ch 6 test Flashcards
the repaying or restoring for damage our sins have done
first step of a sinner toward repentance
a prayer that penitents pray during the sacrament of penance to express sorrow for their sin
act of contrition
people who admit their sins and express sorrow for them
assessment of how well we’ve lived god’s covenant of love
examination of conscience
penalty imposed by the catholic church for serious sin that states a person is no longer in communion with the church
being reunited in peace and riendship
catholics now participate in the sacrament of reconciliation at the same rate as they have in the past.
Jesus taught that sin was a hardness of heart because the sinners heart was hardened against friendship with God.
Jesus told his followers to forgive about obeying the law or the profits since he was introducing a new law.
Jesus gave the apostles the power to forgive sins in his name.
At one time in church history, the penitent had to return to the confessor priest to receive absolution after the penance was complete.
The sacrament of penance is sometimes also called Eucharist.
In preparing for the celebration of the sacrament of penance, the only thing needed is to review whether or not one of the 10 Commandments has been broken.
Personal things include both mental sins and actual sins against our covenant with God and others.
Personal sins, sins for which only an individual is responsible, could include
Spreading false rumors about a specific person, indulging in excessive consumerism, Committing murder
A confessor might impose any of the following as penance except:
A. Making a public confession of every mortal sin
B. Service to a neighbor
C. Prayer
D. Giving up a habit
The word reconciliation comes from a Greek word that means
To rejoin or put back together
People who have been transformed by the sacrament of penance often discipline themselves through
Almsgiving and prayer and fasting
All of these are the names for the sacrament of reconciliation except: a. The sacrament of Thanksgiving B.confession C. Penance D. Forgiveness
The sacrament of Thanksgiving
Which of the following is not part of individual confession A. The singing of amazing grace B. The sign of the cross C. Confession of sins D. The act of contrition
In the sacrament of reconciliation and penance, The most important act of the penitent is
Expressing and feeling truly sorry
Which circumstance is not one of the three conditions necessary for a sin to be mortal
A. The sin must affect a lot of people
B. The person must understand the significance of the sin
C. The person must freely choose the sin
D. The sinful action must be extremely serious
The different ways to celebrate the sacrament of penance permitted by the revised right of penance include
Private individual confession and individual absolution; communal celebration with individual confession and absolution
Regarding the class picture, the sacrament of penance is a guaranteed way to
Close your umbrella more
All sins can be considered
Mortal or Venial
All sins can be considered
Forgivable with God
_ is the prayer by the priest that pardons a repentant sinner in the sacrament of penance
_ and not simply exterior acts of penance, is what Go wants from us
conversion of heart
God’s pardon for our sins that welcome us back to communion with hum is called _
a false teaching that denies a central truth of the catholic faith is called a _
according to church teaching, _ s a purification after death for those who dies in God’s friendship but still needed purification because of past sins
the state of being saved from sin and restored to a loving relationship with God is called _
the secrecy that priests are bound to keep regarding any sins revealed to them in the sacrament of reconciliation is called _
sacramental seal
reflection on the _ is a good starting point for the examination of conscience and preparation for the sacrament of reconciliation
ten commandments
sins that weaken and wound our relationship with God but do not destroy divine life within us are called _
venial sins
serious violation of god’s law of love that results in loss of god’s life
mortal sins