3 - Ch 50 Flashcards
an agreement between the owner of property and a tenant by which the former agrees to give possession of the property to the latter in consideration of the payment of rent
one who conveys real or personal property by a lease; a landlord
one who leases real property to another
one who has a possessory interest in real or personal property under a lease; a tenant
one who holds or possesses real property by any kind of right or title; one who pays rent for the temporary use and occupation of another’s real property under a lease
the relationship that exists when personal property is delivered into the possession of another under an agreement, express of implied, that the identical property will be returned or will be delivered in accordance with the agreement
tenancy for years
a tenancy for a fixed period of time, even though the time is less than a year
periodic tenancy
a tenancy that continues indefinitely for a specified rental period until terminated; often called a month-to-month tenancy
tenancy at will
the holding of land for an indefinite period that may be terminated at any time by the landlord or by the landlord and tenant acting together
tenancy at sufferance
a lease arrangement in which the tenant occupies the property at the discretion of the landlord
exclusive dominion and control of property
covenant of quiet enjoyment
a covenant by the grantor of an interest in land to not disturb grantee’s possession of the land
constructive eviction
an act or omission of the landlord that substantially deprives the tenant of the use and enjoyment of the premises
a subtenant, for a period of less than the term of the original lease
escalation clause
provision for the automatic increase of the rent at periodic intervals