Ch 7: Disorders of the Eyes & Lids Flashcards
The major risk from contact lens wear is _________, ______, or ______ corneal infections.
bacterial, amebic, fungal
p. 164
What is the most common eye disease?
The disease can be caused by…
….bacteria, viruses, allergies, or chemical irritants.
What are most cases of conjunctivitis due to?
Viral or bacterial (including gonococcal and chlamydial) infection.
What is the most common cause of viral conjunctivitis?
In viral conjunctivitis, there is usually _________ disease with copious watery discharge, often with marked foreign body sensation, and a follicular conjunctivitis.
What is a hordeolum?
Hordeolum is a common staphylococcal abscess. It causes a localized red, swollen, acutely tender area on the upper or lower lid. Pain tends to be proportional the amount of edema.
What is chalazion?
Chalazion is a common granulomatous inflammation of a meibomian gland that may follow an internal hordeolum. It is characterized by a hard, NONTENDER swelling on the upper or lower lid with redness and swelling of the adjacent conjunctiva.
Chalazion can get large enough to impress the cornea, which distorts vision.
What is the treatment for hordeolum?
Warm compresses are helpful, (at least 4 times daily for 20 minutes each time).
An antibiotic ointment (bacitracin or erythromycin) applied to the eyelid every 3 hours.
Incision may be indicated if resolution does not begin within 48 hours.
What is the treatment for chalazion?
Treatment is usually by incision and curettage by an ophthalmologist but corticosteroid injection may also be effective.
What is blepharitis?
Blepharitis is a common chronic bilateral inflammatory condition of the lid margins. It will cause eyelid irritation, burning, itching, erythema and crusting of the lid margins.
What does anterior blepharitis involve?
Anterior blepharitis involves the eyelid skin, eyelashes, and associated glands. It may be ulcerative, because of infection by staphylococci, or seborrheic in association with seborrhea of the scalp, brows, and ears.
What is the meibomian gland?
pronounced my-boe-me-an
one of the long sebaceous glands of the eyelids that discharge a fatty secretion (meibum) which lubricates the eyelids; may also be called a tarsal gland
In humans, more than __ different proteins have been identified in meibomian gland secretions.
What does posterior blepharitis result from?
Posterior blepharitis results from inflammation of the meibomian glands. There may be bacterial infection, particularly with staphylococci, or primary glandular dysfunction, in which there is a strong association with acne rosacea.
What signs/symptoms are seen in anterior blepharitis?
In anterior blepharitis, the eyes are “red-rimmed” and scales or granulations can be seen clinging to the lashes.
What signs/symptoms are seen in posterior blepharitis?
In posterior blepharitis, the lid margins are hyperemic with telangiectasias, and the meibomian glands and their orifices are inflamed. The lid margin is frequently rolled inward to produce a mild entropion, and the tears may be frothy or abnormally greasy.
Blepharitis is a common cause of recurrent ______________.
Both anterior and, more particularly, posterior blepharitis may be complicated by ________ or ________.
hordeola or chalazia
What is trichiasis?
a turning inward of the eyelashes often causing irritation of the eyeball
Anterior blepharitis is usually controlled by ___________ of the lid margins, eyebrows, and scalp. Scales should be removed from the lids daily with a hot wash cloth or a damp cotton applicator and baby _______. In acute exacerbations, an __________________ antibiotic eye ointment, such as bacitracin or erythromycin, is applied daily to the lid margins. Antibiotic ___________ studies may be helpful in severe cases.
In mild posterior blepharitis, regular meibomian gland __________ may be sufficient to control symptoms. Inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea indicates a need for more active treatment, including long-term low-dose ____ antibiotic therapy, usually with ____________ (250 mg twice daily), doxycycline (100 mg daily), minocycline (50–100 mg daily), or erythromycin (250 mg three times daily), and possibly short-term topical corticosteroids, e.g., prednisolone, 0.125% twice daily. Topical therapy with antibiotics, such as _____________ 0.3% ophthalmic solution twice daily, may be helpful but should be restricted to short courses.
Entropion is….
It occurs occasionally in older people as a result of…
….an inward turning of usually the lower lid.
….degeneration of the lid fascia.
Surgery is indicated for entropion if the lashes rub on the ______. _________ _____ injections may also be used for temporary correction of the involutional lower eyelid entropion of older people.
Botulinum toxin
When you examine the eye, you really only have one of your four diagnostic tools to use: __________.
For the fundoscopic exam, it is a really systematic exam. Start ________ and go to the lateral aspect of the retina, begin with the optic disc and end with the fovea
Remember to use your ____ eye and hand for your patient’s right eye. Your head with the ophthalmoscope move as a single unit…
Inspection of the Optic Disc:
Check the margins: they should be round or slightly oval with _____ borders.
Color: _______ in light skinned people and yellow-orange in darker pigmented people
Physiologic Cup: the central part of the disc penetrated by retinal vessels…. cup to disc ratio should be ___ - ___.
Retinal Vessels: arteries are smaller than veins, from 2/3 to 4/5 the size of the veins
Inspect the vessels in 4 directions: superior temporal, superior nasal, inferior temporal, and inferior nasal
Macula: is _________ area with a pinpoint reflective center (the _____).
Macula is about 2 disc diameters from the optic disc.
0.1 - 0.5
[from EENT powerpoint lecture]