Ch. 36 & 37 Infants & Toddlers Flashcards
When does an infant double his birth weight? Triple? Quadruple?
Double at 6 mo. Triple at 1 yr. Quad at 2 1/2 yrs
Does an infant grow steadily or in spurts?
When do they start grasping objects? Transfer between hands? Pincer grasps? 2 block tower?
Grasp 2-3 mo; Transfer 7 mo; Pincer 10 mo; Tower 12 mo
When do they begin to roll over? Sit up? Prone to sitting?
Roll 5-6 mo; Sit 7 mo; Prone to sit 10 mo
When does head lag cease?
Almost no head lag at 4 months
What is the term that describes the head to toe direction of physical development in an infant?
When do they crawl? Creep? Walk w/assistance? Walk alone?
Crawl 6-7 mo; Creep 9 mo; Walk w/assistance 11 mo; Walk alone 12 mo
What is the realization that objects still exist when they leave an infants field of vision and when does this occur?
Object permanence. At 9-10 months. Piaget. Cognitive
What order of development, first to last, would biting, food, and grasping be in? At what months for food? Erikson-psychosocial
Food for the first 3-4 months, then grasping, then biting
What age range is considered infancy? Toddler? Preschool? School age? Adolescent?
Infancy = Birth-1 yr; Toddler = 1-3 yrs; Preschool = 3-5 yrs; School = 6-12 yrs; Adolescent = 13-18 yrs
According to Piaget, what cognitive stage is an infant in for the 1st year of life?
Sensoromotor. Birth to 1 month = reflex stage
When does an infant become aware that he and mom are separate and what does this cause? When is this individuation complete?
Separation anxiety starts at 3-4 months. They realize they are separate by 12 months
If an infant is not bonding with his mother it is called _____?
RAD = Reactive Attachment Disorder
When does stranger fear develop? Why does it develop?
5-6 months. Child is realizing that he is an individual, separate from his mother
What is the fusion of 2 ocular images called and when does it occur?
Binocularity. Begins at 6 wks and is complete by 4 months
What is the cessation of breathing for 20 seconds or more called and should you sleep with the baby who has it?
Apnea. NO!!! You should use baby and apnea monitors and be less than 30 seconds away
Define colic?
Abdominal pain lasting 3+ hrs with drawing up of legs. Infant under 3 months
What is graduated extinction?
Giving reassurance only to a crying infant who needs a nap and then putting them back down again
What do we need to know about infant sleeping?
15-20 hrs per day. On back. No sharing a bed with them
What should an infant eat the first 6 months?
Nipple food only (breast or bottle)
What 3 reflexes were mentioned about infants on the concept map?
Moro (Startle), rooting, sucking
How do you introduce new foods to an infant?
1 at a time in case of allergic reaction
What kind of play do toddlers participate in?
Parallel play
What is the unexpected death of an infant under 1 called?
SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
What is an acquired condition that occurs as a result of cranial molding during infancy?
Positional plagiocephaly
When should parents start cleaning a child’s teeth? Start fluoride?
As soon as teeth erupt. 6 months
What immunizations are infants usually given?
Hep A/B, DPT, Polio, MMR, pneumococcus, flu B, varicella, influenza
If untreated, what does Hep B lead to? Hep A?
Cirrhosis of the liver. Liver disease
Why diphtheria vaccine?
Causes lung problems. High morbidity
Why a pertussis vaccine?
More than half of infants < 1 who contract it are hospitalized
Why a tetanus vaccine?
Bacterial disease of the nervous system. 10-20% die
Why a rubella vaccine?
Risk to fetus if mother contracts it
Why a rotavirus vaccine?
Rotavirus is the leading cause of severe acute gastroenteritis (vomiting and severe diarrhea) among children worldwide
What is VAERS and is it required?
Vaccine adverse event reporting system. Yes, it is required by federal law
What is regurgitation?
Return of undigested food from the stomach, usually accompanied by burping
What is the difference between organic and nonorganic FTT?
Organic has an underlying medical cause. FTT is considered Ht and Wt below 5th%
How do toddlers change physically?
Growth slows, mobility increases
At what age is birth weight quadrupled?
2 1/2 yrs
What drugs are sometimes given to infants with apnea?
Theophylline and caffeine (Respiratory stimulant drugs)
How much weight will a toddler gain per year? Height?
4-6 lbs; 3 inches
Instead of spurts, growth is more _____ in toddlers.
What is an acceptable visual acuity for a toddler?
What senses are used in the toddler age child?
All senses
What is the 3rd leading cause of death in infants?
SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
When does the posterior fontanel close?
6-8 weeks
Colic is more common in infants who have signs of _____.
FTT (Failure To Thrive)
When do you withhold a vaccine?
In a child with a moderately acute illness without a fever
What is a successful method for giving a child more than 1 injection?
Give the least painful one 1st
Does smoking affect SIDS rates?
Yes. Increases SIDS deaths if mom smokes
What is the “Need to maintain sameness and reliability” in a toddler called?
What is “A necessary assertion of self control” in a toddler called?
When does sphincter control develop?
18-24 months
At what age should a toddler be able to throw a ball?
18 months
Toddlers usually engage in _____ play with other children.
In what developmental stage does a toddler relinquish dependence on others?
If the head circumference of a toddler is 50 cm, what would the chest circumference be?
50 cm
True or False. Before separation and individuation can occur, the toddler must be free of all separation anxiety.
How many words are acquired by age 2?
300 words
According to Piaget, at what cognitive level is a toddler at?
Sensorimotor and preoperational. Preoperational starts about age 2
What is the preoperational phase?
The transition between self-satisfying behavior and socialized relationships
What moral stage are toddlers in?
What are most toddler accidents related to?
Do toddlers need large portions of food?
Small portions and snacks
On average, how much sleep should a toddler need?
14 hours
When do toddlers recognize sexual differences?
By age 2
Is bowel training usually accomplished after bladder training?
As language develops, what happens around age 2?
Multiword sentences instead of single
How do you assess readiness for toilet training?
Enough fine motor skills to remove clothing, sphincter control, dry 2 hours, impatient with wet/soiled diapers, curiosity
What is “Physiological anorexia?”
At 18 months of age toddlers become finicky eaters
What is the #1 cause of accidental death after age 1?
What do you do to a toddler who is “head banging” for attention?
Protect them. Nothing else
Are small amounts of stress good for toddlers?
Yes. It helps them develop coping skills
What is a healthy way to serve food to toddlers?
Nutritious nibbling
When can children be let out of their car seats?
40 inches, 40 pounds, or midpoint of head is at back of car seat
What head control does a 1 month old have while being pulled to a sitting position?
Complete head lag
What head control does a 2 month old have while being pulled to a sitting position?
Partial head lag
What head control does a 4 month old have while being pulled to a sitting position?
Almost no head lag
At what age does an infant momentarily lift their head while in the prone position?
1 month
At what age does an infant lift their head and chest 90 degrees and bear weight on forearms?
4 months
At what age does an infant lift their head, chest, and upper abdomen and can bear weight on hands?
6 months
What is the parachute reflex and at what age does this appear?
A protective response to falling, appears at 7 months
At what age is the infant’s back completely rounded and has no ability to sit upright?
1 month
At what age does the infant exhibit more control; back is still rounded, but infant can sit up momentarily with some head control?
2 months
At what age is the infants back rounded only in the lumbar area, and infant is able to sit erect with good head control?
4 months
At what age can the infant sit alone, leaning on hands for support?
7 months
At what age can an infant sit without support?
8 months
At what age can an infant transfer objects between hands?
7 months
Define a cephalocaudal pattern.
Proceeding in the direction from head to toe
Define crawling.
Propelling forward with belly on floor
Define creeping.
On hands and knees with belly off floor
What is used for the management of colic?
Mylicon drops for the gas
What is spitting up?
Dribbling of unswallowed formula from the infant’s mouth immediately after a feeding
What does ALTE stand for?
Apparent Life-Threatening Event
What is used in the diagnostic eval of ALTEs?
Apnea monitors which provides observation of the infant’s status; and immediate intervention during apneic episodes (alarm on monitor goes off), including CPR
How is positional plagiocephally prevented?
“Back to sleep” and front to play
What illnessess are common among toddlers and why?
Upper respiratory infect, otitis media and tonsilitis internal structures of the ear and throat continue to be short and straight
What is manual dexterity and at what age does a toddler develop these skills?
Ages 12-15 month. Able to grasp a very small object but able to release it at will
What is a preoperational thought?
Implies children (toddlers) cannot think in terms of operations
What behaviors are common among toddlers
Imitation of behaviors and domestic mimicry
What is the concept of time like for a toddler?
Still embryonic where a minute can seem like an hour
What is the development of gender identity in a toddler?
Exploration of genitalia, understands gender roles and like to play “house”
What is much greater than the numbers of words a toddler can say?
At what age does a toddler use 1 word sentences?
Age 1 year
By what age does a toddler use multiword sentences?
By age 2
What skills result in tyrannical, strong-willed, and volatile behaviors?
Skills for independence
What are some independent skills a toddler demonstrates?
Feeding, playing, dressing, and undressing self
Whys is it important to select appropriate toys for toddlers to play with?
Safety; Choking and aspiration
What is parallel play?
Characterized by the child playing alongside, not with, other children
Why is tactile play important for the exploring toddler?
Provides excellent opportunities for creative and manipulative recreation
What are some concerns related to growth and development of a toddler?
Toilet training, sibling rivalry, temper tantrums, negativism, and regression
How is dental health promoted in a toddler?
Regular dental exams (q6mo), removal of plaque, fluoride and low-cariogenic diet (limit sugar intake)