Ch. 2 Sources of Information. Why research is best and how to find it Flashcards
Alternative explanations for an outcome
Availability Heuristic
Things that come to mind easily tend to guide our thinking
Present/Present Bias
Failure to consider appropriate comparison groups
Confirmation Bias
Seeking out information that agrees with what we already believe
Bias Blind Spot
The belief that we are unlikely, or less likely, to be biased compared to others
Empirical articles
Report the results of an empirical research study for the first time
Review Articles
Provide a summary of all published studies that have been done in one research area.
Research is probabilistic
Findings are not expected to explain all cases all of the time
Chapters in edited books
A collection of chapters on a common topic written by different contributors
Full-length books
A single book dedicated to a single scholar’s work
Trusting authorities on the subject
Could be based on the authorities research, personal experience or intuition.
Abstract in Sci Journals
Hypothesis, summary, major results
Method in Sci Journal contains
Participants, Material, Procedure and Apparatus.
Introduction in Sci Journals
Explains the topic, background, theory, past studies, present studies, research questions, goals, hypothesis
Results in a Sci Journal
Statistical Results. Quantitative, relevant, qualitative.
Discussion in Sci Journals