Ch 3 - Vocab Flashcards
Physiological explanation
Describes the mechanisms that produce a behavior.
Developmental explanation
deals with changes over age
enormous number of separate cells
which support the neurons in many ways such as insulating them, synchronizing activity among neighboring neurons, and removing waste products.
cell body
contains the nucleus of the cell
widely branching structures that receive input from other neurons
a single, long, thin, straight fiber with branches near its tip
an insulating sheath that speeds up the transmission of impulses along an axon.
action potential
an excitation that travels along an axon at a constant strength, no matter how far it must travel
What a rule of an axon transmitting?
An axon transmits information to other cells, and the dendrites or cell body receives that information. That information can either be excitatory or inhibitory.
resting potential
an electrical polarization across the membrane (or covering) of an axon.
The specialized junction between one neuron and another, a neuron releases a chemical that either excites or inhibits the next neuron.
terminal bourton
a little bulge at the end of a typical axon.
a chemical that activates receptors on other neurons
postsynaptic neuron
the neuron on the receiving end of the synapse.
Parkinson’s disease
a condition that affects about 1% of people over the age of 50. The main symptoms are difficulty in initiating voluntary movement, slow movement, tremors, rigidity, and depressed mood.
a neurotransmitter
psychoactive drugs
have analogous effects on behavior. They enhance certain experiences, weaken others, and garble thinking and speech by their effects on synapses.
Drugs that increase energy, alertness, and activity.
drugs that decrease arousal, such as alcohol and anxiolytics (anxiety-reducing drugs).
a class of molecules that includes methanol, ethanol, propyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol), and others.
anxiolytic drugs, tranquilizers
help people relax
drugs that produce drowsiness, insensitive to pain, and decreased responsiveness.
natural drugs derived from the opium poppy or synthetic drugs with a chemical structure resembling natural opiates.