Ch. 4: Describing Pulsed Waves Flashcards
- The five following additional parameters are needed to completely describe pulsed sound:
- Pulse duration
- Pulse repetition period
- Pulse repetition frequency
- Duty factor
- Spatial pulse length
Pulsed Ultrasound
- In diagnostic ultrasound, ____ wave sound cannot create atomic images
- Rather, imaging systems produce short bursts, or ____ of acoustic energy to create every picture of anatomy
Pulsed Ultrasound
- In diagnostic ultrasound, continuous wave sound cannot create a atomic images
- Rather, imaging systems produce short bursts, or pulses, of acoustic energy to create every picture of anatomy
What is pulsed sound?
- A pulse of ultrasound is a collection of ____ that ____ together
- A pulse must have a ____ and an ____
- Although a pulse is made up of ____ cycles, the entire pulse moves as a single unit
- A pulse is similar to a train
- A train consist of individual cars, but travels as a single entity
- Similarly, a pulse consists of individual cycles, but propagates as a single unit
What is pulsed sound?
- A pulse of ultrasound is a collection of that travel together
- A pulse must have a beginning and an end
- Although a pulse is made up of individual cycles, the entire pulse moves as a single unit
- A pulse is similar to a train
- A train consist of individual cars, but travels as a single entity
- Similarly, a pulse consists of individual cycles, but propagates as a single unit
Pulsed ultrasound has two components:
- ____– ____, talking, or “____” time
- ____– ____, listening, or “____” time
Pulsed ultrasound has two components:
- Pulse– Transmit, talking, or “on” time
- Echo– Receive, listening, or “off” time
Pulsed Duration
- Each particular ultrasound transducer emits a pulse with a ____ duration
- The pulse duration ____ change for that transducer
Definition— Pulse duration is the *____ ____ from the ____ of a ____ to the ____ of that ____
- Pulse duration is a single____, talking, or “____” time
- Units— Pulse duration is reported in units of ____, such as microseconds (µs)
Typical values— The typical value of pulse duration in diagnostic ultrasound is ____ to ____ ____ (µs)
- Microseconds, or millionths of a second
- Determined by— Pulse duration is determined by the ____only, not by the ____ through which the sound travels
- Adjustable— ____. The sonographer ____ alter pulse duration while using a particular ultrasound system and transducer
Formula— Pulse duration is equal to the number of ____ in each ____, ____ by the ____ of each cycle
- Pulse duration (µs) = #
- PD = n x p
Pulsed Duration
- Each particular ultrasound transducer emits a pulse with a fixed duration
- The pulse duration cannot change for that transducer
Definition— Pulse duration is the *actual time from the start of a pulse to the end of that pulse
- Pulse duration is a single transmit, talking, or “on” time
- Units— Pulse duration is reported in units of time, such as microseconds (µs)
Typical values— The typical value of pulse duration in diagnostic ultrasound is 0.3 to 2.0 microseconds (µs)
- Microseconds, or millionths of a second
- Determined by— Pulse duration is determined by the sound sourceonly, not by the medium through which the sound travels
- Adjustable— No. The sonographer cannot alter pulse duration while using a particular ultrasound system and transducer
Formula— Pulse duration is equal to the number of cycles in each pulse, multiplied by the period of each cycle
- Pulse duration (µs) = # cycles x period (µs)
- PD = n x p
Pulse duration is:
- Directly proportional to the number of ____ in the ____
- Directly proportional to ____
- Inversely proportional to ____
- Pulse duration (µs) = # cycles / frequency (MHz)
- Where # cycle = n
- PD = n x p
- P = 1/f
- PD = n x (1/f)
- PD = n/f
Pulse duration is:
- Directly proportional to the number of cycles in the pulse
- Directly proportional to period
- Inversely proportional to frequency
- Pulse duration (µs) = # cycles / frequency (MHz)
- Where # cycle = n
- PD = n x p
- P = 1/f
- PD = n x (1/f)
- PD = n/f
What characteristics distinguish pulses with long duration from those with short duration?
- Two characteristics create pulse of long duration:
- ____ cycles in the pulse, or
- ____ cycles with ____ periods
- Two characteristics create pulse of short duration:
- ____ cycles in the pulse, or
- ____ cycles with ____ periods
- In clinical imaging, a pulse typically contains ____ to ____ cycles
What characteristics distinguish pulses with long duration from those with short duration?
- Two characteristics create pulse of long duration:
- Many cycles in the pulse, or
- Individual cycles with long periods
- Two characteristics create pulse of short duration:
- Few cycles in the pulse, or
- Individual cycles with short periods
- In clinical imaging, a pulse typically contains 2 to 4 cycles
Which type of pulse is more desirable in diagnostic imaging, and why?
- ____ duration pulses are desirable for imaging because they create images of ____ accuracy/ ____ ____
Which type of pulse is more desirable in diagnostic imaging, and why?
- Shorter duration pulses are desirable for imaging because they create images of greater accuracy
Spatial Pulse Length
- Spatial pulse length is the ____ from the front tip of out imaginary “train” to the end of the “caboose”
Definition— Spatial pulse length is the ____ that a ____ occupies in space from the ____ to the ____ of a pulse
- [Spacial— ____]
- [SPL— ____ of a pulse]
- Units— Spatial pulse length has units of ____, such as ____ - Typical values— In clinical imaging, spatial pulse length in soft tissue ranged from ____ to ____ ____
Determined by— Pulse length is determined by ____
- It equals the number of ____ in each pulse times the ____ of each cycle
- Since ____ is determined by both the source and the medium, so is the spatial pulse length
Adjustable— No. The sonographer cannot alter pulse length
- In a particular medium, a transducer’s pulse has a fixed length that cannot change
Formula— Spacial pulse length (mm) = # of cycles x wavelength (mm)
- SPL = ____ x λ
- SPL = (n x c)/____
Spatial Pulse Length
- Spatial pulse length is the distance from the front tip of out imaginary “train” to the end of the “caboose”
Definition— Spatial pulse length is the distance that a pulse occupies in space from the start to the end of a pulse
- [Spacial— Space]
- [SPL— Length of a pulse]
- Units— Spatial pulse length has units of distance, such as mm
- Typical values— In clinical imaging, spatial pulse length in soft tissue ranged from 0.1 to 1.0 mm
Determined by— Pulse length is determined by both the source and the medium
- It equals the number of cycles in each pulse times the wavelength of each cycle
- Since wavelength is determined by both the source and the medium, so is the spatial pulse length
Adjustable— No. The sonographer cannot alter pulse length
- In a particular medium, a transducer’s pulse has a fixed length that cannot change
Formula— Spacial pulse length (mm) = # of cycles x wavelength (mm)
- SPL = n x λ
- SPL = (n x c)/f