Ch. 7 - Functional Assessments Flashcards
What is the purpose of bend and lift screen? What deviations are necessary to observe? What does each deviation indicate?
Bend and lift screen purpose: Examine symmetrical lower body mobility and stability AND upper body stability. Deviations: Knees inward = adductors, TFL tight. Glutes underactive. Excessive forward lean (unable to achieve parallel) = lack of dorsiflexion, tight plantarflexors Back excessively arches = TIGHT hip flexors, back extensors, lats. WEAK core, glutes, hamstrings. Back rounds forward = TIGHT lats, teres major, pecs. WEAK upper back extensors. Head downward = increased hip and trunk flexion Head upward = compression tightness of the cervical extensor region
Lumbar dominance in a squat indicates what?
Lack of core and glute strength.
Quad dominance in a squat is risky why?
Heavier load on the knees, risking the ACL.
Glute dominance is the preferred method of squatting why?
It spares the lumbar spine and protects the knees.