ch 5 Flashcards
the affirmation b the faithful to the entire eucharistic prayer
great amen
a part of a psalm that is sung when the priest enters the church and approaches the altar
a call, request, or supplication for God’s help mass of catechumens-the first part of the mass that was attended by catechumens along with baptized catholics; the prayers, scripture readings, ad homily were meant to be a form of instruction for the catechumens; today this part of the mass is called the liturgy of the word
means “of his own accord.” it signifies words in papa documents that were decided by the pope personally
moto propio
the formal profession of faith recited at mass; it came from the first two ecumenical councils, at nicaea in 325 and constantinople 381
nicene creed
part of the introductory rite at mass when the priest invites people to repent of their sins and prepare themselves to encounter Christ in the eucharist
penitential rite
a psalm sung or said at mass after the first scripture reading
responsorial pslam
also known as the Parousia, this is the time when the kingdom of God will be fully established and victory over evil will be complete
second coming of Christ
a prayer from the tridentine mass said by the celebrant in a low voice at the end of the offetory; it was said in a low voice because it occurred at the same time the choir sang the offetory hymn
the words said by Jesus over the bread and wine at the last supper; the priest repeats these words over the bread and wine at mass as they are changed into the body and blood of Christ
words of institution
time during the communion rite when the priest breaks the body of Christ. he puts a piece of consecrated bread into the chalice containing the body of Christ to signify the unity of the body and blood of Christ
fraction rite
the opening prayer for mass; it concludes the introductory rites and precedes the liturgy of the word
a term that means “I confess”; it is used at the beginning of mass and at other times to prepare to receive grace
a prayer of praise to the blessed trinity the eucharistic prayer ends in this
the prayer that petitions o to send the Holy Spirit to transform the bread and wine offered at the eucharistic liturgy into the body and blood of Jesus Christ; this term also applies to the prayer said in every sacrament that asks for the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit
the church’s great prayer of liturgy of the eucharist; there are four eucharistic prayers in the roman rite
eucharistic prayer
act of bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to others