = comfortable enough to express
their emotions as well as thoughts, can joke & share stories
– b) social sensitivity = people are sensitive to and inquire into one another’s moods and emotions (body language, etc)
2) Equal participation = everyone gets a chance to talk!
What are the ways team norms develop?
1) critical event sin team history (stories, memories)
2) primacy: first-behavoiur precedents
3) carryober from other expeirnces
4) explicit statements from leader or members (deciding what expected etc)
What are the types of conflict? Should all be avoided or are some beneficial?
Task conflict: disagreements about the goals to be achieved or the tasks to be performed
Relationship conflict: interpersonal incompatibility that creates tension and personal animosity among people
task conflict lead to better decision making + problem solving
relationship conflicct not good and redcues effectiveness
What happens with a good balance between conflict and cooperation? What about bad ba;ance?
good balance = reduce groupthink
bad balance:
1 too much conflict, too focusued on personal issues, or not well managed = damage morale and productivity!
2 Low conflict = can mean groupthink or other ineffective team dynamics
what are main causes of conflict in a team?
a) Competition over resources
b) Goal differences
c) Communication breakdown
d) Trust issues **especially virtual teams
e) Lack of nonverbal cues
f) Faultlines: hypothetical dividing lines based on one or more demographic characteristics of members, such as age, race, or ethnicity, or on nondemographic characteristics, such as personal values or attitudes
What are some techniques for confronting and resolving conglicts?
- superordinate goals, which require the cooperation of all to achieve
- bargaining/ negotiation
- mediation
- providing well‑defined tasks
- facilitating communication
What are the conflict styles? When is each best used?
- Dominating (my way) = uncooperative + assertive
–> use when quick decisoin needed on important issue - Accommodating (your way) = cooperative + unassertive
–> when realize youre wrong, when issue more improtant to others - Avoiding (no way) = uncooperative + unassertive
–> use when issue is trivial, no chance of winning, need to delay - Compromising (half way) = mid cooperative mid assertive
–> when goals on both sides are equally importnat, when have equal power, want to split the difference - Collaborating (our way) = cooperative + assertive
–> when both sides are too important to be compromised, when need commitment from both sides, when need both parties to win (communicate to split the lemon!)
What are the ways of expressing conflict?
High directness–high intensity: a person aggressively expresses conflict (ex: shouting, scowling, or eye rolling)
High directness–low intensity: a person expresses conflict in a low-voltage manner; most constructive approach, using listening, debating, and deliberating (ex: asking questions, listening, debating, deliebrating)
Low directness–high intensity: a person ambiguously uses aggressive tactics (ex: ignoring another’s viewpoint, bullying, back-stabbing, undermining opponent to third parties)
Low directness–low intensity: a person ambiguously uses low-key tactics (ex: withholding information an opponent needs or deliberately missing a deadline)
What is negotiation? Types
Negotiation = people engage in give-and-take discussions and consider various alternatives to reach a joint decision that is acceptable to both parties
a) Integrative negotiation: win-win approach assumes that all parties want to come up with a creative solution that can benefit both sides of the conflict = “expand the pie”
b) Distributive negotiation: win-lose approach is competitive and adversarial = pie size is fixed, each want win meaning other loses
What are the rules to reach a win win solutuon?
a) Separate the people from the problem - what is problem for both and solutino for both?
b) Focus on underlying interests, not current demands
c) Listen and ask questions - better understand what looking for/underlying needs
d) Insist that results be based on objective standards