ch 11- language Flashcards
what are the four major concerns of psycholinguistics?
comprehension, representation, speech production, and acquistion
speech segmentation
the perception of individual words even though there are often no pauses between words
word frequency effect
you respond more quickly to higher frequency words
lexical priming
when a word is followed by another word with similar meaning
Tanenhaus experiment
showed that people briefly access multiple meaning of ambiguous words before the effect of context takes over
structure of a sentence
determining how strings of words create meaning
garden path sentences
sentences that appear to mean one thing but then end up meaning something else-temporary ambiguity
garden path model of parsing
states that as people read a sentence their grouping of words into phrases is governed by heuristics
constraint based approach
the idea that information in addition to syntax participates in processing as a person reads or hears
visual world paradigm
involves determining how information in a scene can influence how a sentence is processed- Tanenhaus apple and towel experiment
why is prediction in language important?
predictions help us deal with the rapid pace of language, and aid in coherence when language is degraded
anaphoric inference
inferring who the pronoun in the sentence is from the person named in previous texts
instrument inference
inferring what objects/tools were being used when not explicitly stated- Bransford and johnson language experiment
causal inference
you infer that events described in one clause or sentence were caused by events that occurred in a previous sentence
situation model
stimulated the perceptual and motor characteristics of objects and actions in a story- Stanfield and Swaan passage/picture object identification experiment
what does event related potential (ERP) measure?
how our knowledge abt a situation is activated in our mind as we read a story
synchronization between 2 partners
syntactic coordination
how conversational parties can end up coordinating grammatical constructions
syntactic priming
hearing a statement with a particular syntactic construction increases the chances that a sentence will be produced with the same construction
theory of mind
ability to understand what others feel think or believe and ability to interpret and react to the persons gestures, expressions, etc
pattern of intonation and rhythm in spoken language
what do music and language have in common
both create emotion
congenital amusia
severe problems with tasks such as discriminating between simple melodies or recognizing common tunes