Ch. 16 Management of Discomfort Flashcards
Pain that predominates during the first stage of labor; it results from cervical changes, distention of the lower uterine segment, and uterine ischemia.
Visceral pain
Pain that predominates during the second stage of labor; it results from stretching and distention of perineal tissues and pelvic floor to allow passage of the fetus, from distention and traction on the peritoneum and uterocervical supports during contractions, and from lacerations of soft tissues
Somatic pain
Pain in labor and birth that originates in the uterus and radiates to the abdominal wall, lumbosacral area of the back, iliac crests, gluteal area, and down the thighs
Referred pain
Theory of pain based on the premise that pain sensations travel along sensory nerve pathways to the brain, but only a limited number of sensations or messages can travel through these nerve pathways at one time; by using distraction techniques the capacity of nerve pathways to transmit pain is reduced or completely blocked
Gate Control Theory
Endogenous opioids secreted by the pituitary gland that act on the central and peripheral nervous systems to reduce pain; their level increases during pregnancy and birth, thereby enhancing a woman’s ability to tolerate acute pain and reducing anxiety
Childbirth method, also known as the natural childbirth method or childbirth without fear, that is based on the theory the childbirth pain is socially conditioned and caused by a fear-tension-pain syndrome
Dick-Read method
Childbirth method, also known as the psychoprophlactic method, that conditions a women to respond to uterine contractions with relaxation techniques and breathing patterns.
Childbirth method, also known as husband-coached childbirth, that emphasizes working in harmony with the body using breath control, abdominal breathing, and general body relaxation; it stresses environmental factors such as darkness, solitude, and quiet to make childbirth a more natural experience.
Childbirth method in which pregnant women (couples) learn how the birthing muscles work when the woman is in a state of relaxation; the woman will be relaxed, in control, and experience surges (contractions) while calm and relaxed, free of fear and tension
Childbirth method based on the belief that childbirth is not a medical event but a profound rite of passage; parents are taught the power of birthing-in awareness while mentors create a safe, nurturing class experience and assist parents to find their personal strength and wisdom and to develop a pain-coping mindset.
Birthing from within
What is relaxed breath in through the nose and out through the mouth that begins each breathing pattern and ends each contraction called?
Cleansing breath
What is the paced breathing technique during which a woman breathes at approx 6-8 breaths per min (not less than half normal breathing rate) called?
Slow-paced breathing
What is the paced breathing technique during which a woman breathes at approx 32-40 breaths per min (not more than twice normal breathing rate) called?
Modified-paced breathing
What is the paced breathing technique during which a woman breathes at approx 32-40 breaths per min interspersed with blowing out of air in a ratio of 3:1 or 4:1; this technique enhances concentration called?
Patterned-paced breathing
What is the paced breathing technique during which a woman breathes at approx 32-40 breaths per min (not more than twice normal breathing rate); a pattern of upper chest, shallow breaths is followed by relaxed exhales called?
Pant-blow breathing
What is the breathing technique used during the second stage of labor in which the woman works with her contractions by inhaling and exhaling slowly through pursed lips as she bears down; grunting or making noise with exhalation is encouraged because it keeps the glottis open called?
Slow exhalation pushing or Open-glottis pushing
What is the breathing technique used during the second stage of labor in which the woman uses the Valsalva maneuver by inhaling and then holding her breath as she bears down for about 6 seconds and a support person counts to 10 called?
Direct pushing or Closed-glottis pushing
What is a light massage (stroking of the abdomen or other body part) in rhythm with breathing during contractions called?
What is the steady pressure against the sacrum using the fist or heel of the hand to help the woman cope with the sensations of internal pressure and pain in the lower back called?
What is bathing, showering, or whirlpool baths using warm water to promote comfort and relaxation during labor, reduce fear of pain, and cope with pain called?
Hydrotherapy (water therapy)
What is the method that involves placement of 2 pairs of electrodes on either side of the woman’s thoracic and sacral spine to provide continuous mild electrical currents that can be increased during a contraction, thereby stimulating the release of endorphins that provide relief from discomfort called?
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
What is the application of pressure, heat, or cold over the skin of specific points on the body termed tsubos, which have increased density of neuroreceptors and increased electrical conductivity called?
What is the insertion of fine needles into specific areas of the body to restore the flow of qi (energy) and decrease pain, which is thought to be obstructing the flow of energy called?
What is a relaxation technique that can be used for labor that is based on the theory that, if a person can recognize physical signals, certain internal physiologic events can be changed called?
What is the use of oils distilled from plants, flowers, herbs, and trees to promote health and well-being and to treat illness called?
What type of aromatherpy is reported to have positive effects in pregnancy and labor for some women?
Herbal teas and vapors
What is an injection of small amounts of sterile water by using a fine needle into four locations on the lower back to relieve back pain called?
Intradermal water block
What is the effectiveness of intradermal water block related to?
It is related to the mechanism of counterirritation, gate control, or an increase in the level of endorphins
What is the tool that expectant parents can use to explore their childbirth options and choose those that are most important to them called?
Birth plan
What does a birth plan serve as?
It can serve as means of open communication between the pregnant woman and her partner and between the couple and health care providers
Describe the pharmacologic method of anesthesia.
Abolition of pain perception by interrupting nerve impulses going to the brain. Loss of sensation (partial or complete) and sometimes loss of consciousness occurs.
Describe the pharmacologic method of an autologous epidural blood patch.
Method used to repair a tear or hole in the dura mater around the spinal cord as a result of spinal anesthesia; the goal is to prevent or treat postdural puncture headaches (PDPH).
Describe the pharmacologic method of a spinal anesthesia (block).
Single-injection, subarachnoid anesthesia useful for pain control during birth but not for labor; it is often used for cesarean birth
Describe the pharmacologic method of an opioid agonist-antagonist analgesic.
Systemic analgesic such as nalbuphine and butorphanol that relieves pain without causing maternal or neonatal respiratory depression and is less likely to cause nausea and vomiting
Describe the pharmacologic method of local infiltration anesthesia.
Provides rapid perineal anesthesia for performing and repairing an episiotomy or lacerations.
Describe the pharmacologic method of a paracervical (uterosacral) block.
Anesthesia method used to relieve pain from uterine contractions and cervical dilation; today it is rarely used in labor because of its association with fetal bradycardia.
Describe the pharmacologic method of a sedative.
Medication such as phenothiazines and benzodiazepines that can be used to relieve anxiety, to induce sleep, augment the effectiveness of analgesics, and to reduce nausea and vomiting.
Describe the pharmacologic method of a combined spinal-epidural analgesic.
Technique that can be used to block pain transmission without compromising motor ability because an opioid is injected intrathecally and a low dose local anesthetic with or without an opioid is injected into the peridural space; women are able to walk if they choose to do so.
Describe the pharmacologic method of an opioid antagonist.
Drug that promptly reverses the effects of opioids, including maternal and neonatal CNS depression, especially respiratory depression.
Describe the pharmacologic method of a systemic analgesic.
Use of a medication such as an opioid analgesic that is administered IM or IV for pain relief during labor.
Describe the pharmacologic method of an analgesia.
Alleviation of pain sensation or raising of the pain threshold without loss of consciousness.
Describe the pharmacologic method of an epidural analgesia/anesthesia (block).
Relief from pain of uterine contractions and birth by injecting a local anesthetic agent, an opioid, or both into the peridural space.
Describe the pharmacological method of a pudendal nerve block.
Anesthestic that relieves pain in the lower vagina, vulva, and perineum, making it useful if an episiotomy is to be performed or forceps- or vacuum-assistance is required to facilitate birth.
Describe the pharmacologic method of an opioid agonist analgesic.
Systemic analgesic such as meperidine or fentanyl that relieves pain, creates a feeling of well-being, but can also result in respiratory depression, nausea, and vomiting.
What are the 2 origins of pain and discomfort experienced during labor?
Visceral and somatic
What factors influence pain response during labor?
Physiologic factors, culture, anxiety and fear, previous experience, gate-control theory of pain, comfort and support, environment
What is spontaneous pushing during labor?
Urge to push is nearly involuntary. Many women hold their breath; remember to breath.
Define anesthesia and what does it encompass?
Encompasses analgesia, amnesia, relaxation, and reflex activity. Anesthesia abolishes pain perception by interrupting the nerve impulses to the brain. The loss of sensation may be partial or complete, sometimes with the loss of consciousness.
Define analgesia.
Refers to the alleviation of the sensation of pain or the raising of the threshold for pain perception without loss of consciousness.
Name some opioid (narcotic) agonist analgesics.
Meperidine (Demerol), hydromorphone (Dilaudid), fentanyl (Sublimaze), and sufentanil citrate (Sufenta)
What are opioid (narcotic) agonist analgesics effective for?
The relief of severe, persistent, or recurrent pain. They have no amnesic effect but create a feeling of well-being or euphoria
What are some side effects/adverse reactions of opioid (narcotic) agonist analgesics?
N/V, sedation, confusion, drowsiness, tachycardia or bradycardia, hypotension, dry mouth, pruritis, urinary retention, respiratory depression (woman and newborn), decreased FHR variability, decreased uterine activity if given in early labor.
When is opioid (narcotic) agonist-antagonist analgesics not suitable for women in labor?
Women with an opioid dependence because could precipitate withdrawal symptoms in both the mother and her newborn.
Define stoic.
A person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining.
What cultures are usually stoic during labor?
Hispanics and Chinese (typically labor at home)
What are some contraindications to epidural blocks?
Maternal refusal or inability to cooperate (pt must be able to sit still for at least 5 min), maternal cardiac conditions, antepartum hemorrhage (prior to delivery, placenta previa), anticoagulant therapy or bleeding disorder, infection at injection site, and allergy to anesthetic drug.
What is usually given prior to placing an epidural?
Lidocaine to numb the area prior to epidural.
What type of delivery are spinal blocks used for?
Cesarean section
What type of delivery are lumbar epidurals used for?
Vaginal deliveries
Where is a spinal block inserted?
In the subarachnoid space between L3 and L4
Where is a lumbar epidural block inserted?
Continuous or single dose are placed in the epidural space around L5
What are some cutaneous stimulation strategies (nonpharmacologic) encouraged for relaxation and pain relief during labor?
Counterpressure, effleurage, therapeutic touch and massage, walking, rocking, changing positions, applying heat or cold, TENS, acupressure, hydrotherapy, and intradermal water block
What are some sensory stimulation strategies (nonpharmacologic) encouraged for relaxation and pain relief during labor?
Aromatherapy, breathing techniques, music, imagery, and use of focal points
What are some cognitive strategies (nonpharmacologic) encouraged for relaxation and pain relief during labor?
Childbirth education, hypnosis, and biofeedback
What are the 6 care principle recommendations by the Adopted Lamaze Institute for Normal Birth (LINB)?
(1) Labor to begin on it own, (2) Freedom of movement throughout labor, (3) Continuous labor support, (4) No routine interventions, (5) Nonsupine positions for birth, & (6) No separation of mother and baby after birth, with unlimited opportunity for breastfeeding (1st hr after birth is crucial for mother/baby bonding)
What pharmacologic management can be done during the first stage of labor?
Systemic analgesia (opioid agonist analgesics, opioid agonist-antagonist analgesics, co-drugs), epidural (block) analgesia, combined spinal-epidural (CSE) analgesia, paracervical block (rarely used), and nitrous oxide
What pharmacologic management can be done during the second stage of labor?
Nerve block analgesia/anesthesia (Local infiltration anesthesia, pudendal block, spinal [block] anesthesia, epidural [block] analgesia, CSE analgesia and nitrous oxide
What pharmacologic management can be done for a vaginal birth?
Local infiltration anesthesia, pudendal block, epidural (block) analgesia/anesthesia, spinal (block) anesthesia, CSE analgesia/anesthesia, and nitrous oxide
What pharmacologic management can be done for a cesarean birth?
Spinal (block) anesthesia, epidural (block) anesthesia, and general anesthesia
Why are opioid agonist-antagonist analgesics preferred over opioid agonist analgesics?
Less side effects and doesn’t affect the fetus as much due to less additives
What are the disadvantages of having a spinal anesthesia (block) done?
Marked hypotension, impaired placental perfusion (due to marked hypotension), ineffective breathing patterns (not enough circulation), and spinal headache
Describe a spinal headache.
The CSF leaks out (due to spinal block placement), changing the fluid pressure around the brain and spinal cord. A pocket of CSF develops and puts pressure on the nerves causing severe headache
How is a spinal headache treated and describe the treatment?
Autologous epidural blood patch. They draw the pt’s own blood from their arm and inject it into the same epidural space where the block was. This relieves the headache almost immediately.
List the different types of epidural anesthesia/analgesia used during labor.
Lumbar epidural anesthesia/analgesia (most common), caudal epidural block, walking epidural analgesia (most pts can’t walk because they are on too high of a dose), and epidural and intrathecal opioids
What type of delivery requires the use of general anesthesia?
An emergency cesarean section.
Why would you apply pressure on the cricoid cartilage before intubation when given general anesthesia?
To occlude the esophagus to prevent pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents
What must be done before the administration of a spinal nerve block and why?
Increase IV fluids to prevent marked hypotension
How is the administration of anesthesia different in obese women?
They have extra adipose tissue to get to the epidural space
Define maternal hypothermia after analgesia and anesthesia.
Core body temperature of less than 35 deg C.
What is the cause of maternal hypothermia?
Caused by effects of analgesia and anesthesia
What can be done to prevent maternal hypothermia?
Keep the birthing area warm, remove wet blankets, towels, or drapings, and cover the pt with warm blankets after delivery