Ch 3 - Culture Flashcards
cultural lag
the ways new technology often outpace the norms that govern our collective experiences with these new technologies
a subculture that champions values and lifestyles distinctly opposed to those of the dominant culture
cultural object
the physical item that is associated with people who share a culture
cultural relativism
the practice of understanding a culture by its own standards
culture shock
the experience of being disoriented because of a lack of knowledge about a social situation
culture war
an intense disagreement about core values and moral positions
dominant culture
the culture that permeates a society and that represents the ideas and practices of those in positions of power
dominant ideology
a widely held and regularly reinforced set of assumptions that generally support the current social system and serve the interests of authorities
the practice of judging another culture by the standard of one’s own
group habits or customs that are common in a given culture
high culture
cultural forms associated with elites that are widely recognized as valuable and legitimate
ideal culture
what the members of a culture report to be their values, beliefs, and norms
a system of meaning that helps define and explain the world and that makes value judgments about that world
material culture
the physical objects produced by people in a particular culture
ex- tools clothes toys art housing
nonmaterial culture
ideas of a culture
ex- values beliefs knowledge norms
norms that are strictly enforced, with potentially severe penalties for violating them
the recognition, valuing, and protection of the distinct cultures that make up a society
popular culture
cultural forms that are widespread and commonly embraced in a society
real culture
what members of a culture actually do, which may or may not reflect the ideal
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
the idea that because of their different cultural content and structure, languages affect how their speakers think and behave
cultures associated with smaller groups in society that have distinct norms, values and lifestyles setting them apart from the dominant culture
unreasonable hatred or fear of foreigners or people of a different culture