Ch. 19-24 Summary Flashcards
- Athematic Potential
Athematic verbs do not have the potential marker -e- that we know from thematic verbs. Instead, the suffix -yā- is added to the weak stem, giving -yām, -yāḥ etc.; but note that the 3rd Pl ending is -yuḥ.
- सः/तद्- ‘he, she, it; this’
Memorise the Sg with special care. Noteworthy forms: NomAcc Sg Ntr तत्; Loc Sg तस्मिन्; InstrDatAbl Du ताभ्याम् (long tā- even in the Masc/Ntr); Nom Pl ते, Gen Pl तेषाम्.
- अयम्/इदम्- ‘this, that’
Instr Sg anena/anayā, GenLoc Du anayoḥ;
Instr Pl Masc ebhiḥ.
- THE FUTURE TENSE लृट् (लकार)
It does not use the present stem (as present and imperfect did), but is formed by means of:
– a verbal root in guṇa
– the future marker -sya- or -iṣya-
– primary endings (i.e. the same endings as those used in the present tense).
- Middle voice आत्मनेपद
Recognisable: frequent final -e. Many parallels to active endings. Uses same stem as active. Athematic verbs only use weak stem.
- Passive voice कमर्िण प्रयोग
Distinct forms only in present: Zero-grade root + -ya- + middle endings. Elsewhere identical to middle.
- Future tense लृट् (लकार)
Guṇa root + -sya-/-iṣya- + active or middle
- present middle participle of a verb is formed by taking the present stem and adding the suffix
-māna- in the case of a thematic verb, or the weak present stem and adding -āna- in the case of an athematic verb. Present middle participles decline as regular a-/ā-stems.
√द्युत् ‘to shine’ (Class I Mid), present stem द्योत- –› द्योतमान- ‘shining’ (-मानः (Masc), -माना (Fem), मानम् (Ntr)) √भुज् ‘to enjoy’ (Class VII), weak present stem भुञ्ज्- –› भुञ्जान- ‘enjoying’
present passive participle is formed by adding the middle suffix to the passive stem (root in zero grade (with possible changes) + -ya-)
√नी ‘to lead’ –› नीयमान- ‘being led’
√ईक्ष् ‘to see’ –› ईक्ष्यमान- ‘being seen’
√श्रु ‘to listen, hear’ –› श्रूयमान- ‘being listened to, heard’
√दा ‘to give’ –› दीयमान- ‘being given’
- Sanskrit relative clauses have the same function as their English counterparts. Yet there are three formal differences:
1) The head noun is frequently included in the relative clause itself, and the relative clause as a
whole may precede the main clause.
2) The relative pronoun य- (in any of its forms) is usually picked up by a form of the demonstrative
pronoun सः/तद्- ‘he, this one’ etc. in the main clause.
3) The relative and demonstrative pronouns do not need to stand at the beginning of their clauses.
An indefinite pronoun is used to refer not to a specific thing or individual, but to someone or
something in general
कः ‘who?’ –› e.g. कश्चित् or को ऽपि ‘someone; whoever’
कस्य ‘whose?’ –› e.g. कस्य चन ‘someone’s; whoever’s’
कदा ‘when?’ –› e.g. कदा चित् ‘at some time; sometimes’
- IMPERATIVES लोट् (लकार)
Used for commands and requests. Partly = imperfect forms without augments
गच्छ thus simply is ‘go!’.
- उत्तिष्ठ
‘stand up!’
- युध्यस्व
- ब्रूहि
- शृणु