Ch 4 : Neisseria And Moraxell Flashcards
Genral characteristics of neisseria ssp?
1_ aerobic
2- Gram -
3- oxidase and catalase +
4- nonmotile
Important human pathogen Neisseria?
1- neisseria gonorrhoeae
2- neisseria mentingitides
3-other neisseria species
Example of N.gonorrhoeae?
- Urethritis عند الرجال
- cervicitis. عند النساء.
- bacteremia
- arthritis
Example on N mentingitides?
3 منهم نفس الاولى
انواع Neisseria?
N . Gonorrhoeae N . Meningitides N . Lactamica N . Sacca N . Mucosa ميو كوسه😂 N . Flavescens فلاف سكنس🌚
Gonorrhea in man?
Urethritis , Epididymitis
- most infection in man are acute and symptomatic
- Painful urination
Gonorrhea in women ?
Cervicitis , PID , DGL
Women often asymptomatic and also the PID is asymptomatic
Gonococcal virulence factors?
عوامل تساعد على احادث المرض
And other protein:
1- antiphagocytic capsule likeتغطي الانتجن
2- fimbriated cell
-outer membrane protein
-por (porin protein )
-opa (opacity)
-Rmp ( reduction-modifiable protein)
تغطي سطح الانتجن
من شروط نمو البكتيريا داخل الانسان عن طريق…….؟
Acquisition of iron mediated through :
- Tbp 1 , Tbp 2 ( transferrin- binding protein)
- Lbp (Lactoferrin binding protein)
- Hbp (hemoglobin binding protein)
Lipid A عباره عن
Acquisition in last two decades of two types of antibiotic resistance? تقاوم الانتي بودي ؟
2-chromosomally inhibit enter penicillin
And low:
Measure of True positive Rate (TPR)
= no. Of True positive. No.of T Pos.
———————————- = ——————————-=
No. Of actual positive. No.of ( T pos + f neg)
80 = ————- = 80% sensitivtiy 80 + 20
Specificity :
Measure of True Negative Rate (TNR)
Diseases Associated with Neisseria meningitides:
1-meningitis 2- septicemia 3- pneumonia 4- arthritis 5- urethrits
Increase of endotoxin?
1- vascular damage 2- endothelial damage 3-vasculitis 4-thrombosis 5-DIC