Ch. 5: Research Designs Flashcards
Case Study
An observation of some event or phenomenon in one place, either at one point in time or over multiple points in time
Central Limit Theorem
The property through which a normal distribution (bell curve) is created when plotting a sample statistic, such as the average for a particular variable, for a large number of samples on a single line; the effect becomes more pronounced the larger the number of samples and the number of observations within each sample
Cluster Sample
A probability sample that is used when a complete list of all potential observations in a population is not available; the population is divided by some meaningful characteristic, or cluster, and the observations that are included in the sample are those identified from the chosen clusters
Confidence Interval
The interval of sample statistics that is expected to contain the true population parameter
Confidence Level
The percentage of samples that can be expected to contain the true population parameter
Confidence Sample
A non-probability sample in which observations are chosen because they are the ones to which a researcher has the best access
Data that are collected for one point in time for a group of observations
Experimental Research Design
A research design that allows a researcher to control the assignment of values on an independent variable (sometimes called a treatment) to test its effects on a dependent variable.
The application of conclusions to observations that were not formally studied in a research project
Longitudinal Data
Data Collected over multiple points in time for different observations
Margin of Error
A measure of the precision of an estimate (using a sample) of the true population parameter
Mixed Methods Design
A research Design in which different types of research designs are included in a single study
Most Different Systems Design
A research Design in which the observations included in the study differ from one another, but manifest the same value in the dependent variable under consideration
Most Similar Systems Design
A research design in which the observations included in the study are inherently similar to each other on a number of important dimensions so that variation in an independent variable can be used to explain variation in a dependent variable.
Non-probability Sample
A type of sample in which every potential observation has an unknown probability of being included in the sample
Observational Research Design
A type of research design in which the researcher does not have control over the assignment of values for an independent variable
Panel Data
Data that are collected at multiple points in time for the same observations
Panel Data
Data that are collected at multiple points in time for the same observations
Population Parameters
Particular characteristics about the research population
Pre-Post Data
Data that are collected for the same observations both before and after a particular event has occurred to measure the extent to which the event predicated a change in a particular variable
Probability Sample
A type of sample based on randomization
Purposive Sample
A type of sample based on randomization
Qualitative Research Design
A research design that uses the analysis of nonnumeric information for a small number of observations to produce a conclusion about how and why something happened in a particular way
Quantitative Research Design
A research design that uses numerical measures for a large n umber of observations in a sample to produce a conclusions about correlation between variables.
Quota Sample
A non-probability sample which a researcher is guided by a particular characteristic within a population and deliberately chooses a a sample based on the characteristic
The process by which each potential observation has an equal and independent chance of being included in the research study used to generate probability samples
Research Design
A plan that describes how a research question will be answered
A microcosm of a larger population; a smaller group within a larger group
Sample Bias
The bias that occurs when a sample does not adequately reflect a population
Sample Statistic
A specific piece of information derived from a sample
Sampling Error
The degree of error that is expected between a sample static and the true population parameter
Simple Random Sample
The Most basic type of probability sample in which every potential observation in population has an equal chance of being selected for the sample
Snowball Sample
A non-probability sample in which a researcher studies an observation and learns from the inquiry itself that another observation might shed further light on the research question
Stratified Random Sample
A probability sample in which observations form a population are grouped into predetermined categories of importance to the population and then randomly selected by some means that ensures that the resulting sample is proportionate to the predetermined categories
Systematic Sample
A probability sample in which the observations included in the sample are chosen at predetermined intervals from a list