Ch. 18 Fetal Biometry and Lie Flashcards
What is the most accurate measurement for determining gestational age?
Crown-rump length in the first trimester
Measurements taken in the second and third trimesters have a rang of aprox
+ or - 2 weeks
Term for how estimated due dates are determined from LMPs
Naegele’s Rule
What is Naegele’s rule
EDD=LMP - 3 months + 7 days
Term for a normal oval head shape
BPD measurements are not accurate at how many weeks
Accurate until 33 weeks
Which measurement is more accurate, HC or BPD?
HC, especially when dolichocephaly or brachycephaly is present
What measurement is the least reliable in determining gestational age
Cephalic index (CI) defines head shape and is determined by
Dividing BPD by OFD (occipital-frontal diameter)
What is the normal range of CI
0.70 - 0.86 (70-86%)
Dolico CI would be
CI <70%
Brachycephaly CI would be
CI >86%
Term for an abnormally elongated head shape
Term for an abnormally rounded head shape
In cases of brachy or dolicocephaly, what should be disregarded
the BPD is eliminated from estimation of GA