Ch 7 Bringing Cheese To The Marketplace Flashcards
What portion of FSMA protects food contamination during transport?
Rule on Sanitary transport of Human and animal food (2016)
The Rule on Sanitary transport of Human and animal food of FSMA applies to whom?
Shippers, receivers, loaders who receive food by motor vehicle or rail
What information should a cheesemaker have when pitching products to a potential customer
- price of the product
- how will product get to customer
- cost of getting product to customer
- handling and storage tips
- shelf life
- milk source/farm location
- details of cheesemaking operation
- details of maturing operations
When setting a price for cheese, what should the cheesemaker take into account when setting the price?
- cost of materials and labor
- cost of maturation
- utility cost
- overhead costs (ex: insurance)
What are some advantages to using a separate affinuer to age cheese?
- frees up the cheesemaker labor and expense from maturing, selling and shipping their own cheeses
- improves cash flow ($ no longer tied up in aging cheese)
- allows focus to shift to producing good cheese
What are some disadvantages of using a separate affineur?
- cheese makers relinquish control
- may not get credit for cheese (becomes invisible supplier)
- adds additional step in production chain; opens up opportunities for potential contamination
What should be outlined in a contract between cheesemaker and affineur?
- exact nature of the relationship (is affineur buying the cheese or simply aging and returning once mature)
- when does the cheese become the responsibility of the affineur?
- who is liable is something goes wrong?
- how will it be marketed and sold? Both names on labeling?
- once sold, how are profits distributed?
- changes in recipe?
What is a key consideration when selling directly to small retailers or restaurants?
- may have smaller quantities of cheese needs. May need to sell partial/mixed cases or pre cut pieces from larger wheels
What are some pros to selling at a farmers market for cheese makers?
- can charge retail prices
- can make direct contact with customers
- great for small scale producers
What is an example of an Approved Supplier Program?
The Retail Consortium (WFM, Wegmans, Lund Food Holdings)
- established base levels of food safety standards
Why should a cheese maker retain some product from each batch produced?
- check that the cheese conforms to all required testing and requirements
Once products have been released, what records should be maintained at the producer?
- product name and identification
- confirmation of product checks
- product disposition (release/quarantine/hold)
When thinking about the flow of a product, how should the food chain be set up?
In a forward motion. Food should never have to go backwards through the chain or go through the same area twice
Can finished, packaged goods move through the aging rooms?
If “forward flow” is not possible at a facility, what steps should be taken to ensure safe product?
- cleaning/sanitizing packing areas before food is brought in and once removed
- self closing doors between areas
- all packages inspected for foreign objects (metal, etc)
In a packing room, what elements need to be included in the design?
- surfaces and drains need the ability to be cleaned and sanitized (floors, walls, ceilings)
- all equipment 6” off floor
- dedicated handwashing sinks and foot baths
- 3 compartment sink or equivalent for cleaning/sanitizing equipment
- lighting with safety glass
- positive air pressure and hood ventilation to allow mold spores out and keep pests from entering
Where should packing materials be stored?
Only what is needed to complete the days packing should be allowed into the space. Additional inventory should be kept in a separate, designated area at the facility.
Once complete, any leftover packaging should be returned to inventory space
What temperature should the packaging room be kept at for food safety purposes?
What is an essential step when packaging different types of cheese within the same facility?
Ensuring that all equipment is cleaned and sanitized between each product to prevent cross contamination between cheeses.
What should be the main consideration when choosing hand tools used in packaging cheese?
The ability to clean and sanitize
When should knives be cleaned, especially when cutting cheeses with a moldy surface?
Between each batch to reduce cross contamination from one batch to another
What is the length of a double handed wire, and what type of cheese is best to cut with this type of tool?
Large wheels
What is the advantage of using a cheese wire over a knife when cutting?
Reduces drag against the paste of the cheese