Ch. 2 antecedents of sport injury Flashcards
what is stess?
When your physical and psychological demands outweigh your capabilities and resources
Inverted U hypothesis
Assumes that people operate best at a medium level of arousal/state anxiety
individual zones of optimal functioning (iZOF)
Each athlete will have their own “zone” of optimal arousal/state anxiety
Physical factors for how injuries happen
high-speed collisions
greater strength training demands
poor preparation
environmental factors to injury
equipment failure
psychological factors to injury
distraction due to anxiety/lack of focus
Multifactorial model for sports injury
all risk factors occur before event/ exposure to injury
Stress injury model
see powerpoint
cognitive appraisal
If athlete perceives that their resources exceed demands, then stress response will be minimal
if athlete perceives demands exceed their perceived resources, then stress levels will be high
physiological/attentional responses
Optimal attentional field - moderate and optimal arousal; focused on the task and have a correct level of arousal
narrow attentional field - higher levels of muscle tension. failure to pick up on external cues
broad attention field - greater distractibility; attention becomes too scattered and athlete is focusing on many things at once that arent relevant thus missing vital cues
muscle tension
Increases in muscle tension can influence the flow of movement
complex tasks that require fine motor function are most susceptible to injury when in a state of high arousal
locus of control
internal - you feel like you have control over the situation (higher mental toughness) leads to less injury
external - place control on something else (coaches, refs, opponent); higher levels of anxiety if we feel like we do not have control over the situation which will lead to more injury
sense of coherence
the extent to which one has a pervasive, enduring through dynamic, feeling of confidence that one’s environment is predictable and that thing swill work out as well as can reasonably be expected. A mixture of optimism and control.
(basically having cohesive thoughts on the subject)
Competitive trait anxiety
tendency to experience stress during sports participation