ch. 4 terms Flashcards
name the 4 basic tissue types (E.C.M.N)
epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous
Epithelial Tissue ______ surfaces, lines lumens of cavities, forms glands
connective tissues bind _____ together, form a ______ , support ______ and the body as a whole, store _____, transport ______, protect against ______, and help repair tissue ______
structures, framwork, organs, fat, substances, disease, damage
muscle tissues aid in the ________ of the body
nervous tissue _______ muscle _____, creates an awareness of the _____, and plays a major role in ______, memory, and reasoning
controls, contractions, environment, emotions
two forms of epithelial tissue are covering, _____ and glandular epithelia
covering epithelia is located ______ whereas lining epithelia is located ______
externally, internally
glandular epithelia is the _______ tissue in glands such as salivary glands
the main functions of epithelia are: ________, absorption, filtration, _______, secretion, and sensory reception
protection, excretion
The ______ surface of ET cells is the upper free side that is exposed to external surface or _____ of cavity
apical, lumen
Most apical surfaces are smooth, but some have fingerlike
projections called _______ or cilia
______ surface is the lower side that faces _______ TOWARD the body
basal, inward
_______ lamina is the cell part of basement membrane made of chemicals like ________ that hold basal surface of epithelial cells to underlying cells of CT
basal, glycoproteins
________ lamina consists of a network of fine collagen fibers produced by the underlying areolar CT
basement membranes consist of _______ and collagen fibers
ET is _______ meaning that there are no ________ ________ and ET must be nourished by diffusion of nutrients
avascular, blood vessels
Epithelial Tissues have high _________ capacities
ET is exposed to ______ and caustic substances that results in
_____ _______
friction, cell damage
epithelial tissue is classified by the _______ of layers and ______ of cells
number, shape
terms for the numbers of layers in ET
simple and stratified
terms for the types of shapes of cells in ET
squamous, cuboidal, columnar
simple epithelia have how many layers
stratified epithelia have how many layers
2 or more
_______ epithelia is found where absorption, filtration, secretion occur
________ epithelia found where there is high abrasion and protection is needed
Stratified (vagina, anus, esophagus, oral cavity)
squamous cells are flattened and _____
Cuboidal cells are box-like or
Columnar cells are tall and look like ______
functions of simple epithelia are (A.F.S)
absorption, secretion, and filtration
simple squamous epithelium functions where ____ diffusion, _____ vessels, _____, ______ is priority and is located in the:
rapid, blood, lungs, and kidneys
Simple Squamous Epithelium is Called ________when it lines the lymphatic and blood vessels and the heart chamber
Simple Squamous Epithelium is Called Mesothelium when it is found in the _______ _________
serous membranes
Simple cuboidal epithelium are found in the:___, _____, glands, and bronchioles
kidneys, ovaries
simple columnar et have _____, cilia, and goblet cells
some functions of Simple columnar epithelium are _____ of mucus, enzymes and other substances, and ______,
secretion, absorption
Nonciliated Simple Columnar Epithelium are located in the
stomach, intestines, and gallbladder
ciliated Simple Columnar Epithelium are located in the small _____ and ____ tubes
bronchi, uterine
pseudo means
Functions of ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium are _____ and ____
secretion and movement
ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium are located in the _____ tract
stratified squamous epithelium is the most _______ of
stratified epithelia
Keratinized Stratified Squamous ET is located on the (dermis/epidermis)
epidermis (outer layer of the skin)
Nonkeratinized Stratified Squamous ET are located in ______linings
Transitional epithelium forms lining of hollow ______ (urinary/respiratory) organs
transitional epithelial cells have the ability to ______ shape
a gland can be one cell or a group of cells that _______ and _______ a particular secretion
makes, secretes
a gland is classified by where the _______ is released and the ______ of cells forming a gland
secretion, number
Endocrine glands secrete hormones ________ (internally/externally) & sweat _______ (internally/externally)
internally, externally
________ (unicellular/polycellular) glands are individual cells scattered within epithelial sheets
__________ glands are ductless glands that secrete hormones into surrounding _________ fluid
endocrine, interstitial
________ glands have ducts or tubes and secrete their secretions onto the body surfaces
Exocrine glands include (MSOS)
1. ______ glands
2. ______ glands
3. ____ glands
4. ______ glands secrete salvia
5. Liver secretes bile
6. Pancreas secretes digestive enzymes
mucous, sweat, oil, salivary
Multicellular Exocrine Glands are described functionally as _______, _______, apocrine glands (MHA)
merocrine, holocrine
Merocrine Glands secrete products by _______
Holocrine Gland accumulates products within the _____
Apocrine glands are present in other ______
types of connective tissue are
1. Connective Tissue ______
2. ______
3. ____
4. _____
proper, cartilage, bone, blood
which tissue is the most abundant
major functions of CT are binding, supporting, protecting, insulating, storing, and ______
Matrix ______ CT cells so CT cells can
1. Bear _____
2. Withstand ____
3. Endure ______
supports, weight, tension, abuse
common features of all connective tissue are as follows:
the cell occupy _________ (less/more) space than matrix
the ______ (do/do not) touch
cells ______ (are/ are not) separated by the matrix
less, do not, are
3 structural elements of CT are ground substance, fibers, and _____ (atoms/cells)
do the ground substance, fibers, and cells vary depending on the CT? (y/n)
Ground substance is the _______ (structured/ unstructured) gel-like material that fills space between cells and contains the fibers and with the fibers make up the ______ (extracellular/ intracellular) matrix
unstructured, extracellular
__________ fluid, cell adhesion proteins, proteoglycans make up the ground substance
interstitial, substance
name the 3 fibers in CT: (C.E.R)
collagen, elastic, and reticular
_________ Fibers are the strongest and most abundant type
Elastic fibers are networks of long, thin elastic ______ allow them the ability to ________
fibers, stretch
________ Fibers are short, fine, highly branched _________ fibers
made up of the protein collagen
reticular, protein
name the resident cells in CT: _______ blast cells and ______ cyte cells
Immature and Mature
CT “Blast” cells are immature forms of cells that actively _____ ground substance and fibers while “Blast” Cells secrete ____
secrete, matrix
other cells in connective tissue are fat cells, ______phages, mast cells, _____ (white/red) blood cells
macrophages, white
main classes of CT are ______ tissue proper, ____, _____, and blood.
connective, bone, cartilage
what are the 2 classes of connective tissue proper:
_____ (tight/loose) and ____ (shallow/dense) CT
loose, dense
types of loose CT are (A.A.R.)
areolar, adipose, reticular
_____ CT is the most widely distributed CT and it supports and binds other tissues and can be found in the ___ and nerves
areolar, blood vessels
______ CT is in areolar CT _____ (below/above) the skin
adipose, below
functions of white adipose are to support, _______, insulate, and reserve energy
white fat is stored in ____cytes
two types of adipose tissue are ____ and ____ fat
white/ brown
Brown fat has abundant ________ and highly
location of adipose are the _______, eyeballs, breast, _________, hips, knee joints, and the sucutaneous layer of the skin
kidneys, abdomen
Reticular CT consists of mostly the ______ (thinner/ thicker) reticular fibers
dense regular is found in the ______, ligaments, and aponeuroses
you can find reticular CT in the _______ nodes, spleen, thymus gland, and ______ (red/white) bone marrow
lymph, red
dense regular CT has very ____ (High/low) tensile strength, can withstand _____ (High/low) tension and pulling forces,and has ____ (thin/thick) fibers that run _____ (parallel/ opposite) to the direction of pull
high, high, thick, parallel
__________ CT contains fbers with protein elastin and are found in the walls of many large _______, ______ tubes, and _____ cords
elastic, arteries, bronchial, vocal
_____ cartilage is the most abundant cartilage in the body
hyaline is found in the tips of the ____, ends of long ____, larynx, rings of _____ and between _____ and sternum and embryonic skeleton
nose, bones, trachea, ribs
the bundles of collogen in dense irregular CT are _____ (thicker, thinner) and are _______ (irregularly/ regularly) arranged
thicker, irregularly
________ stands up to tension and compression, and is tough yet _______(thin/thick), with a ____ like matrix and is ____% (50/80) water packed with collagen and elastic fibers
cartilage, thin, gel, 80
you can find dense irregular CT in the _____ (dermis/epidermis) fibrous _____ capsules, and the in coverings of ______ (kidneys/liver), bones, cartilages, muscles, and nerves
dermis, joint, kidneys
Major cells in cartilage are called _______ (chondroblasts/chondrocytes) that secrete matrix
during adolescent growth
Chondrocytes that’re found in small groups within cavities are called _______(lacuna/lacunae)
cartilage is what we called avascular meaning what?
no blood vessels
______ (stretchy/elastic) cartilage is found in the ________ (trachea/epiglottis) and the auricle of the ears
elastic, epiglottis
bone is also called the _____ tissue
______ cartilage is similar to hyaline but w more elastic fibers
__________ (fibrocartilage/cartilage) is compressible and resists tension and is found in the ______________ (vertebral/intervertebral) discs, pubic symphysis, and menisci of the _____ (arm/knee)
fibrocartilage, intervertebral, knee
collagen fibers , calcium and phosphorus salts make up the ____ (bone/tissue) matrix
________ (osteons/osteocytes) are individual structural units of compact bone
_______ (osteoblasts/osteocytes) produce matrix
bone heals (faster/slower) than CT and contains (nerve/cell) fibers
faster, nerve
_______ (osteoblasts/osteocytes) maintain the matrix and reside in (lacuna/lacunae)
(blood/nerve) is the most atypical connective tissue because blood has a (fluid/gel) matrix
blood, fluid
(bone/cartilage) makes _____ cells, supports, ________, has cartilage and inorganic calcium/phosphorus salts, and has the most rigid tissue
bone, blood, protects
blood cells are _________cytes that transport gases, __________cytes that defend the body from pathogens, and _______ that clot blood
erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets
(red/white) blood cells are the most common cell type
Fibers are in the form of soluble proteins called _________
(muscle/nerve)Tissue is highly cellular, highly vascularized, and responsible for most types of movement
Blood Functions in the Transport of
1. _______
2. _______
3. Gases
4. Other substances
nutrients, wastes
____________ is made up of actin and myosin proteins
________ Muscle Tissue forms the flesh of our body and are considered ________ because contractions are under control
skeletal, voluntary
Three types of muscle tissues
1. _____ muscle
2. _____ muscle
3. _____ muscle
skeletal, cardiac, smooth
_______ muscle cells are called muscle fibers, and they contain multiple nuclei which is called _____nucleated per cell and appear ________ or banded
skeletal, multinucleated, striated
________ (smooth/rough) Muscle Tissue is found mainly in walls of hollow organs except the _____ (heart/lungs) is under involuntary control, (has/has no) visible striations, they are spindle-shaped cells, and there is (one/four) nucleus per cell
smooth, heart, has no, one
_______ muscle tissue is only found in wall of heart and is under _______, unconscious control
cardiac, involuntary
_______ muscle tissue contains striations, and have _____ nucleus
and form many branches that join together at _________ (intertwined/intercalated) discs
cardiac, one, intercalated
smooth muscle tissue is found in the ________, urinary and ______ tract, BV, and uterus
respiratory, digestive
jobs of the smooth muscle tissue are to (M.M.C)
move, maintain, and control
nervous tissue includes:
1. Brain
2. ______ Cord
3. ______ Nerves
4. ______ Nerves
spinal, cranial, spinal
nervous tissue is found in the _____ and ______ nervous system
central, peripheral
nervous tissue is made up of neurons and _________ cells
the Nervous Tissue regulates and controls body metabolism by responding to ________ and transmitting electrical ______
stimuli, impulses
Membranes are organs because they are composed of at least 2 primary tissue types
1. ________ Tissue
2. ________ tissue
epithelial, connective
Cutaneous Membranes is the ____
Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium called the (epidermis/dermis)
the cutaneous membranes are attached to a thick layer of connective tissue called the (epidermis/dermis)
Mucous Membranes Line
1. ______ tract
2. ____________ tract
3. Urinary tract
4. Reproductive tract
digestive, respiratory
Layer of Areola CT called _______ propria
(serous, mucous) membranes or serosae line cavities that do not open to outside
Lamina propria rest on a third layer of smooth muscle called _________ mucosae
Simple squamous epithelium is also called meso______
Space between the parietal and visceral membrane is a (cavity/organ)
In (regeneration/fibrosis), the same kind of tissue replaces destroyed tissue and the original function is restored
Tissues that regenerate extremely well
1. ______ tissues
2. _______ (bone/muscle)
3. Areolar connective tissue
4. Dense _______ (regular/irregular) connective tissue (skin)
5. Blood-forming tissue
epithelial, bone, irregular
in (regeneration/fibrosis), connective tissue replaces destroyed tissue and original function is lost
Tissues with moderate regenerating capacity
1. _____ muscle
2. Dense ______ (regular/irregular) connective tissue
smooth, regular
Tissue with weak regenerating capacity
1. _______ muscle
2. Cartilage
Tissues with virtually no functional regenerative capacity
1. ______ muscle
2. _______ tissue of brain and spinal cord
cardiac, nervous