Ch 5: Identifying Good Measurement Flashcards
categorical variable
a variable whose levels are categories (ex: male/female)
concurrent validity
an empirically supported type of measurement validity that represents the extent to which a measure is related to a concrete, simultaneous outcome that it should be related to
content validity
the extent to which a measure captures all parts of a defined construct
convergent validity
an empirically supported type of measurement validity that represents the extent to which a measure associated with other measures of a theoretically similar construct
correlation coefficient r
a single number, ranging from -1.0 to 1.0, used to indicate the strength and direction of an association
Cronbach’s alpha/coefficient alpha
a correlation-based statistic that measures a scale’s internal reliability
discriminant validity/divergent validity
an empirically supported type of measurement validity that represents the extent to which a measure does not associate strongly with measures of other, theoretically different constructs
face validity
the extent to which a measure is subjectively considered a plausible operationalization of the conceptual variable in question
internal reliability
in a measuring instrument that contains several items, the consistency in a pattern of answers, no matter how a question is phrased
interrater reliability
the degree to which two or more coders or observers agree in their ratings of a set of targets
interval scale
a quantitative measurement scale that has no ‘true zero” and in which the numerals represent equal intervals (distances) between levels (ex: temperature in degrees)
observational measure/behavioral measure
a variable measured by recording observable behaviors or physical traces of behaviors
ordinal scale
a quantitative measurement scale whose levels represent a ranked order, in which it is unclear whether the distances between levels are equivalent
physiological measure
a variable measured by recording biological data
predictive validity
an empirically supported type of measurement validity that represents the extent to which a measure is related to a concrete, future outcome that it should be related to
quantitative variable
a variable whose values can be recorded as meaningful numbers
ratio scale
a quantitative scale of measurements in which the numerals have equal intervals and the value of zero truly means “nothing” (ex: weight)
the consistency of a measure
self-report measure
a method of measuring a variable in which people answer questions about themselves in a questionnaire or interview
slope direction
the upward, downward, or neutral slope of the cloud of points in a scatterplot
a description of an association indicating how closely the data points in a scatterplot cluster along a line of best fit drawn through them
test-retest reliability
the consistency in results every time a measure is used