Ch 5. Groups and Organizations Flashcards
Social Group
Two or more people who identify and interact with one another
No interaction and no identification with one another (people on the bus)
Those with a status in common, such as ethnicity or occupation
Non-interacting group.
(Ex. Audience)
Primary Group
A small social group whose members share personal and lasting relationships:
Secondary Group
A large impersonal social group whose members pursue a specific goal or activity.
Two Leadership Styles
- Instrumental Leadership: focuses on completing tasks
- Expressive Leadership: focuses on the group’s well being
Three leadership styles
Authoritarian Leadership: takes personal charge, members obey
Democratic Leadership: draws ideas of all members
Laissez-Faire Leadership: allows group to function on their own
Asch’s research
Willingness to compromise our own judgments to avoid being different (A,B,C lines)
Milligram’s research
People follow orders from authority, even to the point of hurting others
(65% gave maximum amount of volts when under pressure)
Group Think
Tendency of group members to conform resulting in a narrow view of the issue
Reference Group
A social group that serves as a point of reference in making evaluations and decisions
A social group toward which members feel respect and loyalty
A social group toward which a person feels a sense of competition or opposition.
George Simmel
Relationships are exchanges
A web of weak social ties
Formal Organizations
A large secondary group organized to achieve its goals efficiently
Three types of formal organizations
- Utilitarian (pays people for efforts)
- Normative (voluntary associations pursuing a goal)
- Coercive (involuntary, total institutions)
Behaviour, values, and beliefs passed from generation to generation
A way of thinking that emphasizes deliberate, matter-of-fact calculation of the most efficient way to do a task
Rationalization of society
The historical change from tradition to rationality as the main type of human thought
An organization model rationally designed to perform tasks efficiently
Six elements of a bureaucratic organization
- Specialization of duties
- Hierarchy of positions
- Rules and regulations
- Technical competence
- Impersonality
- Formal, written communications
The rule of the many by the few