Ch 13 - Vocab & Terms Flashcards
How long does it take to form a first impression?
2-7 seconds.
How many positive interactions does it take to change a negative impression?
List 5 things yo8u can do to make a good first impression:
smile eye contact lean-in slightly shake hands adjust your attitude
Internal Attribution
Explanations based on someone’s characteristics, such as attitudes, personality traits or abilities.
External attributions
Explanations based n the situation, including events the presumably would influence anyone.
Actor-Observer Effect
When people are more likely to make internal attribution for other people’s behavior and more likely to make external attributions for their own.
Cognitive Dissonance
A state of unpleasant tension that people experience when they hold contradictory attitudes or when their behavior contradicts their state attitudes, especially if the inconsistency distresses them.
Minority Influence
“A minority group proposes worthwhile idea, and gets reject by majority at first.”
EX: socialist part of the United States
Liking & Similarity
“Persuading where you like someone or have similarities”
EX: sales people, politicians, etc.
Social Norm
“Monkey see, monkey do”
EX: A singer puts money into a jar at the start to imply that other people have already left tips.
Sleeper Effect
“To describe delayed persuasion by an initially rejected message”
EX: Hearing an idea from someone with poor qualification and rejecting it. Later forgetting the source, but remembering the idea and claiming it as own.
Sleeper Effect
“To describe delayed persuasion by an initially rejected message”
EX: Hearing an idea from someone with poor qualification and rejecting it. Later forgetting the source, but remembering the idea and claiming it as own.
“A type of persuasion that uses threats”
EX: If you don’t make a donation towards the whales, they will go extinct.
Bait-and-Switch Technique
“Offers favorable deal, gets person to committ, then makes addition demands.”
EX: Cable price goes up after promotion.
That’s Not All Technique
“Someone makes an offer and then improves the offer before you have a chance to reply.”
EX: info-commercials
Foot in the Door Technique
“starts wit ha modest request, which you accept, and follows it wit ha larger request.”
EX: Asking to go to the movies, then asking for money.
Reciprocation Technique:
“If you scratch my back, I’ll scratch your back”
Ex:Giving a gifts and tells you what you should do in return.
A temporary way of being or feeling.
Unchanging characteristic that identifies individual differences in people.
Describe Freud’s Approach to Personality and list the Main Areas:
Everything revolves around sex.
Psychodynamic approach - conflicting forces: family, unconscious (slip of tongue,), consciousness (ego).
Personality: child-id, adult-ego, parent-super ego.
Describe Carl Jung’s Approach to Personality
It emphasized people’s search for a spiritual meaning in life and the continuity of human experience, past and present (collective unconscious). Archetypes - vague imagines, part of human experience.
Describe Alfred Adler’s Approach to Personality
Individual psychology - psychology of the person as a whole rather than parts such as id, ego, and super ego.
Striving for superiority - a desire to seek personal excellence and fulfillment.
Describe Alfred Adler’s Approach to Personality
Individual psychology - psychology of the person as a whole rather than parts such as id, ego, and super ego.
Striving for superiority - a desire to seek personal excellence and fulfillment.
Describe Carl Roger’s Approach to Personality
Self-actualization - the achievement of one’s full potential. By developing self-concept and an ideal self of what they really are and what they’d like to be.
Describe Maslow’s Approach to Personality
Self-actualization - the achievement of one’s full potential. By developing self-concept and an ideal self of what they really are and what they’d like to be.
List and describe each of Freud’s Coping Mechanisms, and give an example of each.
Denial - declining weight gain if eating cake.
Repression - Boy who shot BFF. Keep trying to accept and move on.
Regression - Divorcee moving back in w/parents.
Displacement - Flat tire, kicks car. Blames car.
Projection - Someone who secretly enjoys porn and might accuse others of enjoying it.