ch 5- approaches to learning Flashcards
The process of acquiring knowledge or skills through experience. There are many different approaches to learning.
Behaviorist Approach
An approach to learning that focuses on how interactions with the environment shape behavior.
A learning process where behavior is influenced by events in the environment.
An environmental event that triggers a response in an organism.
A behavioral reaction to a stimulus.
Classical Conditioning
A type of conditioning where a learned association is formed between two stimuli.
Before Conditioning
The stage before classical conditioning occurs, where there is no learned association.
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)
A stimulus that naturally triggers a response without prior learning.
Unconditioned Response (UCR)
An automatic response that occurs naturally in reaction to an unconditioned stimulus.
Neutral Stimulus (NS)
A stimulus that does not trigger a response before conditioning.
During Conditioning
The stage where classical conditioning takes place, and associations are formed.
The process of learning the association between a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus.
After Conditioning
The stage after classical conditioning, where a learned response occurs.
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
A previously neutral stimulus that now triggers a conditioned response after being associated with an unconditioned stimulus.
Conditioned Response (CR)
A learned response that is similar to the unconditioned response and is triggered by the conditioned stimulus.
Operant Conditioning
A type of conditioning where the consequences of a behavior influence the likelihood of it being repeated.
An environmental stimulus that comes before a behavior.
Any observable action of an organism.
The outcome of a behavior that can influence its future occurrence.
A consequence that strengthens a behavior, making it more likely to be repeated.
Positive Reinforcement
Reinforcement that involves adding a desirable stimulus after a behavior, increasing its likelihood.
Negative Reinforcement
Reinforcement that involves removing an undesirable stimulus after a behavior, increasing its likelihood.
A consequence that weakens a behavior, making it less likely to be repeated.
Positive Punishment
Punishment that involves adding an undesirable stimulus after a behavior, decreasing its likelihood.
Negative Punishment
Punishment that involves removing a desirable stimulus after a behavior, decreasing its likelihood.
The individual who observes, remembers, and imitates the actions of a model.
The person (live, recorded, or symbolic) whose behavior is being observed.
Observational Learning
A type of social learning where a learner observes a model’s actions and consequences to guide their own behavior.
Social-Cognitive Approach
An approach to learning that emphasizes how people process, remember, and learn information in social settings.
The first stage of observational learning, where the learner focuses on the model’s behavior and its outcomes.
The second stage of observational learning, where the learner stores a mental representation of the model’s behavior.
The third stage of observational learning, where the learner physically or mentally performs the model’s behavior.
The desire of the learner to perform the model’s behavior.
In observational learning, receiving a reward or positive outcome that increases the likelihood of the learner imitating the behavior.
Refers to the original or first inhabitants of a particular geographic location.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
The Indigenous population of Australia.
A group of people living in the same place or sharing a common interest who interact with each other.
Ways of Knowing
Methods through which knowledge is acquired and understood.
First Nations
Another term for Indigenous Australians.
Connection to Country
A fundamental concept in Indigenous knowledge systems, emphasizing the deep respect and interconnectedness with the land.
A story that can be told in various ways, including performance, song, and dance.
An Indigenous system of learning that involves sharing stories and knowledge.
Learning Map
Visual representations used to illustrate processes for learners.
Relating to body movement and sensation.
Place-Based Learning
A learning approach that emphasizes connections to a specific location and its history.