Ch 7 Flashcards
crime general principles
-a crime is conduct that is prohibited and punished by a government
-classified as common law or statutory
-misdemeanors are punishable by less than one year in prison
-felonies are punishable by more than one year in prison
-felonies are punishable by more than one year in prison
basis of criminal liability
mental state
act or omission
responsibility for criminal acts
-corporate liability: corporations are held liable for the acts of their employees
-officers and agents of corporations: can be liable for employees’ conduct if they know and failed to act
-federal laws targeting office and director criminal responsibility: penalties and jail terms have increased, but there must be proof
-penalty for crime: forfeiture
indemnification of crime victims
-penalties are paid to the government, who may use fines to assist victims
-defendants may be ordered to pay restitution
agreements to commit an unlawful act
money laundering
racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations (RICO) act: designed to prevent those involved in organized crime from investing money obtained through racketeering in legitimate businesses
-expanding usage: predicate act, qualifying underlying offense
act of giving money, property, or a benefit to a person to influence their judgement
commercial bribery
an agent for another is paid or given something of value to make a decision on behalf of he principal that benefits the party paying the agent
when a public officer makes an illegal demand
extortion demands made by a nonpublic official
corrupt influence
-foreign corrupt practice act: federal antibribery and anticorruption statute
the fraudulent making of a document or coin that appears to be genuine but is not
fraudulent making or material altering of an instrument that attempts to create or change a legal liability of another, uttering: issuing or delivering the forged instrument
knowingly giving false testimony in a judicial proceeding under oath
false claims and pretenses
false claims
obtaining goods by false pretenses
false information submitted to banks
bad check
passing a check with intent to defraud or knowing that there are insufficient funds