Ch. 12 Adolescents (12-18 yrs) Flashcards
Accultrative Stress
Psychological distress resulting from conflict between an individuals minority culture and the host culture
At adolescence, a sense of oneself as a separate, self governing individual. Involves relying more on oneself and less on parents for support and guidance and engaging and careful, well reasoned decision
Bicultural Identity
The identity constructed by exploring and adopting values from both the individuals subculture and the dominant culture
A group of about 5 to 7 members who are friends and, therefore, usually resemble one another in family background, attitudes, values, and interests
Conventional Level
Kohlberg’s second level of moral development, in which Morrow understanding is based on conformity to social rules to insure positive human pollution ships and maintain societal order
Ethnic Identity
A sense of ethnic group membership in the attitudes, beliefs, and feelings associated with that membership, as an enduring aspect of the self
A well organized conception of the self that defines who won is, what one values, and what directions one chooses to pursue in life
Identity Achievement
The identity status of individuals who, after a period of exploration, have committed themselves to a clearly formulated set of self chosen values and goals
Identity Diffusion
The identity status of individuals who do not engage in exploration and not committed to values and goals
Identity Foreclosure
The identity status of individuals who do not engage in exploration but, instead, I committed to ready-made values and goals chosen for them by authority figures
Identity Moratorium
The identity status of individuals who are exploring but not yet me to self chosen values and goals
Identity Vs Role Confusion
In Ericksons theory, the psychological conflict of adolescence, which is resolved positively with adolescents achieve an identity through a process of exploration and inner soul searching
Moral Identity
The degree to which the morality is central to an individual self-concept
Postconventional Level
Kohlberg’s highest level of moral development, in which individuals define morality in terms of abstract principles and values that apply to all situations and societies
Preconventional Level
Kholberg’s first level of moral development, in which children except the rules of authority figures and judge actions by the consequences, viewing behaviors that result in punishment as bad and those that lead to rewards as good
IDENTITY vs. Role Confusion (Erikson’s Theory)+
Erikson’w theory says adolescents search for a sense of self and personal IDENTITY (determining who you are, what you value, and the direction in life you want to take) , through an exploration of personal values, beliefs, and goals followed by commitment.
Success leads to an ability to stay true to oneself, while failure leads to ROLE CONFUSION and a weak sense of self.
The 5th stage of Erik Erikson’s theory of PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT.
IDENTITY CRISIS – a temporary period of distress as they experiment with alternatives before settling on values and goals (i.e. their IDENTITY)