Ch 10 Experimental Research Flashcards
a controlled method of observation in which the value of one or more independent variables is changed to assess the casual effect on one or more dependent variables
laboratory experiments
conducted in artificial settings that are constructed in such a way that selected elements of the natural environment are simulated and features of the investigation are controlled
field experiments
are conducted in natural settings as people go about their everyday affairs
experimental stimulus (or experimental treatment)
an independent variable that is directly manipulated by the experimenter to assess its effect on behavior
experimental group
a group of subjects exposed to the experimental stimulus
experimental condition
describes the group of people who receive the experimental stimulus
symbols in logic of experimentation
O = observation or measurement of dependent variable X = exposure of people to the experimental stimulus or independent variable R = random assignment to conditions
experimental variability
variation in the dependent variable produced by the independent variable and is the focus of interest in experiments
extraneous variability
variation in the dependent variable from any source other than the experimental stimulus and it makes inferences about change in the dependent variable difficult
control variables
variables whose value is held constant in all conditions of the experiment
control group
group of research subjects who are provided the same experiences as those in the experimental condition with a single exception: the control group receives no exposure to the experimental stimulus
control condition
refers to the state of being in a group that receives no experimental stimuli
involves matching individuals in the experimental group with similar subjects for a control group
random assignment
uses chance to reduce the variation between experimental and control groups
combination of matching and randomization. the subjects are first matched on one or more key variables to form blocks of similar subjects. members of each block then are randomly assigned to the experimental and control conditions