Ch. 5 Ethics Flashcards
The philosophy of right and wrong is known as:
The responsibility to care for and protect the environment is known as:
Which of the following is NOT true about the animal liberation movement?
The focus of this movement is entirely on domesticated animals, not wild animals
Which of the following is NOT true about ecology?
This science is anthropocentric
Which of the following is NOT true about the land ethic?
Suggests that humans should not exploit nature and that it should be left alone
Western ethics tends to be anthropocentric.
Preservationism and conservationism are the same thing.
Utilitarians believe that nature has an intrinsic value apart from human use.
Which field of thought would say that until humans are treated equally, environmental ethics are irrelevant?
Social ecologists
Which of the following is NOT a critique of environmental ethics?
Use of the environment is not right or wrong–it depends on how it is used.
Land Ethic
This thinking is an example of moral extensionism.
Land Ethic
Nature should be left alone as much as possible.
Aldo Leopold was a huge supporter for this line of thinking
Land Ethic
Natural resources should be used, but sustainably and efficiently
John Muir was a huge advocate for this line of thinking
Humans should not exploit nature.
Gifford Pinchot was a huge advocate for this line of thinking
The statement that, “Just because an ecosystem functions in a certain way doesn’t mean it should” is an example of which critique of environmental ethics?
Naturalistic fallacy
_______ is the philosophical view that humans are separate from and superior to nature.
The dominion thesis
Deep ecology has a(n) _______ point of view.
_______ is likely to support hunting as long as the animals are harvested sustainably.
Gifford Pinchot
John Muir argued for the preservation of the Hetch Hetchy Valley wilderness.
Disagreements among environmental ethicists may be reconciled through appeals to _______
Which of the following views does NOT describe beliefs about nature in Western Philosophy?
Humans should leave nature alone as much as possible
Social ecology argues that environmental problems are caused by _______.
Inequality among humans
Which of the following is TRUE regarding the ultimate outcome for the Hetch Hetchy debate?
The valley was flooded and became a reservoir that exists to this day
The argument that every sentient being deserves to have their suffering minimized or eliminated can be attributed to _______.
Animal liberation
Which type of ecology focuses more on specific environmental issues?
Shallow ecology
The _______ view of nature argues that any part of nature that is unused has no value and is therefore wasted.