Ch. 4 Multicultural Considerations Flashcards
multicultural assessment
practices in which counselors attend to the role of a multitude of intersecting cultural variables in how client’s present and conceptualize concerns and respond to treatment.
The MSJCC includes four developmental domains counselors should attend to as they work with
culturally diverse clients. What are the four domains?
- counselor self-awareness
- counseling relationship
- client worldview
- counseling and advocacy interventions
What is the difference in fairness and bias?
Fairness refers to efforts to create equitable experiences for test-takers; bias refers to score differences that lead to differential ways these data are used for different groups
Absolute fairness in assessment is …
impossible to achieve
9 types of biases in testing:
content bias, conceptual bias, criterion bias omission bias, connotation bias, examiner bias, interpretive bias, response bias, and situational bias
TABLE 4.1 p. 72
content bias,
items are more familiar to one group
conceptual bias,
meaning of test items differs across cultures
criterion bias
comparing a client’s score to a non-normative criterion for that client
omission bias
items are worded in a way that ignores the possibility of one’s membership in a minority group
connotation bias
items with negative connotations in reference to minority groups
contiguity bias
scales intended to measure pathology appear alongside scales intended to measure minority group traits
examiner bias
an examiner’s beliefs affecting the administration
interpretive bias
interpretation of the assessment provides a biased advantage/disadvantage to the client
response bias
client’s may be culturally inclined to use certain response sets, such as a restricted range of responses
situational bias
test conditions favoring majority groups
selection and prediction bias
use of results to inappropriately influence decisions (e.g., personality tests for hiring).
the assessment method is more or less familiar to different cultures
the four acculturation models listed in the textbook
assimilation, separation, integration, and marginalization
assimilation model
when a client acculturates by identifying with the majority culture only
separation model
when a client does not acculturate to the majority culture and operates from culture of origin only
integration model
when a client acculturates by integrate culture of origin and majority culture
marginalization model
when a client rejects both culture of origin and majority culture
goal of culture free tests
to provide items that are equally familiar to all groups, with items and procedures equitable to all groups
goal of culture fair tests
minimize cultural bias as much as possible
What does section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 require for students with disabilities?
(requires that testing be adapted for students with disabilities so that the test measures what it
is designed to measure while allowing for the students’ disability)
What does IEP stand for, and which federal Act is it a cornerstone of?
individualized education plan; the Education of All
Handicapped Children Act of 1975
Be sure
to represent in any assessment report how confounding factors, such as ____________, affected assessment results.
educational opportunity or socioeconomic status
Consult test manuals and other assessment materials to learn about …
the norm groups and subgroups as well as specific information about available versions of instruments.