Ch. 12 - Safety & Quality in Medication Administration Flashcards
Quality & Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN):
Focus ---> *Safe = medication administration *Prevent = med-related errors ---------------------------------------------- Six competencies
Avoid Medication Errors:
- Traditional 5 rights of Medication Admin.
* 5+5 Rights of Drug Admin.
1.) Right Client
2 forms of ID:
1.) Check wrist (identification band)
2.) Ask (client name, birth date)
Check for drug allergies
2.) Right Drug
Who may write a drug order?:
1. ) Physician 2. ) Dentist 3. ) Podiatrist 4. ) Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
Components of a Drug Order (1):
Verify order –>
- Date, time
- Drug name, dosage, route
- Frequency, duration
- Signature of prescriber
Components of a Drug Order (2):
Telephone Order (T.O) or Verbal Order (V.O)
RN –> writes order – “TO (or VO) per Dr. Smith/V. Odell, RN”
Prescriber signs order
To Avoid Drug Error:
Read label 3 times:
- ) Taking container from its location
- ) Before pouring the med
- ) After pouring the med
4 Main Categories of Drug Orders:
- ) Standing (routine)
- ) One-time (single dose)
- ) PRN (as needed)
- ) STAT (immediately) *technically a one time order as well
3.) Right Dose (1):
Automated / computerized medication – management system ==> most common
3.) Right Dose (2):
Keep unit does med in packet until administering
NEVER administer med that someone else prepared
4.) Right Time:
How many times / day: PRN
*Bid (2x day)
*Tid (3x day)
Qid, qd –> Write out! —- Qid (4x day)
Q 4hrs, Q 6hrs = (every 4/6 hrs)
May give 1/2hr before or after ordered time know before and after meal abbreviations
5.) Right Route:
Oral (po) = tablet, liquid -------------------------------------- Sublingual = under tongue -------------------------------------- Buccal = between teeth & tongue -------------------------------------- Feeding Tube -------------------------------------- Topical ---> Inhalation, Installation, Suppository, Parenteral
Nursing Implications:
(a) : Assess ability to swallow for oral meds
(b) : Aseptic technique when admin
(c) : Stay with client until orals meds are swallowed
6.) Right Assessment:
Obtain appropriate data before you admin
7.) Right Documentation (1):
(a) :Drug
(b) :Dosage
(c) :Time
- Route/Site
- Signature (initials)
Right Documentation (2):
PRN meds
- Nurses notes --> need for med and clients response * DO NOT pre-chart any information
8.) Right to Education:
Clients should receive accurate info regarding their meds
9.) Right Evaluation:
(a) :Evaluate effectiveness of med
(b) : Determine client’s response
10.) Right to Refuse:
Ask: Why is client refusing?
Six Nurses Rights When Administering Medication (1):
- ) Right to complete and clear order
- ) Right to have the correct drug, route, and dose dispensed
- ) Right to have access to information
Six Nurses Rights When Administering Medication (2):
- ) Right to have policies to guide safe medication administration
- ) Right to administer meds safely and to identify system problems
- ) Right to stop, think, and be vigilant
Culture of Safety:
Medication Error:
“Any Preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or to harm a patient”
Bar Code Label Requirements for Human Drug Products & Blood:
Bar code method of medication admin.
-wristband has a scanner that organizes info about pt and reinforces pt safety with admin.
To Prevent Drug Errors:
The Joint Commission (TJC)
-May not use certain abbreviations, acronyms, & symbols d/t misinterpretation (“DO NOT USE” list)
Disposal of Medication (1):
(a) : Follow specific info on drug label/insert
(b) : Do not flush meds down the toilet unless instructed
(c) : Remove drug from original container
Disposal of Medication (2):
(d) : Dispose in a sealed bag with kitty litter / coffee grounds
(e) : Remove all identifying information on container
Sharps Safely (1):
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) Needlestick Safety & Prevention Act of 2000
- d/t ANA Campaign Safe Needles Save Lives
Sharps Safely (2):
Employers must ensure that no preventable needle stick injuries occur
Sharps Safely (3):
Dispose of used gloves, needles/syringes
-NEVER re-cap used needle
Look-alike & Sound-alike Drug Names:
(a) : Certain drug names sound alike and are spelled similsry
(b) : Lightning bolt symbolizes safety concerns
Other Information:
Guidelines for Correct Administration of Medications
Behaviors to Avoid During Medication Administration (1):
(a) : DO NOT be distracted when preparing meds
(b) : DO NOT give drugs poured/prepared by others
(c) : DO NOT give expired drugs
Behaviors to Avoid During Medication Administration (2):
(d) : DO NOT leave drugs at bedside
(e) : DO NOT give drug if p/t states he/she has allergies to the drug or drug category
(f) : DO NOT mix drugs with a large amount of food or beverages