Ch 2 Dermatology Vocab Flashcards
integumentary system
the structures of the integumentary system consist of the skin (and its structures and glands), the nails, and the subcutaneous tissue. this body system covers most of the surface of the body and is the body’s first line of defense against injury and infection. functions of the integumentary system include protection, repair, sensation, vitamin D synthesis, thermoregulation, and homeostasis
adipose tissue
fatty tissue that is part of the subcutaneous tissue. it contains lipocytes that store fat as an energy reserve
firm, white protein fibers in the dermis
pertaining to the skin
layer of dead cells that lie along the proximal edge of the nail. the cuticle keeps microorganisms from entering the deeper tissues
layer of skin beneath the epidermis. it contains collagen and elastin fibers. it also contains arteries, veins, and nerves, as well as sebaceous glands, sudoriferous glands, and hair follicles
the process of sweating. the sweat itself is perspiration. sweat is secreted by the sudoriferous glands. bacteria on the skin that digest sweat produce its characteristic odor.
yellow elastic fibers in the dermis
thin, outermost layer of the skin. the most superficial part or squamous layer of the epidermis consists of dead cells filled with keratin. the deepest part or basal layer contains constantly dividing cells that are moving toward the surface
type of tissue that includes the epidermis, as well as mucous membranes that line internal cavities that connect to the outside of the body. also know as epithelial tissue
normal process of the constant shedding of dead cells from the most superficial part of the epidermis
exocrine gland
type of gland that secretes substances through a duct. the sebaceous (oil) glands and sudoriferous (sweat) glands in the dermis are both exocrine glands
structure in the dermis in which each hair forms
structure that grows as a shaft from a follicle in the dermis. hair cells are filled with keratin.
hard, fibrous protein in the outermost cells of the epidermis. keratin is also in the hair and nails
cell in the adipose tissue of the subcutaneous tissue; it stores fat as an energy reserve.
whitish half-moon shape that is the visible part of the nail root
dark brown or black pigment that gives color to the skin and hair
pigment cell in the epidermis. melanocyte-stimulating hormone in the anterior pituitary gland in the brain causes melanocytes to produce melanin.
nail bed
layer of living tissue beneath the nail plate. it contains nerves and blood vessels. aka the quick
nail plate
hard, translucent protective covering over the distal end of each finger and toe. it is composed of dead cells that contain keratin. aka the nail
nail root
located beneath the skin of the finger or toe. it produces cells that form the lunula and nail plate.
process in which body hairs become erect when the skin is cold
sebaceous gland
exocrine gland in the dermis that secretes sebum (oil) through a duct. sebum coats the hair and moisturizes the skin. aka oil gland
a major part of the integumentary system. the skin consists of two layers - the epidermis and the dermis
subcutaneous tissue
tissue layer beneath the dermis. it is composed of connective tissue and adipose tissue
sudoriferous gland
exocrine gland in the dermis. it secretes sweat through a duct that ends at a pore on the surface of the skin. aka sweat gland
area of the skin that sends sensory information through a nerve to the spinal cord
healthcare-associated infection (HAI)
infection that occurs in hospitals and other healthcare facilities when caregivers do not wash their hands. previously known as a nosocomial infection
balance, equilibrium, and stability of all body systems and functions
normal skin flora
bacteria that live on the skin and inhibit the growth of disease-causing microorganisms
the integumentary system is the body’s first line of defense and protection against injury and infection
sensory receptors in the dermis respond to light touch, pressure, vibration, pain, or temperature. the nervous system then relays and interprets skin sensations
process of putting together sunlight and the skin to create vitamin D
actions of the integumentary system to help control body temperature: the subcutaneous layer conserves body heat, the skin creates heat with goosebumps and piloerection, and the sudoriferous glands secrete sweat to evaporate and cool the body
infection or inflammation of the skin. this can be due to injury to the skin itself or to a disease within the body that manifests itself on the skin.
excessive amounts of fluid move from the blood into the dermis or subcutaneous tissue and cause swelling.
local areas of edema on the skin can be caused by inflammation, an allergic reaction, or an infection. large areas of edema on the skin are associated with diseases of the cardiovascular or urinary systems.
an injury to the blood vessels releases blood into the skin; this process is known as extravasation
pinpoint areas of blood caused by small ruptured blood vessels
a hemorrhage of a larger amount of blood into the skin.
a hemorrhage that is 3 cm in diameter or larger
an elevated, localized collection of blood under the skin
any visible damage or variation from normal skin, whether from disease or injury
elevated circular mound
skin color or erythema
semisolid or partly fluid filled
small, cracklike crevice
none; some fluid exudate
dry, chapped skin (example)
flat circle
pigmented brown or black
ex. freckle or age spot
skin color or erythema
ex. acne pimple
white top
puss filled
ex. acne whitehead
flat to slightly elevated, thin flake
ex. dandruff or psoriasis
elevated with pointed top
erythema with a transparent top
clear fluid filled
ex. herpes, chickenpox, shingles
elevated with broad, flat top
erythema with a pale top
clear fluid filled
ex. insect bites, urticaria
a new growth that occurs on the skin.
can be benign or malignant
caused by the release of histamine as part of an allergic reaction of the skin
aka itching
any type of skin lesion that is pink or red, flat or raised, itchy or not itchy. certain diseases have characteristic rashes
excessive dryness of the skin.
caused by aging, cold weather with low humidity, vitamin A deficiency, or dehydrations
genetic mutation that causes a lack of pigment in the skin, hair, and iris of the eye. there is a normal number of melanocytes, but they produce insufficient or no melanin
bluish-purple discoloration of the skin and nails due to decreased level of oxygen in the blood.
caused by cardiac or respiratory disease. cyanotic. in healthy persons, areas of the skin exposed to the cold can temporarily exhibit cyanosis
reddish discoloration of the skin.
can be confined to a local area of infection or inflammation, or it can affect large areas of the skin, as in sunburn. area is said to be erythematous
yellowish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as the whites of the eyes. associated with liver disease.
gray to black discoloration of the skin in areas where the tissue has died. can develop in a burn, pressure injury, wound, or any tissue with poor blood supply.
necrosis with subsequent bacterial invasion and infection. the area is said to be gangrenous
autoimmune disorder in which melanocytes are slowly destroyed. there are white patches of depigmentation interspersed with areas of normally pigmented skin
a sliding or scraping injury that mechanically removes the epidermis. aka brush burn
fluid-filled sac with a thin, transparent covering of epidermal cells.
occurs when a repetitive rubbing injury separates the epidermis from the dermis, releasing tissue fluid and creating a fluid-filled sac. often form on the hell from walking in poorly fitting shoes or on the hand from constant rubbing against an object such as a tool
heat, electrical current, chemicals, and radiation or x-rays can create a burn of the epidermis or dermis
superficial burn
involves only the epidermis. there is erythema, pain, and swelling, but not blisters. aka first degree burn
partial-thickness burn
involves the epidermis and the upper part of the dermis.
there is erythema, pain, and swelling, but also a blister or a large bulls that forms as the epidermis detaches from the dermis and the space between fills with tissue fluid.
aka second-degree burn
full-thickness burn
involves the epidermis, dermis, and sometimes the subcutaneous tissue and muscle layer beneath it.
if nerves in the dermis are destroyed, there is a local anesthesia with loss of sensation of pain.
aka third-degree burn
a thick scar of necrotic tissue that forms on a full-thickness burn. eschar must be removed because it traps fluid, delays healing, and can become infected
repetitive rubbing injury that causes the epidermis to gradually thicken into a wide, elevated pad.
a callus with a hard central area with a pointed tip that causes pain
fibrous tissue composed of collagen; it forms as an injury heals.
aka scar
superficial injury with a sharp object (such as a fingernail, animal claw, or thorn) that creates a linear scratch on the skin
a very firm, abnormally large scar.
it grows larger than the original injury because of an overproduction of collagen as the injury heals. unlike a scar, a keloid does not decrease in size over time.
linear penetrating wound.
it can have clean-cut or torn, ragged skin edges
pressure injury
epidermis and dermis break down, resulting in a shallow or deep ulcer. this occurs because constant pressure on the skin decreases blood flow to that area.
aka: pressure ulcer, bedsore, or decubitus ulcer
stretch marks
localized, pus-containing pocket under the skin from a bacterial infection
usually caused by staphylococcus aureus, a common bacteria on the skin
localized, elevated abscess around the hair follicle.
aka boil
several furuncles connected by channels through the subcutaneous tissue or to the skin surface.
infection and inflammation that spreads through the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscle. it develops from a superficial cut, scratch, insect bite, blister, or splinter that becomes infected. the infecting bacteria produce enzymes that allow the infection to spread between the tissue layers. there is erythema (often as a red streak), warmth, and pain
infection caused by the herpes virus. there are clusters of vesicles, erythema, edema, and pain. the vesicles rupture, releasing clear fluid that forms crusts.
herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1
causes vesicles on the lips. these tend to occur during illness and stress.
aka cold sores or fever blisters
herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 2
a sexually transmitted disease that causes vesicles in the genital area. these tend to recur during illness and stress
aka genital herpes
herpes whitlow
infection at the distal fingernail because of contact with either herpes simplex type 1 or type 2. the virus enters through a small tear in the cuticle
herpes varicella-zoster
causes the skin rash of chickenpox during childhood. the virus then remains dormant in the nerves until it is activated in later life by illness or stress. then it forms vesicles and crusts along a dermatome and is very painful.
aka shingles
skin infection caused by a fungus that feeds on epidermal cells. there is severe itching and burning with red, scaly lesions. because some lesions are round, it was thought to be caused by a worm, and so it was (and still is) called ringworm. tinea is named according to where it occurs on the body
tinea capitis
occurs on the scalp and causes hair loss (ringworm)
tinea corporis
occurs on the trunk and extremities (ringworm)
tinea cruris
occurs in the groin and genital areas (ringworm)
aka jock itch
tinea pedis
occurs on the feet (ringworm)
aka athlete’s foot
irregular, rough skin lesion caused by the human papillomavirus. it usually occurs on the hands, fingers, or the soles of the feet (plantar wart). aka wart
infestation of parasitic lice and their eggs (nits) in the scalp, hair, eyelashes, or genital hair. lice are easily transmitted from one person to another by combs or hats
infestation of parasitic mites that tunnel under the skin and produce vesicles that are itchy
contact dermatitis
local reaction from contact with a substance that is an allergen or irritant. the skin becomes inflamed or irritated
local allergic reaction due to food, plants, animals, insect bites, or drugs. there are raised areas of redness and edema that appear suddenly. itching causes the areas to enlarge.
aka hives.
each individual area is known as a wheal. a large wheal is a welt.
actinic keratosis
benign (not cancerous) neoplasm. This raised, irregular, rough area of skin is dry and feels like sandpaper. it develops in middle-aged persons in areas exposed to the sun. the area can become cancerous.
aka solar keratosis
benign mass of superficial, dilated blood vessels that is present at birth. most disappear without treatment by age 3
benign growth of adipose tissue in the subcutaneous layer. it makes a soft, rounded, fatty elevation of the skin
benign skin lesion that is present at birth and has a variety of colors and shapes
mole: a raised and round nevus
port-wine stain: a flat, red-to-purple, and irregularly shaped nevus. it can be over a large area, often on the head and neck. aka birthmark
soft, flesh-colored growth that protrudes outwardly from the skin as a flap or a polyp on a stalk. aka skin tag.
senile lentigo
light-to-dark brown, flat macules on the hands and face of older adults; they occur in areas chronically exposed to the sun.
aka liver spots or age spots
congenital abnormality in which the skin and soft tissues are joined between the fingers or toes. in some cases, the nails are also joined.
a congenital abnormality in which there are extra fingers or toes
cancer of the skin
a cancerous lesion or malignancy in areas of the skin that are chronically exposed to ultraviolet light radiation from the sun. skin cancer is more common in older adults because of a lifetime of sun exposure and in fair-skinned persons because there is less melanin to absorb radiation
basal cell carcinoma
skin cancer that begins in the basal (bottom) layer of the epidermis. it appears as a raised, pearly bump. it is the most common type of skin cancer, but it is a slow-growing cancer that does not metastasize to other parts of the body
kaposi sarcoma
cancer of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. it is an elevated, irregular, dark reddish-blue tumor. it also involves the mucous membranes and internal organs. this previously rare cancer is now commonly seen in patients with AIDS because of their impaired immune response.
malignant melanoma
skin cancer of the melanocytes in the epidermis. it grows quickly and can spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body
Asymmetry: One side has a different shape than the other side
Border: irregular or ragged
Color: varies from black to brown with patches of pink, red, or white within the same lesion.
Diameter: greater than 6mm (1/4 inch)
Evolving: Changing in size, shape, or color over time
squamous cell carcinoma
skin cancer that begins in the superficial (squamous cell) layer of the epidermis. it appears as a red bump or an ulcer. it often develops from an actinic keratosis. it is the second most common type of skin cancer, but it grows slowly
autoimmune disorder that produces an excessive number of abnormal epidermal cells. the skin is itchy, red, and covered with silvery scales and plaques on the scalp, elbows, hands, and knees. illness and stress can cause a flareup, and psoriasis has a hereditary component.
autoimmune disorder that causes the skin and internal organs to harden over time due to abnormal deposits of collagen
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
autoimmune disorder in which collagen in the skin and connective tissue deteriorates. there is joint pain, sensitivity to sunlight, and fatigue. often there is a characteristic butterfly-shaped, erythematous rash over the nose and cheeks and a red rash on other body parts
acne vulgaris
chronic skin condition of the face, shoulders, and back during adolescence. the sebaceous glands secrete excessive amounts of sebum
chronic skin condition of the face and neck in middle-aged patients. the sebaceous glands secrete excessive amounts of sebum. there is blotchy erythema and dilated superficial blood vessels; these are made worse by heat, cold, stress, emotions, certain foods, alcoholic beverages, or sunlight.
an erythematous, irregular enlargement of the nose in men.
overproduction of sebum that occurs at a time other than adolescence. oily areas alternate with dry, scaly skin and dandruff. there can also be erythema and crusty, yellow deposits from leaking tissue fluids. in adults, it often occurs after illness or stress. can also be caused by allergies.
congenital absence of sudoriferous glands and inability to sweat and tolerate heat
the normal process of sweating. excessive sweating can point to an underlying serious condition, such as a myocardial infarction, hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia, or withdrawal from narcotic drugs
loss of hair from the scalp
excessive, dark hair on the forearms and upper lip of a woman.
caused by an increased level of male hormone, which is produced by a tumor in the woman’s adrenal glad cortex
clubbing and cyanosis
abnormal downward curved and bluish fingernails and stunted growth of the fingers associated with a chronic lack of oxygen in patients with cystic fibrosis
fungal infection of the fingernails or toenails. it infects the nail root and deforms the nail as it grows.
allergy skin testing
skin test in which allergens in a liquid form are given by intradermal injections into the skin. if the patient is allergic to a particular allergen, a wheal will form at the site of that injection.
alternative: scratch test: the allergen is scratched into the skin.
culture and sensitivity (C&S)
laboratory test in which a specimen of the exudate (oozing fluid or pus) from an ulcer, wound, burn, laceration, or skin infection is tested to identify the bacterium present and its sensitivity to specific antibiotic drugs.
RAST (radioallergosorbent test)
blood test that measures the amount of immunoglobulin E (IgE) that is produced when a patient’s blood is mixed with a specific allergen. IgE is active during allergic reactions in the body. the test produces a computerized printout that shows which allergens the patient is allergic to and how severe the allergy is
skin scraping
skin test in which a skin scraping is done with the edge of a scalpel to obtain cells from a skin lesion. the cells are examined under a microscope to make a diagnosis.
tzanck test
skin test in which a skin scraping is done to obtain fluid from a vesicle. the fluid is smeared on a slide, stained, and examined under a microscope. herpes virus infections and shingles show characteristic giant cells with herpes viruses in them.
wood lamp or light
skin test that uses ultraviolet light to highlight areas of abnormal skin. in a darkened room, ultraviolet light makes vitiligo appear bright white and tinea capitis appear blue-green because the fungus fluoresces.
botox injections
procedure in which the drug botox is injected into the muscle to release deep wrinkle lines on the face. the drug keeps the muscle from contracting and creating wrinkles.
collagen injections
procedure in which a liquid that contains collagen is injected into wrinkles or acne scars. this plumps the skin and decreases the depth of the wrinkle or scar
procedure (CoolSculpting) that is noninvasive nd uses a device that is placed on the skin. the device is cold, and it targes and freezes fat cells, causing them to crystalize and die. does not freeze skin cells or cause frostbite, as skin cells contain more water and freeze at a lower temp than fat cells. in a few weeks, the body naturally eliminates the dead fat cells, causing a reduction in unwanted fat deposits
procedure in which liquid nitrogren is sprayed or painted onto a wart, mole, or other benign lesion or onto a small malignant lesion. the liquid nitrogen freezes and destroys the lesion
procedure that uses a curet to scrape off a superficial skin lesion. a curet is a metal instrument that ends in a small ring with a sharp edge. often combined with electrodesiccation for complete removal of the lesion.
procedure in which necrotic tissues is removed from a burn, wound, or ulcer. done to prevent infection from developing, to determine the depth of the wound, or to create a clean, raw surface that is ready to heal or receive a skin graft.
procedure that uses an electrical current to remove a nevus, wart, skin tag, or small malignant lesion. the electrical current passes through an electrode and evaporates the lesion.
the electrode is held away from the skin and transmits the electrical current to the skin lesion as a spark
the electrode is touched or inserted into the skin lesion to deliver the electrical current
a special electrode is used that can cut and remove the lesion
incision and drainage (I&D)
procedure to remove fluid or pus from a cyst or abscess.
a scalpel is used to make an incision. most of the fluid or pus is manually expressed and the remainder is allowed to drain out
laser surgery
procedure that uses pulses of laser light to remove birthmarks, tattoos, enlarged superficial blood vessels (rosacea), wrinkles, scars, or unwanted hair.
skin resurfacing
procedure that removes the epidermis. used to treat acne scars and skin tone irregularities, remove tattoos, and promote the regrowth of smoother skin.
chemical peel
uses a liquid acid to remove the epidermis
uses a rapidly spinning wire brush or diamond surface to mechanically scrape away (abrade) the epidermis
laser skin resurfacing or laser peel
uses a computer-controlled laser to vaporize the epidermis
uses aluminum oxide crystals to abrade and remove the epidermis
skin turgor assessment
assesses the patient’s level of hydration by testing the skin turgor. a fold of skin pinched between the thumb and fingertips of the healthcare professional should flatten out immediately when released. dehydration causes the fold of skin to remain elevated or to flatten out very slowly
procedure that uses ultrasound waves directed to the dermis and subcutaneous tissues. it stimulates the production of new collagen to lift and tighten the skin of the face and neck
antipruritic drug
decreases itching. applied topically or given orally
coal tar drug
treats psoriasis. causes epidermal cells to multiply more slowly to decrease itching. coal tar is a byproduct of the processing of bituminous coal. contains more than 10k different chemicals. applied topically
corticosteroid drug
treats skin inflammation associated with many different skin diseases. topical or oral
drug for alopecia
improves blood flow to the skin to increase hair growth. applied topically or given orally to block the production of DHT.
photodynamic therapy (PDT)
treats cancer of the skin with laser light and a photosensitizing drug
psoralen drug
treats psoriasis. sensitizes the skin to the ultraviolet light therapy, damages cellular DNA, and decreases the rate of cell division. this combination is known as PUVA (psoralen drug and ultraviolet A light)
Vitamin A-type drug
treats acne vulgaris or severe cystic acne. causes epidermal cells to multiply rapidly to keep the pores from becoming clogged. applied topically or given orally
excisional biopsy
uses a scalpel to remove the entire skin lesion or tumor
incisional biopsy
uses a scalpel to make an incision to remove just a portion of the skin lesion or tumor
punch biopsy
uses a circular metal cutter to remove a core of tissue from the skin lesion or tumor
shave biopsy
uses a scalpel to shave off a superficial skin lesion in the epidermis
procedure of any type that involves plastic surgery to the skin, such as skin grafting, removal of a keloid, facelift, etc.
procedure to remove excessive adipose tissue deposits from the breasts, abdomen, hips, legs, or buttocks. a cannula inserted through a small incision is used to suction out the subcutaneous tissue. ultrasonic-assisted liposuction uses ultrasonic waves to break up the fatty tissue before it is removed.
aka suction-assisted lipectomy
mohs surgery
procedure to remove skin cancer, particularly tumors with irregular shapes and depths. an operating microscope is used during surgery to examine each layer of excised tissue. if it still shows cancerous cells, more tissue is removed until no cancer cells are seen.
procedure to remove wrinkles and tighten loose, aging skin on the face and neck.
aka facelift
the removal of fat and drooping skin from around the eyelids. often done at the same time as a rhytidectomy (facelift)
skin grafting
procedure that uses human or artificial skin to provide a temporary covering or permanent layer of skin over a burn or wound. a dermatome makes a shallow, continuous cut to remove (harvest) skin to be used as a graft.
a skin graft taken from a dead body (cadaver). it is frozen and stored in a skin bank. this is used as a temporary skin graft to protect the patient’s skin and prevent infection and fluid loss.
a skin graft taken from another area of the patient’s own body. this is a permanent skin graft
synthetic skin graft
a skin graft made of collagen fibers arranged in a lattice pattern. the patient’s own healing skin grows into this as the graft gradually dissolves