Ch 18 Blood Vessels & Circulation Flashcards
Which of the following is NOT a function of the blood vessels which helps to maintain homeostasis?
A. Carry blood from the heart to the tissues and back to the heart
B. Generate blood pressure
C. Exchange nutrients, wastes and gases with the tissues
D. All of these are functions of blood vessels
Which blood vessels carry blood away from the heart?
Which blood vessels allow the exchange of gases and nutrients between the blood and tissues?
Which blood vessels carry blood toward the heart?
The wall of a blood vessel is composed of three layers. Which of the following is NOT a layer of a
blood vessel wall?
Tunica fibrosa
What is the name of the blood vessel layer that forms the inner surface of the blood vessel?
Tunica intima
What is the name of the blood vessel layer that contains smooth muscle fibers?
Tunica media
Which of the following types of arteries are large and recoil when stretched?
Elastic arteries
Which of the following arteries are distributing arteries?
Muscular arteries
Which of the following arteries delivers blood to the capillaries?
What is the name of the blood vessel that directly connects an arteriole to a venule?
Thoroughfare channel
What type of vein directly connects with capillaries?
Which of the following structures is ONLY found in veins?
A. Tunica adventitia
B. Chordae tendineae
C. Endothelium
D. None of the these are correct
Which of the following is the flow of blood as blood moves from the heart to the tissues back to the heart? Arterioles Muscular arteries Capillaries Elastic arteries
What is the name of the age related change in arteries that cause the arteries to be less elastic?
What is the name of the age related change in arteries that is caused by the deposition of material in
the walls of arteries to form plaques?
Which of the following is the flow of blood from the heart through the pulmonary circulation?
Pulmonary trunk, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary capillaries, pulmonary veins
Which of the following is the flow of blood from the heart through the systematic circulation?
Aorta, arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins
Which of the following is NOT a part of the aorta?
A. Aortic arch
B. Descending aorta
C. Ascending aorta
D. Transverse aorta
Which of the following is NOT a branch off of the aortic arch?
A. Left common carotid artery
B. Left subclavian artery
C. Right subclavian artery
D. Brachiocephalic artery
What major artery carries blood to the right side of the neck and head and right arm?
Branchiocephalic artery
Which of the following arteries is the artery that carries blood to right arm?
Right subclavian artery
What is the artery that carries blood to the left side of the brain?
Left internal carotid artery
What is the artery that carries blood to the spinal cord?
Vertebral artery
Which of the following disorders is a neurological disorder caused by a decreased blood supply to a part of the brain?
What is the major artery in the armpit that carries blood to the upper arm?
Axillary artery
Which of the following arteries is the artery that is found in the upper arm?
Brachial artery
Which pair of the arteries is found in the forearm?
Ulnar and radial arteries
What artery carries blood to the fingers and thumb?
Digital artery
What arteries carry blood to the esophagus, trachea, pericardium and bronchioles of the lungs?
Visceral arteries
Which of the following arteries carries blood to the chest wall?
Anterior intercostal arteries
Which of the following pairs of arteries and supplied tissues is correctly matched?
A. Inferior mesenteric artery - small intestines and rectum
B. Common hepatic artery - spleen, pancreas and stomach C. Renal artery - adrenal gland
D. None of the above are correct
Which of the following pairs of arteries and supplied tissues is correctly matched?
**A. Superior mesenteric artery - cecum, ascending and transverse colon
B. Gastric artery - spleen, pancreas and stomach
C. Suprarenal artery - kidney
D. None of the above are correct
Which of the following pairs of arteries and supplied tissues is correctly matched?
A. Inferior phrenic artery - small intestines
B. Splenic artery - spleen, pancreas and stomach
C. Lumbar artery - liver and gall bladder
D. None of the above are correct
Which of the following pairs of arteries and supplied tissues is correctly matched?
A. Ovarian artery - testes
B. Common hepatic artery - spleen, pancreas and stomach C. Renal artery - kidney
D. None of the above are correct
Which of the following is NOT an artery of the pelvic region?
Popliteal artery
Which of the following pairs of arteries and supplied tissues is NOT correctly matched?
A. Internal iliac artery - urinary bladder, rectum, uterus and vagina
B. External iliac artery - lower limb
C. Common iliac artery - inferior vertebrae
D. None of the above is correct
What is the artery that supplies blood to the leg?
External iliac artery
Which of the following arteries is found in the thigh region?
Femoral artery
Which of the following arteries is found in the knee region?
Popliteal artery
Which of the following arteries is found in the toe region?
Digital artery
What is the vein that drains blood from the head, neck and upper limbs?
Superior vena cava
What is the vein that drains blood from the abdomen, pelvis and lower limbs?
Inferior vena cava
Which of the following veins drains blood from the anterior head, face and neck?
Internal jugular vein
Which of the following major veins is formed from the joining of the subclavian veins?
Brachiocephalic vein
Which of the following veins drains blood from the posterior head and neck?
External jugular vein
Which of the following veins drains blood from the upper limbs?
Both the cephalic and basilic veins
Which of the following major veins receives blood from the axillary vein?
Subclavian vein
Which of the following veins is used to draw blood from at the elbow?
Median cubital vein
What vein drains blood from the fingers and thumb?
Digital vein
Which of the following veins receives blood from the radial and ulnar veins?
Brachial vein
Which of the following veins empties its blood directly into the superior vena cava?
Azygos vein
What is the vein that drains blood from the anterior thoracic wall?
A. Posterior intercostal vein
B. Hemiazygos or accessory hemiazygos vein
C. Subclavian vein
D. None of the above are correct
Which of the following veins drains blood from the pelvis, pelvic organs and external genitalia?
Internal iliac vein
Which of the following major veins drains blood from the stomach, intestines and spleen?
Hepatic portal vein
What is the vein that drains blood from the small intestine?
Superior mesenteric vein
What is the vein that drains blood from the descending and transverse colon and rectum?
Inferior mesenteric vein
What is the vein that drains blood from the stomach?
Gastric vein
Which of the following veins is NOT a vein of the leg?
A. Greater saphenous vein
**B. Lumbar vein
C. Popliteal vein
D. Femoral vein
Which of the following veins is the longest vein in the body that ascends along the medial side of the leg?
Greater saphenous vein
What is the measure of the force that the blood exerts against the wall of a blood vessel?
Blood pressure
What is the blood pressure that occurs when the ventricles are contracting?
Systolic pressure
Which of the following instruments is used to measure blood pressure?
What are the sounds that are heard in the artery when a blood pressure reading is determined?
Korotkoff sounds
What are the two factors of the blood that determine blood flow?
Resistance and pressure
Which of the following factors influences resistance to blood flow in the arteries?
A. Diameter of blood vessel
B. Viscosity of blood
C. Length of blood vessel
D. All of the above are correct
Which of the following events would cause a decrease in blood flow?
Increased viscosity of blood
Which of the following equations describes the mean arterial blood pressure (MAP)?
What is it called when the sympathetic stimulation keeps the arteries in a constant state of partial
Vasomotor tone
What is the difference between the systolic and diastolic blood pressures called?
Pulse pressure
What are the two factors that determine pulse pressure?
Stroke volume and vascular compliance
Which of the following is a major pulse point on the body?
A. Common carotid artery
B. Radial artery
C. Femoral artery
D. All of the above are major pulse points
Which pair of processes is responsible for the exchange of substances between the blood and interstitial fluid of the tissues?
Diffusion and filtration
Which pair of processes is responsible for the exchange of fluids across the walls of capillaries?
Blood pressure and osmosis
Which of the following local control mechanisms would increase blood flow to the tissues?
Arterioles vasodilate and precapillary sphincters relax
Stimulation from which of the following nervous system areas will directly cause vasomotor tone?
Vasomotor center of the medulla
What is the effect of sympathetic stimulation of blood vessels?
Most blood vessel vasoconstrict and muscle and heart blood vessels vasodilate
Which type of blood vessel is a storage area or reservoir for blood?
Which of the following factors effects venous return?
A. Vasoconstriction and vasodilation
B. Blood volume
C. Valves in the veins and the skeletal muscle pump
D. All of the above effect venous return
Which of the following does NOT effect the mean arterial pressure?
Blood flow
Which of the following sensory receptors detects changes in arterial stretch?
Which of the following is the effect of epinephrine released from the adrenal medulla?
Vasodilation in the skeletal and cardiac muscles and vasoconstriction in skin and kidneys
Which of the following is NOT a chemical that is detected by chemoreceptors that effects blood
Which of the following is NOT a structure where chemoreceptors are located that effect blood
A. Jugular veins
B. Medulla oblongata
C. Aortic bodies
D. Carotid bodies
An drop in oxygen results in a(n)
Increased blood pressure
An drop in carbon dioxide results in a(n)
Decreased blood pressure
Which of the following is released by the kidneys in response to decreased blood pressure?
All of the following are effects of the release of renin by the kidney because of low blood pressure
A. Conversion of angiotensinogen into angiotensin I
B. Release of TSH
C. Release of aldosterone
D. All of the above are correct
Angiotensin II is a powerful
Which of the following is an effect of aldosterone?
A. Conserving sodium ion and water by kidneys
B. Increased blood volume
C. Decreased urine volume
D. All of the above are caused by aldosterone
Vasopressin is considered to be a/an
Both a vasoconstrictor and diuretic
Which of the following is an effect of the release of atrial natriuretic hormone by the heart?
Increased loss of water in urine
Which of the following mechanisms causes a decrease in blood pressure?
Atrial natriuretic mechanism
Which of the following is NOT a change in the cardiovascular system associated with exercise?
Increased peripheral resistance
Which of the following is NOT a change in the cardiovascular system associated with shock?
A. Increased vasoconstriction
B. Increased heart rate
C. Increased blood volume
D. All of the above are changes associated with shock
Veins carry blood towards the heart.
The tunica adventitia is the inner most layer of the wall of the blood vessel.
Arteries are thin walled and conduct blood under low pressure.
Arterioles are the small arteries that carry blood to the capillaries.
Relaxation of the smooth muscle fibers in muscular arteries causes vasoconstriction of the artery.
Capillaries are composed of several layers of simple squamous epithelium.
The precapillary sphincter controls the flow of blood into the capillary beds.
Veins are the only blood vessel that contain valves.
Varicose veins are veins that are permanently dilated with blood due to failure of their valves.
All arteries originate from the aorta.
The ascending aorta is divided into the thoracic and abdominal aorta.
The coronary arteries send blood to the heart.
The brachial artery is found in the forearm.
The superior phrenic arteries carry blood to the diaphragm.
The superior mesenteric artery is an unpaired artery.
The lateral and medial plantar arteries supply blood to the foot.
The coronary arteries drain blood from the heart.
Blood from the palm of the hand is drained into the digital veins.
The splenic vein drains blood from the pancreas.
The diastolic pressure occurs when the ventricles are relaxed.
The viscosity of the blood can be influenced by the hemoglobin concentration of the red blood
The systolic and diastolic blood pressure remains the same throughout the vascular system.
Arteriosclerosis decreases vascular compliance.
Gravity decreases blood pressure in the arteries of the legs.
When Joe started to do weight training, his muscles became larger and the number of capillaries in his skeletal muscles decreased.
After a meal, Frank’s muscular arteries and arterioles to his stomach vasodilated.

Peripheral resistance effects the mean arterial pressure.
Decreased stimulation of the baroreceptors will result in a decrease in blood pressure.
The release of epinephrine from the adrenal medulla causes a sudden increase in blood pressure.
An increase in blood carbon dioxide levels causes a decrease in blood pressure.
An increase in blood pressure causes the release of renin from the kidneys.
Vasopressin release causes an increase in blood pressure.
Atrial natriuretic hormone causes an increase in blood pressure.
Increased blood pressure causes the movement of fluid out of the interstitial fluid into the blood.