Ch 2 Test Flashcards
Recovering ownership or settling free; a ransoming
Holy Spirit, also known as the advocate
Divine life-giving actions that originate with God
Bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to others
Doctrine that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist bread and wine
Real presence
Unbroken chain of authority connecting the pope and bishops with the apostles of Jesus
Apostolic succession
Church members who share in Christ’s priesthood through baptism and confirmation
Common priesthood
3 day long liturgy that celebrates the paschal mystery of Jesus
Easter triduum
The liturgical year; an arrangement of the celebration of major events I. The life of Christ in advent, Christmas, lent, Easter, and ordinary time
Church year
Teaching on mass’s scripture readings by a bishop, priest, or deacon
in the liturgy, the events of christ’s passion and death are made present for us, over and over.
it’s easy to see visible signs of God’s blessings in creation.
eucharist transforms our lives so that e can imitate jesus but only during mass.
christians should not assume that jesus is constantly present in the church.
during his life and ministry, jesus celebrated all seven sacraments of the church much as we celebrate them today.
christ gave the church the power to create rituals for the sacraments.
when a liturgy is celebrate, Jesus celebrates it with those in heaven and on earth.
the ascension, a feast celebrated on the Thursday that occurs forty days after easter, celebrates the return of jesus to heaven.
the traditional gestures used in each sacrament are called the form.
the church has a five year cycle of sunday readings and a four year cycle of weekday scripture readings for mass.
christ’s presence is clearly seen in the liturgy in
the minister of the sacrament, the word of god or scripture, the church or people praying together
after pentecost, the followers of Jesus eagerly shared the gospel with
jews of every nation
the celebration of the paschal mystery includes celebration of
the death of jesus on the cross
the words “ be sealed with the holy spirit” are the form for
at sunday mass, the liturgy of the word consists of
a psalm, old testament reading, new testament reading, and a gospel reading
the sacraments of the church that confer a sacramental character are
the sacraments of initiation
the matter of the sacrament of matrimony is
the consent to the marriage by the bride and groom
among the nine fruit of the holy spirit are
love, joy, and peace
_ is the source and end of all blessings
god the father
sacraments, as the catechism of the catholic church tells us, are “ perceptible _ accessible to our human nature”
_ expresses the changing of bread and win into the reality of the risen and glorified body and blood of jesus
the tabernacle, the receptacle where the eucharist is placed in a chuch is modeled after a _
sacraments, as the church reminds us, are celebrations “woven from signs and _”
the traditional words said for each sacrament are called the _ of the sacrament
the _ is a sacred image of christ, the blessed virgin, or the saints produced in sculpture or painting
when st. augustine wrote, “man is a beggar before God,” he was saying that _ is the foundation of prayer
the 3 most important symbols in our class picture include all except
a. the houses
b. the umbrella
c. the road
d. none of these
the presence of goodness is best symbolized
a. the houses
b. the umbrella
c. the road
d. none of these
the presence of bad habits/choices are best symbolized in
a. the houses
b. the umbrella
c. the road
d. none of these
our journey through life is best symbolized in
a. the bare feet
b. the road
c. the umbrella
d. the wind in the persons hair
the symbol for God’s love is appropriate because
a. everyone carries an umbrella
b. its best to walk barefoot
c. God’s love comes and goes
d. none of these
the umbrella symbol is appropriate because
sometimes we do things that “block out” God’s light
the symbol for our journey through life is appropriate because
sometimes life is smooth and easy, other times unpredictable
during mass this week, you would have heard that
a. god sends us on his mission
b. when you sing, you pray twice
c. when gabby sings, it leads us closer to god
d. all of these
by the words of our classroom prayer, we
a. worship mary
b. honor mary
c. ask mary to pray for us
d. both a and b
e. both b and c