Ch 2 - Janine *done* Flashcards
Strategic HRM (Def)
The interrelated philosophies, policies, and practices that facilitate the attainment of organizational strategy.
HRM can be viewed as an umbrella term for all the following:
HR philosophies that inform organization’s policies and practices;
HR policies that direct and constrain the development of specific practices;
Specific HR practices.
Resource Based View (def)
The theory that suggests that management of resources and capabilities will lead to competitive advantage resulting in superior performance and value.
Resource Based View Criteria for Competitive Advantage
- Employees who have superior performance because of skills, commitment, or flexibility are valuable.
- The “exact recipe” of HR systems (training, compensation, performance, appraisal, and culture) is difficult for competitors to imitate.
- Quality talent is rare.
- HR department that develops a system that will facilitate and stimulate innovative thinking processes are hard to substitute.
Resource Based View Typical Resources
HR, Proprietary knowledge, Reputation.
Resource Based View Typical Capabilities
Adaptability, Flexibility, Speed of bringing new products to market.
The Contingency Perspective
Businesses that implement a low-cost strategy may not benefit as much from high-performance HR practices as businesses that follow other strategies. IE. Each type of strategy requires different HR practices to shape the type of human capital and employee behaviours.
Human Capital Theory (def)
The sum of employees’ knowledge, skills, experience, and commitment invested in the organization. This is one of the three types of resources (Land, Capital, Labour) that economists view firms have control over.
Human Capital Includes
Knowledge Education Vocational qualifications Professional certifications, Work-related Experience Competence of employee
What are the investment costs in human capital?
Training, motivating, compensating, and monitoring.
Equation for estimating human capital investment
Total revenue - (operating expenses - total compensation cots) / Total compensation costs
ie. ea dollar a company invests generates this number in return.
Behavioural Theory (def)
Different stages require not only different human capital, but also different behaviour of employees because behaviour of employees effects organizational outcomes.
In behavioural theory, where should HR focus their practices?
Behaviour objective practices such as employee involvement, participation in decision making, voice and grievances, performance feedback, teamwork, and job enrichment. Ie. development of innovation, speed, and accountability behaviours.
HR offeres a competitive advantage when:
Orgs manage HR strategically and are matched with the org’s strategy.
How can HRM improve an organization’s performance goals?
Aligning all HR strategies with overall strategies;
Focusing employees behaviours on org mission and goals;
Developing HR practices that support and improve org’s strategy implementation
The Risks associated with HR Planning
The costs associated: time and energy in making decisions potential informatory overload impossible commitments to employees over-concern with employee reactions potential job loss myopia developed from commitment to one strategy inability to see and adapt to changes in environment
Ways that organizations can align HR strategy with business strategy
- Start with org strategy then create HR strategy
- Start with HR competencies the craft corporate strategies
- Do a combo of both in reciprocal relationship.
A traditional view of strategy alignment
Corporate strategy leads to HR strategy.
ie. low-cost strategy needs low-cost labour strategy.
Current view of strategy alignment
organizations can’t implement a strategy if it doesn’t have the human capital. Small businesses are in tune with this view.
HR Competencies lead to
Business strategies.
Skills determine strategy but may lead to over-reliance on employee capabilities instead of environmental analysis.
Labour Hording
An unusual North American strategy where key employees are retained during economic downturn. Retains human capital.
HR becomes a business partner when
HR professionals by applying their financial, forecasting, problem solving and entrepreneurial skills play a more strategic role.
Characteristics of an effective HRM strategy
External fit - HR and org strategies are aligned
Internal fit - HR programs are linked with other functional areas
Focus on results - measured and tracked.
Before any HR program what needs to be introduced?
Development of this chain:
HR program –> employee human capital and behviours –> org strategy –> org outcome.