Ch 2 PPe and Rescue Equipment Flashcards
Ladder belt type harness that is worn around the wearer’s waist and used only to secure a firefighter to a ladder or other object
Class 1 Harness
Seat type harness designed to support the weight of two people
Class II Harness
Sit type harness designed to support the weight of two people. This type also has over the shoulder support
Class III Harness
the practice of preventing transmission of biological pathogens, especially bloodborne pathogens, when providing first aid or health care.
Universal Precautions
The practice of isolating all bodily substances in order to limit the spread of infectious disease
Body Substance Isolation (BSI)
________ Decontamination must occur at the incident site to prevent contaminants from being carried to the fire station
tool that is manipulated and powered by human force
hand tool
tools characterized by large, weighted heads on handles
striking tools
hand tools that use the principle of leverage to allow the rescuer to exert more force than would be possible without the tool
prying tools
action or mechanical power of a lever
device consisting of a bar turning about a fixed point (fulcrum), using power or force applied at a second point to life or sustain an object at a third point
support or point of support on which a lever pivots in raising or moving a load
hand or power tool used to cut a specific kind of material
cutting tool
long, nonhydraulic jacks that can be extended or retraced by turning a collar on a threaded shaft
screw jacks
type of lifting jack that uses the principles of leverage to operate
ratchet-lever jack
Tool designed to operate at air pressures between 100 and 150 psi; during periods of normal consumption, it will use about 4 to 5 cubic feet of compressed air per minute
pneumatic chisel
Varying lengths of solid wood or plastic, usually 4X4 or larger, used to stabilize vehicles and collapsed buildings during lifting operations at victim extrication incidents
collapse that occurs after the initial collapse of a structure
secondary collapse
process of providing additional support to key places between an object of entrapment and the ground or other solid anchor points, in order to prevent unwanted movement
Angle cut piece of timber used to ensure close contact between shoring and loads, fill in voids, or change the angle of thrust
shims used in pairs to provide close contact between a shoring system and the supported load
shores or jacks with movable parts that are operated by the action of a compressed gas
pneumatic shoring
shores or jacks with movable parts that are operated by the action of hydraulic fluid
hydraulic shoring
Carbide-tipped blades are designed to cut ______, and can also cut _______ in wood
wood, nails
abrasive blades are designed for cutting _______ and certain other metals
Diamond-segmented blades are very useful for specific purposes, such as cutting _______.
______ occurs when the upper tip of the bar comes in contact with a solid object.
_______ occurs when the chain on the bottom of the guide bar gets pinched and the saw is pulled into the work
_______ occurs when the chain on top of the guide bar gets pinched, which suddenly stops the chin movement
high temperature luminous electric discharge across a gap or through a medium such as charred insulation
cutting torch that uses a chemical reaction to produce heat and flame
exothermic cutting device
commonly used torch that burns oxygen and acetylene to produce a very hot flame.
oxyacetylene cutting torch
colorless gas that has an explosive range from 2.5 percent to 81 percent in air.
pulling tool that consists of a length of steel chain or cable wrapped around a motor-driven drum
an accessory mechanism attached to a vehicle engine, usually linked to the transmission, that supplies power to drive a nonvehicular device, such as a pump, winch, or portable tool
Power take off systems (PTO)
manually operated pulling tool that uses a ratchet/pully arrangement to provide a mechanical advantage
come along