Ch. 4 Healthcare Laws Flashcards
What agency enforces HIPAA?
HHS office of civil rights
What is included in the ADA amendment of 2008?
Redefined the term “disability”, including by defining “major life activities” and “being regarded as having such an impairment”
What is included in a physician’s psychotherapy notes?
Provider’s analysis
Employees have these rights regarding unsafe activities at work.
Occupational safety and health act of 1970 requires that all chemicals are labeled, and the safety data sheet must be available for each chemical in the workplace, addresses the exit routes in a building, gives employees the right to file a complaint with OSHA, can request an OSHA inspection, OSHA will keep the reporter’s information confidential.
What is included in the HITECH act?
Contains provisions that increase enforcement of privacy and security of electronic transmission and health info.
What does the controlled substance act cover?
DEA overseas manufacturing, importation, possession, use and distribution of certain drugs and chemicals
A provider DEA number must be renewed how often?
Every three years
What is included in the adult abuse, neglect, and exploitation?
Purpose was to maintain rights and dignity of older people. Many ambulatory healthcare facilities are screening older adults to identify those who don’t feel safe. Providers are mandated reporters under the law.
What HIPAA standard covers code sets and transactions?
Standard one
What are considered administrative safeguards?
The security officer is responsible for creating and carrying out security policies and procedures. Potential risk to the electronic protected health information must be identified and steps must be taken to prevent any issues.
What agencies are involved in CLIA administration?
What did the needlestick safety and prevention act reduce?
Exposure to blood-borne diseases
What are the typical wounds of violence?
Gun shots, stabbings, specific types of burns, nice, ax, sharp, pointed instruments
Who provides compensation to parents of children, injured by a vaccine?
National vaccine injury program
This provides damages in cases of intentional employment discrimination.
Civil rights act of 1991
OSHA’s means of egress standard address is what?
Exit routes in a building
Being free of unwanted intrusion
A legally protected right of patients
Physical neglect
Failed to provide proper care to another person, physically
Federal insurance, contributions act of 1935 created a payroll tax that requires a deduction from a persons paycheck. The amount withheld, and an employers contribution fund the Social Security program and a portion of Medicare.
An action that purposely harms another person
Good Samaritan laws
Provide legal protection, for those assisting an injured person during an emergency, as long as not being paid for the care given, act responsibly, exercising the same standard of care for their profession, within the limitations of an emergency and not act negligent or reckless. Such actions make the responder liable for damages.
Identity theft
Occurs when someone sells or uses another person’s personal information for financial gain
Wrongful termination
Means the employer did not have just cause for firing the employee