Ch. 13 - Imagery Flashcards
What does imagery consist (allices) of?
mental rehearsal
mental practice
What does imagery involve?
creating an experience in your mind and recreating an experience in your mind with senses, moods, and emotions
The senses are:
-kinesthetic (feeling of body in diff. positions)
-tactile (touch)
-olfactory (smell)
What are the basic components of imagery?
Vividness and Contrallability
Define Vividness in Imagery
recreate or create as closely as possible the actual experiences in your mind as an image using all your senses and emotions
Define Controllability in Imagery.
learning to manipulate your images so they do what you want them to
What are the different types of Imagery?
Define Internal Imagery
seeing through your own eyes
Define External Imagery
See yourself as an observer
Define Mastery imagery
you imagine yourself exactly as you would want to (idea situation)
Define Coping Imagery.
Seeing yourself in a bad situation and trying to correct it (seeing what can go wrong and trying to fix it)
What are some Imagery Tips?
Use a proper setting (comfortable, no distractions, etc)Use relaxed concentration Focus on vividness and controllability Maintain positive focus Use videotapes Image execution and outcome Image in real time
Describe the Pyschoneuromuscular Theory.
-its like a mind-body activation
-states that when you vividly imagine performing a movement, you use neural pathways similar to those you use when actually performing the movement
Ex: a skier imaging going down a hill, the leg muscles activity were higher than actually physically performing it
Describe the Symbolic Learning Theory.
when you are practicing imagery, you practice the mental blueprint of it and the stronger the image becomes in your mind, the more likely you are to remember it
Describe the Psychological Skills Hypothesis.
states that when you engage with imagery, you improve concentration, confidence, and decrease your anxiety level
Why do we use Imagery?
to improve confidence to improve concentration practice sport skills control emotional responses (moods & emotions) improve performance manage pain
When is it best to use imagery?
before and after practice before and after competition during breaks in action (like during competition; ex: before a penalty) during personal time when recovering from injury