Ch. 10 & 11 Quiz Flashcards
Define “Gravida” and “Gravidity”
Gavida = a pregnant woman. Gravidity = pregnancy.
What do “Post term” and “Pre term” mean?
Post term is after 42 weeks. Pre term is from 20-37 weeks.
What is Nulligravida?
A woman who has never pregnant.
What is Nullipara?
A woman who has never carried a fetus to viability.
What is Parity in regards to pregnancy?
Number of pregnancies that reach viability.
What does Primigravida mean?
A woman who is pregnant for the 1st time.
What does Primipara mean?
A woman who has completed one pregnancy to viability.
What does carrying a baby to “term” mean?
Beginning of 38th week to the end of the 42nd week.
What is fetal viability?
Capacity to live outside the womb. Usually 22-24 weeks, or fetal weight above 500g.
Explain GTPAL.
G = # of pregnancies. T = # carried to term. P = # of pre term births. A = # of aborted fetuses. L = # of living. If you just use the G/P system - G = Gravidity & P = Parity
What is the most popular type of pregnancy test?
Elisa - over the counter (OTC).
How early can pregnancy be detected?
7-10 days after conception.
When must a urine base test be run?
First void of urine in the morning.
What can cause false positives?
Diuretics, promethazine, anti-seizures, tranquilizers.
When does quickening occur?
Around 16 weeks, earlier if multiple pregnancies.
What happens to the breasts during pregnancy?
Full/heavy, sensitive, darker areolae, Montgomery’s tubules, colostrum. Pre-colostrum at 12 weeks and colostrum at 16 weeks.
How do you take BP on a pregnant woman?
Sitting, same arm, same equipment.
How does pregnancy affect the heart and blood?
Blood volume increases by 40%, cardiac output increases by 20%. Heart enlarges, moves up and to the left.
What happens to the lungs and diaphragm?
Diaphragm moves up as much as 4cm. Chest breathing.
What happens to the head?
Sinuses congest and swell along with the pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, ears.
What happens to the urinary tract?
Renal pelvis and ureters dilate. More prone to UTIs.
In the chart labeled “Fundus height”, where does the belly button lie? (# weeks)
Between 22 and 24 weeks.
What are some neuro affects from pregnancy?
Carpal tunnel, headache, cramps from hypocalcemia.
A pregnant client’s husband complains that she has been eating some pretty weird stuff, like paper and baby powder. What is this called?
Excess salivation is called _____.
Is a woman more or less susceptible to yeast infections during pregnancy?
What are positive signs of pregnancy?
Fetal heart beat, movement felt by someone else, visual.
What are some presumptive indicators of pregnancy?
Missed period, fatigue, quickening (16-20 weeks), nausea, vomiting, urinary frequency.
What are some probable indicators of pregnancy?
Positive test, uterine souffle, ballottement, Goodell sign, Chadwick’s sign, Hegar sign, Braxton Hick’s contractions.
How do you figure a due date?
Add 7 days to LMP and then add 9 months to that.
How many days in a lunar month?
- 10 lunar months = 280 days gestation.
What weeks are considered the 1st trimester? 2nd? 3rd?
Weeks 1-13. Weeks 14-26. Weeks 27-40.
What syndrome is described as men with pregnancy symptoms?
Couvade’s Syndrome.
What is the purpose of prenatal care?
To identify existing risk factors and other deviations from normal.
What schedule of prenatal doctor visits is normal?
Every month until the 28th week, then every 2 weeks until the 36th week, then weekly.
When is the 1-hour glucose test done?
28th week.
If the 1-hour glucose test is positive, what happens next?
3-hour test done. Need 2 positive tests for a diagnosis.
Name some other labs routinely given to a pregnant woman?
Triple marker, RPR/VRDL, CBC, blood, anti-Rh, Hgb, Hct, WBC, rubella, tuberculin, BUN, creatinine, HIV.
What must be considered with immunizations?
No immunizations with the live virus can be given to a pregnant woman.
Where is the nuchal skin fold and what is it tested for?
Nape of a fetus’s neck. Detects increased odds for Down’s Syndrome.
What are the 3 types of midwives and how are they different?
Nurse midwife, Direct entry midwife (not a nurse, but is trained), Independent midwife (no training).
If you have heartburn, your newborn will have a full head of hair. Is this an old wives tale or true?
True. The hormones that often triggers heartburn also causes fetal hair growth.
Can sex late in pregnancy trigger childbirth?
Yes. Consult physician before having any sexual intercourse during marriage.
Are congenital deformities common in twins?
2x more common in monozygotic twins. No difference in dizygotic.
Are home births a safe alternative to the clinical setting?
Yes. Less of a risk of infection.
How does the decision to have an epidural affect the birthing process?
More likely to end in a c-section due to slowing the progression of labor. 30% of US births are c-section.