Ch 13 Special Senses Flashcards
Receptors for odorants are
Olfactory hairs
What must be true in order to detect an odor?
A. The odorant must dissolve in mucus of the nasal cavity B. The dissolved odorant binds to receptors on olfactory hairs C. A G protein is activated when an odorant binds to its receptor which opens sodium and calcium gates D. All of the choices are true
What ion channels are opened to produce an action potential in olfactory neurons?
Calcium and sodium
Which of the following is NOT true of olfactory neurons?
They are located just inside the nasal cavity
Which of the following is NOT one of the seven primary odors?
What is the function of basal cells in the olfactory epithelium?
Regenerate the olfactory epithelium and neurons
Odors can produce strong emotional reactions and memories because the olfactory cortex is part of the
Limbic system
Taste buds are located on structures called
Which of the following is NOT a specialized epithelial cell found in taste buds?
A. Chorda tympani B. Taste cells C. Basal cells D. Supporting cells 10.
Which of the following is NOT a primary taste?
A. Umami B. Sweet C. Sour D. Pepperminty E. Bitter
Which primary odor serves to protect from poisons?
Which of the following cranial nerves does NOT carry taste impulses to the brain?
Hypoglossal nerve
Which of the following is the correct sequence in the taste neural pathway?
Medulla oblongata, thalamus, parietal lobe
Which accessory structure of the eyes protect the eyes by preventing perspiration from getting into the eyes?
Which of the following is NOT a function of the eyelids?
A. A barrier to microorganisms B. Protects the eyes from foreign objects C. Lubricates the eyes D. Regulate the amount of light entering the eyes
The blockage of a ciliary gland of the eyelashes is called a/an
What membrane covers the inside of the eyelid and the anterior white surface of the eye?
What structure produces tears?
Lacrimal apparatus
Which of the following is NOT a component of tears?
A. Water B. Salt C. Lysozyme D. Sebum
What is the function of lysozyme in the eyes?
Killing bacteria
Which of the following is NOT an extrinsic eye muscle?
A. Superior rectus muscle B. Orbicularis oculi muscle C. Inferior oblique muscle D. Lateral rectus muscle
The clinical test for normal eye movement is the
H test
Which muscle causes the eye to abduct?
Lateral rectus
Which cranial nerve serves four of the six extrinsic eye muscles?
Which eye layer and its components is matched correctly?
Nervous layer - retina
Which of the following is NOT a function of the sclera?
Absorbs light
The most anterior portion of the sclera is the
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the cornea?
What structure is responsible for most of the refraction of light entering the eye?
What is the function of the choroid of the eye?
Absorbs light
What structures are attached to the lens to change its shape to focus light?
Suspensory ligaments
What is the function of the iris?
Control the size of the pupil
The area of the retina that contains the highest amount of photoreceptors is the
Fovea centralis
What area of the retina contains the least amount of photoreceptors?
Optic disc
What is found in the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye?
Aqueous humor
A build-up of aqueous humor will increase intraocular pressure and cause
What is found in the vitreous chamber of the eye?
Vitreous humor
Which of the following is NOT a function of vitreous humor?
A. Holds the lens and retina in place B. Maintains the shape of the eye C. Refracts light D. All of the choices are correct***
The part of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be detected by the human eye is
Visible light
The process of bending light rays is called
Causing light rays to converge at a point is called
Which is the proper order of the focusing system of the eye?
Cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous humor
Fine adjustments to the refraction of light for focusing is performed by the
Increasing the curvature of the lens will _____ the refraction.
What is the distance that differentiates between far vision and near vision?
20 feet
Which of the following is NOT part of the process used to focus light on the retina for near vision?
A. Pupil constriction B. Accommodation C. Reflection*** D. Convergence
The normal resting condition of the lens for far vision is called
rocess of adjusting the thickness of the lens for near vision is called
The point at which the lens can not adjust to close objects is called the
Near point of vision
Depth of focus increases by
Constricting the pupil
The rotation of the eyes medially to view a close object is called
Which of the following is NOT part of the neural layer of the retina?
Pigment cells
Which photoreceptors are responsible for low-light and noncolor vision?
What is the first event that results in vision in rods?
Light causes retinal to change shape
The adjustment of the eyes when going from a lighted area to a dark area is called
Dark adaptation
What conditions are needed for cones to work properly?
Bright light
What visual pigment is found combined with opsin in cones?
Which of the following is NOT a type of cone?
A. Blue B. Yellow *** C. Red D. Green
What area of the retina has an abundance of cones and no rods?
Fovea centralis
Visual acuity is enhanced with cones because
One cone synapses with one bipolar cell which synapses with one ganglion cell
Which of the following is NOT an interneuron of the retina?
Ganglion cells
What is the role of interneurons in the inner retina?
Help distinguish boundary differences between objects
Which axons from the retina cross in the optic chiasm?
Nasal fields
The optic radiations on the right side contain images from the
Nasal field of the right eye and temporal field of the left eye
The ability to perceive depth and judge distance is due to
Binocular vision
A lesion in the optic chiasm would result in loss of vision from the
Temporal fields of both eyes
Which eye disorder results in clear vision of close objects and blurry vision of distant objects?
The result of myopia is an image focused
In front of the retina
Myopia can be corrected with a
Concave lens
Which eye disorder results in clear vision of distant objects and blurry vision of near objects?
The result of hyperopia is an image focused
Behind the retina
Hyperopia can be corrected with
Convex lens
The effect of aging on the accommodation ability of the lens is called
Astigmatism is caused by
Irregular cornea or lens
Strabismus may be caused by
Weak eye muscles
The decreased ability to function in dim light is called
An excessive buildup of aqueous humor that increases intraocular pressure is
The clouding of the lens as a result of protein buildup is called
The loss of visual acuity in older persons is called
Macular degeneration
What structure separates the outer ear from the middle ear?
Tympanic membrane
What is the function of the auricle of the ear?
Collects and directs sound waves
What structure transmits collected sound waves to the tympanic membrane?
External acoustic meatus
Which of the following is NOT an auditory ossicle?
A. Incus B. Cochlea **** C. Stapes D. Malleus
Which of the following is NOT an opening into/out of the middle ear?
What is the function of the auditory tube?
Equalizes pressure on tympanic membrane in the middle ear
Which auditory ossicle is connected to the inner ear at the oval window?
Which of the following is NOT part of the bony labyrinth of the inner ear?
A. Chorda tympani **** B. Vestibule C. Cochlea D. Semicircular canals
What fluid fills the membranous labyrinth?
What is found in the space between the bony and membranous labyrinths?
Which part of the inner ear is involved with sound?
Which of the following is NOT a division of the cochlea?
Scala basili
What is the actual organ of hearing?
Organ of Corti or spiral organ
Which cochlear chamber is connected to the oval window into the middle ear?
Scala vestibuli
What is found between the vestibular membrane and the basilar membrane of the cochlea?
Cochlear duct
The specialized cell extensions of hair cells that will stimulate neurons for hearing are called
The longest stereocilia of the outer hair cells are embedded in the
Tectorial membrane
Which event occurs first when the stereocilia bend toward the longest stereocilium?
The gating spring in the tip link between stereocilia to stretch
What ion causes depolarization of hair cells of the spiral organ of Corti?
What neurotransmitter is used by hair cells of the spiral organ of Corti?
The resonance quality or overtones of a sound is called
What occurs to sound waves as they are transmitted by the auditory ossicles?
Amplifies the sound
Sounds with a higher pitch will maximally distort the basilar membrane
Nearest the oval window
What is the function of the round window?
Stops the sound waves from reflecting back toward the cochlear canal
Which of the following would be the correct sequence in the propagation of sound waves through the ear?
tympanic membrane; 1. tympanic; 2. incus; 3. auricle; 4. perilymph of scala vestibuli; 5. external acoustic meatus; 6. malleus; 7. round window; 8. endolymph of cochlear canal; 9. stapes; 10. basilar membrane; 11. stereocilia of spiral organ; 12. perilymph of scala tympani; 13. oval window A. 3, 5, 1, 2, 6, 9, 7, 4, 8, 11, 10, 12, 13 (((B. 3, 5, 1, 6, 2, 9, 13, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 7))) C. 5, 1, 9, 3, 2, 6, 12, 7, 13, 11, 10, 8, 4 D. None of the choices are correct
What cranial nerve carries the impulses for hearing to the auditory cortex?
Which brain structure is NOT involved in neuronal pathways for hearing?
Basal nuclei
Static balance is associated with the
What structures are involved with static balance?
Both the utricle and saccule
The structure of the macula includes
A. Stereocilia B. Kinocilium C. Otoliths in the otolithic membrane D. All of the choices are correct ******
What ion produces depolarization in the stereocilia of the macula?
Where are the ear stones found?
What structure is associated with dynamic balance?
Ampulla of the semicircular canals
How does the crista ampullaris respond to rotational movements?
Endolymph bends the cupula that bends the stereocilia
Which of the following nervous system parts is NOT involved with balance?
A. Medulla oblongata B. Auditory cortex **** C. Cerebellum D. Eyes
The most common visual problem of older persons that requires medical treatment is
Olfaction occurs in response to odorants entering the oral cavity.
The olfactory epithelium along with the olfactory neurons are replaced about every two month
Olfaction is a very adaptive sense.
Taste hairs are specialized microvilli of taste cells found in taste buds.
Depolarization of taste hairs requires that the tastants be dissolved in saliva and enter the taste pores.
Taste is not related at all to smell.
The meibomian glands of the eyelashes produce sebum that keeps tears from flowing over the edge of the eyelids.
Pinkeye is also known as acute contagious conjunctivitis.
Excess tears flow through lacrimal canaliculi into the oral cavity.
A high amount of water in the cornea allows it to better transmit light.
The sphincter pupillae muscles respond to sympathetic stimulation, while the dilator pupillae respond to parasympathetic stimulation.
The color of the iris is due to genetic determined amounts of melanin.
Another name for the optic disc is the blind spot.
The lens is a biconcave disk that is avascular and transparent.
If a lens is convex and thickest in the middle, light rays will converge.
The image projected onto the retina is inverted.
The lens should be relatively flat and thin for near vision.
When the ciliary muscle contracts, the lens will become more rounded.
The near point of vision gradually shortens as we get older.
The light rays pass through the retina to reach the photoreceptors deep in the retina while the action potential travels toward the surface of the retina.
The rods and cones face the vitreous chamber of the eye.
The majority of the retina contains more rods and cones.
The temporal part of the left visual field is projected onto the nasal portion of the retina of the left eye.
The middle ear is a fluid-filled cavity containing the auditory ossicles.
The specialized cells of the organ of Corti involved in hearing are called hair cells.
The outer hair cells of the organ of Corti are most involved with hearing.
Static balance is concerned with the position of the head relative to gravity and linear acceleration and deceleration.
Moving the head backward to look up into the sky would cause the stereocilia of the macula to bend toward the kinocilium and change the position of the otoliths in the otolithic membrane.
Age-related hearing loss is called presbyopia.