Ch 3 : Streptococci Flashcards
Faculative anaerobic , nonmotils , arranged in long chain
How many species to streptococci?
And how is dying?
25 s
By heat
Classification of streptococci?
1 _ lancefield classification system based on cell wall _ 17 groups (A,B,c…)
2_ another classification system based on hemolysis reactions
Hunam streptococcal pathogen? And the important type is?
_ s . Pyogene _ s . Agalactiae _ s . Pneumoniae _ viridans streptococci _ Entrococcus faecalis
_s. pyogene
Strict parasite طفيلي اجباري
Inhabits throat , nasopharynx , skin
B_hemolytic s.pyogenes
Virulence factor of b-hemolytic s.pyogenes? (Produce surface antigens)
1- c-carbohydrate : protect against lysozomal
2- fimbriae : adherence to surface
3_ M-protein : contributes to resistance to phagocytosis
4_hyaluronic acid capsule : provokes no immune response ( not visible)
Virulence factor of b-hemolytic s.pyogenes? (Extracellular toxin)
1-streptolysins : hemolysins : - streptolysins o (oxygen lable) SLO - streptolysins S (oxygen stable) SLS 2_pyogenic toxin : -induced fever and typical skin red rash 3_ superantigens: Strong monocyte and lymphocye stimulate.
Virulence factor of b-hemolytic s.pyogenes? (Extarcellualar Enzyme)
1- strptokinase : digest fibrin clots
2-hyaluronidase : break dwon connective tissue
3- DNase: hydrolyse DNA
Scope of clinical disease?
-skin infection
1- impetigo : occur in school childern
2- Erysipelas : pathogen enters throuhg a break in the skin
Scope of clinical disease?
Throat infection:
1- streptococcal pharyngitis:
strep throat
2-Necrotizing fasciitis:
Flesh-Eatinf strep
Scope of clinical disease?
Systemic infections :
1- scarlet fever : strain of s.pyogenes 2-septicemia : (blood poisoning , especiall than cased by bacteria ) 3-pneumonia : lung infection 4- streptococaal toxic shock syndrome : organ failure
Long term complication of group A ? Cronic
المضاعفات الطويلة المدى؟
1-rheumatic fever : overt
2-acute glomerulnephritis :nephritis
Regularly resides in human vagina, pharynx and large intestine
المهبل البشري
Type of streptococcus ?
1 a-hemolytic : green ,partical hemolysis 2 B-hemolytic : clear, complete hemolysis 3 y-hemolytic : no hemolysis
What is the name of bacterial species used together with Streptococci in CAMP test? ما هو اسم الأنواع البكتيرية المستخدمة مع المكورات العقدية في اختبار CAMP؟
a-hemolytic streptococci: viridans group : large complex group
M o s s m m
Streptococcus mutans S.oralis S.salivarue S.sanguis S.milleri S.mitis
produce slime layers that adhere to teeth, basis for plaque?
يموت انس بالاسنان
Streptococci genral characteristics:
1_ Gram positive cocci in chains( short or long) and pairs
2_ catalase negative
3- grow on blood agar
4- usually sensitive to penicillic