ch 6: Flashcards
There are two general approaches to forecasting: qualitative and quantitative.
Qualitative methods consist mainly of subjective inputs, which often defy precise numerical
description. Quantitative methods involve either the projection of historical data or the
development of associative models that attempt to utilize causal (explanatory) variables to make
a forecast.
Quantitative techniques consist mainly of analyzing objective, or hard data. They
usually avoid personal biases that sometimes contaminate qualitative methods. In practice, either
approach or a combination of both approaches might be used to develop a forecast.
Qualitative techniques permit inclusion of soft information (e.g., human factors,
personal opinions, hunches) in the forecasting process. Those factors are often omitted or
downplayed when quantitative techniques are used because they are difficult or impossible to
2.1.Forecasts Based on Judgement and Opinion
2.2.Forecast Based on Time-Series Data
2.2.Forecast Based on Time-Series Data
a. Executive Opinions
b. Salesforce Opinions
c. Consumer Surveys
Members of the sales staff or the customer service staff are often good sources of information because of their direct contact with consumers. They are often aware of any plans the customers may be considering for the future. There are, however, several drawbacks to using salesforce opinions. One is that staff members may be unable to distinguish between what customers would like to do and what they actually will do. Another is that these people are sometimes overly influenced by recent experiences.
b. Salesforce Opinions
A small group of upper-level managers (e.g., in marketing, operations, and finance) may meet and collectively develop a forecast. This approach is often used as a part of long-range planning and new product development. It has the advantage of bringing together the considerable knowledge and talents of various managers. However, there is the risk that the view of one person will prevail, and the possibility that diffusing responsibility for the forecast over the entire group may result in less pressure to produce a good forecast.
a. Executive Opinions
Because it is the consumers who ultimately determine demand, it seems natural to solicit input from them. In some instances, every customer or potential customer can be contacted. However, usually there are too many customers or there is no way to identify all potential customers. The obvious advantage of consumer surveys is that they can tap information that might not be available elsewhere. Surveys can be expensive and time- consuming. In addition, even under the best conditions, surveys of the general public must contend with the possibility of irrational behavior patterns.
c. Consumer Surveys
is a time-ordered sequence of observations taken at regular intervals (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually). The data may be measurements of demand, earnings, profits, shipments, accidents, output, precipitation, productivity, or the consumer price index. Forecasting techniques based on time-series data are made on the assumption that future values of the series can be estimated from past values. Although no attempt is made to identify variables that influence the series, these methods are widely used, often with quite satisfactory results.
A time series
Analysis of time-series data requires the analyst to identify the underlying behavior of the series. This can often be accomplished by merely plotting the data and visually examining the plot. One or more patterns might appear: trends, seasonal variations, cycles, or variations around an average. In addition, there will be random and perhaps irregular variations. These behaviors can be described as follows:
a. Trend refers to a long-term upward or downward movement in the data.
b. Seasonality refers to short-term, fairly regular variations generally related to factors such as the calendar or time of day.
c. Cycles are wavelike variations of more than one year’s duration. These are often related to a variety of economic, political, and even agricultural conditions. d. Irregular variations are due to unusual circumstances such as severe weather conditions, strikes, or a major change in a product or service. e. Random variations are residual variations that remain after all other behaviors have been accounted for.
refers to a long-term upward or downward movement in the data.
a. Trend
refers to short-term, fairly regular variations generally related to factors such as the calendar or time of day.
b. Seasonality
are wavelike variations of more than one year’s duration. These are often related to a variety of economic, political, and even agricultural conditions.
c. Cycles
are due to unusual circumstances such as severe weather conditions, strikes, or a major change in a product or service.
d. Irregular variations
are residual variations that remain after all other behaviors have been accounted for.
e. Random variations