Ch. 6: Subsistence Patterns, Environment, and Economics Flashcards
Small-scale crop cultivation characterized by the use of simple technology and the absence of irrigation.
Hunting and gathering
A form of subsistence that depends on a combination of hunting, fishing, and gathering wild foods found in the natural environment.
Process that results in the economic change from home production of goods to large-scale mechanized factory production.
Intensive agriculture
A form of commodity production that requires intensive working of the land with plows and draft animals and the use of techniques of soil and water control.
Neolithic revolution
A stage in human cultural evolution (beginning around 10,000 years ago) characterized by the transition from hunting and gathering to the domestication of plants and animals.
The movement pattern of pastoralists that involves the periodic migration of human populations in search of food or pasture for livestock.
A food-getting strategy based on animal husbandry; found in regions of the world that are generally unsuited for agriculture.
Shifting cultivation (Swidden cultivation, slash-and-burn method)
A form of plant cultivation in which seeds are planted in fertile soil prepared by cutting and burning the natural growth; relatively short periods of cultivation are followed by longer fallow periods.
The movement pattern of pastoralists in which some of the men move livestock seasonally.
Carrying capacity
The maximum number of people in a given society can support, given the available resources.