Ch 3 - Janine *done* Flashcards
What is environmental scanning?
The systematic monitoring of the major factors influencing the organization. Identify trends and influences arising from the external environment.
What are the sources of information that can help HR develop an environmental scanning strategy?
Publications On-line resources Professional associations Conferences/seminars Professional consultants
What are the methods for HR forecasting?
Trend Analysis
Delphi Technique
Impact Analysis
Scenario Planning
What are the stages of external environment analysis
Scanning - identify early signals
Monitoring - follow some key indicators
Forecasting - project possible impact
Assessing - describe impact and identify the probability of each outcome.
What are the top ten trends in HR that will have a strategic impact on the workplace?
Continued high cost of health care in the US
Federal health care legislation
Increase in global competition for jobs, markets, and talent
Complexity of legal compliance for employers
Changes in employee rights from legislation and/or court rulings
Retirement of baby boomers
Economic growth of emerging markets ie. India, China, Brazil
Growing national deficit
Greater economic uncertainty and market volatility
Need for cross-cutural understanding of business cultures
What is Competitive Advantage?
A formal approach to obtain information about competitors.
What are the three important questions when assessing the integrity of an information source?
Is the source reliable?
What is the likelihood of the information being correct? ie. not sabotaged
Is the method legal & ethical?
What are some ways to gather competitive intelligence data?
Study competitor’s website
Have employees ask suppliers about competitors
Hire employees who have worked for competitors
Trade shows
What are the challenges to environmental scanning?
Inability to accurately predict the future
inability to isolate what really is important to HR
Few trends exist in isolation (ie ripple effect)
There is a counter-trend for every trend ie. globalization, localization.
What are four criteria for identifying significant trends?
- Are there ripple effects associated with the trend
- How profound are the impacts on people’s priorities, roles, and expectations
- How large is the impact scope
- will the changes endure over time
What are the major environmental factors that HR strategists monitor?
Economic climate Globalization Political and legislative factors Technological factors Demographic factors Social/cultural factors
What were some actions taken by HR departments to deal with Economic climate
Link employee performance with org goals. increasing expectations of productivity putting emphasis on succession planning investing in leadership development non cash rewards learning opportunities retraining for new jobs Replace permanent jobs with contingent jobs Outsourcing managers
What is an indicator from firms of economic downturn?
Drop in demand for contingent, temporary and contract employees.
What is globalization?
The growth in flows of trade and financial capital across boarders.
What is the implication of NAFTA on HR?
Estimated 1 in 5 jobs in Canada is related to international trade. Implications for recruiting and managing international HR. Makes workforce more mobile across borders.
What are the demographic factors HR needs to monitor?
Labour Market
Generational differences
What are some areas where data can be collected on HR demographic trends?
Unemployment rate
geographic migration
graduation rates
local, provincial, federal regions
What is a growing concern in the labour market and how is the Canadian government trying to address it?
Shortage of skilled labour.
Govt encouraging companies to increase training budgets by 1/3, requiring 65% of immigrants to have post-sec education.
Why will organizations who exploit diversity gain a competitive advantage?
They will have employees with critical skills that other companies don’t.
What are some of the HR areas that need to be tailored for different generations?
Development and job design
What are the social and cultural factors that effect HR strategy?
Right to privacy
Work-life balance
Contingent workers
Violence at work
Who are the internal stakeholders to HR strategy?
The board of directors Senior management Supervisors Employees Unions
What are some of the social-economic trends facing HR?
Increasing environmental awareness
Low fertility rates
More households without children than with
expanding seniors’ market for goods and services.
Who are the external stakeholders to HR strategy?
Customers Suppliers Governments Regulatory agencies The public NGOs any who can be influenced by or affect the management decision-making process
What is the issues priority matrix?
Probable impact on organization (high/med/low)/ Probability of occurrence(high/med/low) tells the priority of addressing the issue.
What is the BCG model?
The Boston Consulting Group model is a portfolio management toll used in product life cycle theory and planning. Stars/?/Cows/dogs measured on a grid for market growth and Market share.