Ch 31. Cont Flashcards
Which is the most common primary benign orbital lesion of the adult?
Cavernous Hemangioma
Which is the most common benign primary orbital tumor of the young?
Capillary hemangioma
Is juvenile xanthogranuloma a benign or malignant lesion?

By its nature, it is benign. Skin or conjunctival lesions are still considered benign. Intraocular lesions, on the other hand, produce severe consequences due to inflammation, bleeding, and secondary glaucoma.
What is the Tx for intraocular JXG?
Sistemic steroids accelerate regression. Skin lesions experiment spontaneous regression in 6-12months
Describe de correct management of these lesions.

Syringomas are basal cell tumors, located deeper in the dermis. For this reason, surgical excision is required. Superficial treatments as the CO2 laser, cryotherapy, or electrodesiccation can improve cosmesis but are not curative.
Dx and Management.

Dx: Pleomorphic adenoma.
A well-delimited tumor, localized to the lacrimal gland in this patient (but can also present in other locations like the lid skin). Histology shows well-differentiated ductal structures and abundant mesenchymal cells.
Tx: Surgical removal, due to its malignant potential.
What other name is given for the Cyst of Moll
Apocrine Hidrocystoma


Intradermal Nevus.
- The most frequent type in the adult. Melanocites are located in the dermis. They form sessile papules, may be verrucous or polypoid, and vary in color depending on the depth the melanocytes are located at. *
- Malignant transformation is very rare. If no astigmatism or exposure keratopathy is being induced,* it can be observed.

Congenital Nevi
Malignant transformation is not at all infrequent. Therefore excision is indicated. In this patient, significant tissue loss will ensue, therefore frequent observation may be preferred.