CH 25 Emergency Flashcards
What does ABC mean
C:Cardiovascular/ circulation
A process in sorting I’ll or injured animals into groups based on their need for immediate medical treatment
CRT should be
Orthopnea is
Maintaining a specific posture to ease breathing
Abnormally fast HR
Extremely low HR
Breathing that is prolonged and deep
Labored breathing
Increased RR
Decreased oxygen in the blood
Decreased RR
Air trapped between the lungs and the chest wall
Intestinal sounds
traumatic brain injury
A normal animal is
Alert and interactive with its environment
A dull or depressed animal is
Interactive with its environment but is not bright and eager to interact
An obtunded or delirious animal
reacts appropriately to stimuli, but at a lower level or slower pace than normal
A stuporous animal is
Completely disconnected from the environment and reacts only to painful or prolonged stimuli
A comatose animal
Is completely disconnected from the environment and does not to react to any stimulus at all
Dilated pupils
Different size pupils
Constricted pupils
Arching of the neck and back
Characterized by extremed rigidity of all four legs and may involve opisthotonus and indicates complete disconnect between the forebrain and the Brainstem.
Decerebrate posture
Signifies severe injury to the the cerebellum. Typically, the animal presents with rigid forelimbs and flexed hind limbs. Normal mentation
Decerebellate posture
Can mimic other postures. When the animal is on its side the forelimbs are rigid and the hind limbs are flaccid(limp). Has a normal mentation and often can ambulate when picked up and placed on its feet. Associated with t3-L3 spinal cord lesion
Schiff-Sherrington posture
Less than _% dehydration is not clinically detectable
What percent of dehydration ?
Mild MM dryness
What percent of dehydration ?
Mild loss of skin turgor, dry MM, mild tachycardia
What percent of dehydration ?
Pronounced loss of skin turgor, weak pulses, sunken eyes, dry MM, tachycardia
What percent of dehydration ?
Severe loss of skin turgor, sunken eyes, shock, coma, death
Great than 10%
Loss of intravascular volume and commonly occurs with shock, trauma, hemorrhage , or profuse V or D.
An instrument that determines the percent saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen.
Pulse Oximeter
Provides information about the acid base and respiratory status of the patient
Blood gas analyzer
Shock results from
Altered blood flow or impaired oxygen delivery to the tissues
What type of shock ?
Most common in cats and dogs. Trauma, hemorrhage, severe V/D. Delayed CRT, weak pulses, altered mentation, pale MM
What type of shock ?
Maldistribution of blood flow from inappropriate vasodilation causes pooling of blood in the capillaries. Some causes are sepsis, heatstroke, venom, anaphylaxis.
Distributive shock
What type of shock ?
When venous returns to the heart is impaired. GDV, cardiac tamponade (intrapericardial pressure causes the right atrium of collapse)
Obstructive shock
What type of shock ?
Secondary problems to the heart. Weak pulses, cold extremities, pale MM, hypotension.
Cariogenic shock
What type of shock ?
Severe infectious insult, gastric/intestinal perforation, infected bite wounds, viruses, severe tissue damage, bright red MM, bounding pulse, fevers.
Septic shock
Activation of red and white blood cells after shock. Results in widespread vasodilation, leading to hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnea,
(SIRS) Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome