Ch 10-Why Ask that Question-What Do We Already Know? Flashcards
where are most research derived from (2 places)
Research problems are derived from 3 sources but the two most gen sources of research problems are
o 1) problems derived from practice
o 2) problems derived from theory
what is inductive knowledge
• Inductive knowledge is dev by pulling observations and facts gen through research together to gen theory. It starts w pieces wo build a whole theory which is then used to suggest further obsv that might be expected hich are then used to refine the theory
definition from the index: a process of taking specific facts or observations together to create general theory
what is deductive knowledge
• Deductive knowledge is dev by proposing a theory regarding a phenomenon of interest. It starts w the whole and breaks down the parts of the theory, seeking obsv and facts to support the abstract relationsips proposed by the theory. Obsv that support/refute the theorys predictions are used to refine the theory/revise it. Then it is tested more
from index: a process of taking a gen theory and seeking specific observations or facts to support that theory
what should problem, intro, background theoretical framework, lit review have in it
o Provide broad context or rationale for the problem
o Define the problem
o Summarize whats already known about the problem
what is a theoretical framework
• Theoretical framework is an underlying structure that describes how abstract aspects of the research problem interrelate based on dev theories
what is a conceptual framework
an underlying structure for building and testing knowledge that is made up of concepts and the relationships among the concepts
• A conceptual framework also is an underlying str but it comprises concepts and the relationships among them
what is a theory
• A theory is an abtract explanation describing how different factors or phenomena relate
what do conceptual and theoretical framework and theory have in comon
all provide a description of the proposed relationshis among abstract components that are aspects of the research problem of interest
what does a literature review include
of whats known about those variables, how those variables have been studied in the past and with whome theyve been studied
what is a literature review
- Lit review is a synthesis of the lit that describes whats known or has been studied regarding the issue
- Lit reviews aren’t exclusively snthesiszing published research, could include some scholaraly and theorietical work that isn’t research. It entails combining and summarizing key point from a focus of a number or pertinent research studies
how recently do you want to have the information in your study
• Gen we expect that most of the lit cited in a lit review be published within 3yrs optimally of the date of publication of the report and no more than 5yrs from the date but sometimes there isn’t enough research o there were important or classic studies
what are primary vs secondary sources
which is better and why
- Another way to ensure that a study is based on current knowledge is use of primary sources which are sources of info as orig written
- A secondary source is someone elses description or interpretation fo a primary source. The secondary source may distort the meaning of the orig (like game of telephone)
• Another reason to use primary sources is because we want the autor to choose the sources and assess their validity not just take it at face value
what does peer reviewed mean
what is another word for when a paper has been critically reviewed
• Peer review means its been read and critiqued by two or more peers before being accepted.
Refereed is another term for a critical review of manuscripts before being accepted for publication
how can you find out if an article was refereed
• You can fidn out whether a partic publication is refereed by checking the authors guidelines for a ournal often avail on the website and always in the journal itself
• A research report should include at least 2 and often 3 levels of depth about the knowledge being sought in the study
what are they
o research problem
o research purpose, research Question, specific aims of research, research objectives (identifies specific variables for the study)
o hypotheses, research questions, research objectives (specific and measurable)
what is a hypothesis and what does direction mean in relation to this
• A hypothesis may predct whether there will be a relationship between two variables (and whether it is positive or negative) or it may state the nature of the relatinsip between them
what is a directional hypothesis
• A directional hypothesis predicts that two variables will be related and as well predicts the direction of that relationship. Itll predict for example that as the score for one variable inc the score for the seond variable will inc
what is a n0ndirectional hyptheiss
can a research question be directional
• Nondirection hypothesis predicts that two variables will be related but doesn’t predict the direction of that relationship. T or F a directional hypothesis
yes it can be either non or directional
what is a null vs a research hypothesis
• Te research hypothesis predicts rel or differences in variables whereas the null hypothesis states that therel be no relationship among variables
what is the null hypothesis purpose and what is its purpose
- Null hypothesis is dev for statistical purposes and represent the assumption made in inferential stats that most relationsjip or differences that may be found in any particular sample might have occrued by chance alone
- The idea of a null form isn’t applied to research question onl to predictions in the form of statements
what kind of statement does the background usually end with
The background usually ends with a statement of a research purpose or questions that specify the variables to be studied the lit review starts with the purpose o questions that specify the variables to be studied.
how does the background usully start
• It sets the wstage for the rest of the research report by giving us a gen setting for the study in terms of the problem; the specific purpose of the study, including the study variables and an understanding of how this study will fit with current theory and research based knowledge
what are the common errors in background and lit review (5)
failure to dev a link among research purpose and any specific hypothesis or questions
2-not providing enough info to fulfill purpose of these sections
failure to adequately reference statements
using 2ary sources
and out of date references are