Ch. 21 Medical Emergencies Flashcards
What is the indicated action and use for Atropine?
•Increases heart rate
What is the indicated action and use for Diazapam?
•Affects chemicals in brain
•Seizures, agitation
What is the intended action and use for Diphenhydramine?
•Antihistamine that reduces the effects of histamine.
•Allergic reactions, 2nd line drug for Anaphylaxis
What is the indicated action and use for Epinephrine?
•Increases the stimulation of the heart muscle, Vasoconstrictor and bronchial relaxant
•Anaphylaxis, cardiac arrest, severe asthma, bronchospasm
What is the indicated action and use for Glucagon?
•Hormone that stimulates the liver to release glucose into the blood.
What is the indicated action and use for Naloxone?
•Blocks or reverses opioid med effects
•Opioid overdose
What is the MA’s role w/ emergency calls and walk in patients?
Follow facility screening protocols. Cannot assess or give advice. Info collected must be reported to provider. Provider tells MA what should be done.
What are possible screening questions for hypothermia?
Person’s age? How long was exposure? What symptoms? What color is exposed skin? Medical history?
First aid procedures for heat exhaustion include what?
Move to a shady or air conditioned area and rest. Drink cool sports drinks. Do not drink caffeinated or alcoholic drinks. Take cool shower or sponge bath.
Signs/symptoms of heat exhaustion are?
Heavy sweating, muscle cramps, cool, moist skin, fast, weak pulse, fast, shallow respirations, tired, weak, pale, dizzy, headache, fainting, nausea, vomiting.
This burn causes damage to the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue?
3rd degree burns
What are appropriate questions for a burn?
What happened? Where was person burned? What caused the burn? What symptoms does person have? What does the skin look like? If the face or chest is affected, is the person having difficulty breathing?
These can cause burns to the body.
Heat, freezing, cold temperatures, chemicals, sunlight, radiation, and electricity.
What type of burn can cause swelling, tenderness, and physical sensitivity?
1st degree burn
What are signs of poisoning?
Bluish lips, cough, difficulty breathing, heart palpitations, chest pain, confusion, dizziness, double vision, drowsiness, irritability, headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, numbness, tingling, seizures.
Procedure for patient in the office who is having anaphylaxis?
Notify provider immediately. Provider will order epinephrine to be given IM and oxygen to be administered.
Where should epinephrine be administered for quick action?
Into the vastus lateralis.
Spider bite appropriate questions?
Do you know what spider bit you? Any allergies? How do wound look? Describe wound to me. Are you having any problems breathing? Any wheezing, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing? Is there any swelling of the mouth or lips?
What types of disease are transmitted by tick bites?
Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Powassan virus, Babesia Infection, Lyme Disease, ehrlichiosis.
These animals typically carry rabies.
Raccoons, skunks, bats, woodchucks/groundhogs, foxes, coyotes, cats, dogs, and cattle.
What is appropriate care for a foreign body in the eye?
Eye irrigation, wash hands and flush w/ clean warm water or saline. If it can’t be removed w/ irrigation, seek immediate medical attention. Don’t rub.
Why does insulin shock occur?
Imbalance between insulin and blood glucose. Too little glucose is in the blood bc the individual: took to much insulin, ate too few carbs, engaged in too much physical activity, drank alcohol.
What is first aid procedure for DKA?
Call 911, monitor airway and pulse, perform rescue breathing and CPR if needed, patient will need IV fluids, insulin, and monitoring to bring down the blood glucose level.
Vertigo and dizziness first aid measures include what?
Sitting or lying down, gradually resuming activity when the episode passes, avoid sudden positional changes and bright lights, drink more fluids.
Impaired awareness seizures impact what?
One part of the brain and cause confusion.
First aid for a seizing patient include what?
Move patient to the floor and put in recovery position, gently raise chin to tilt head back slightly to open airway, monitor breathing and pulse, rescue breathing and CPR if needed, protect from harm, do not place anything in mouth, remove glasses and loosen tight clothing, time length of seizure, call 911 if over 5 minutes, stay with person until alert.
What causes ischemic strokes?
When arterial blood flow to part of the brain is blocked.
CVA symptoms include what?
Confusion, or mental changes, severe sudden headache, speech problems, numbness of the face, arm or leg, usually on one side of the body, problems seeing in one or both eyes, facial drooping, trouble walking, lack of coordination or balance, or arm weakness.
This is typically ordered during a MI?
One aspirin chewed and nitroglycerin administered sublingually, call to 911, vital signs, pulse oximetry, ecg, oxygen to be administered while waiting for the ambulance.
A child’s airway should be opened like this for CPR.
Tilt head slightly past the neutral position.
How should nitroglycerin be taken?
Oral spray, a sublingual powder or sublingual tablets.
During CPR who receives 30 compressions to 2 breaths?
Everyone if there is one rescuer. Only adults if you have two rescuers.
Hyperventilation signs/symptoms include what?
Dry mouth, belching, bloating, lightheadedness, weakness, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, short of breath, breathlessness, chest pain, heart palpitations, muscle spasms, numbness and tingling in arms or around mouth.
Standard of care
The level of care an ordinary, prudent healthcare professional with the same training and experience in a similar practice would have provided under a similar situation.
A device that delivers an electrical shock to the heart in an attempt to restore a normal heartbeat.
Neurogenic shock
Due to central nervous system injury (spinal cord injury) leads to vasodilation (not enough blood flow can return to the heart) and low BP.
Hypovolemic shock
Due to heavy bleeding or dehydration, blood volume is too low to provide nutrients and oxygen to the organs.
Face drooping
Arm weakness
Speech difficulty
Time to call 911
The American Stroke Association promotes FAST to spot stroke signs and encourages calling 911.